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Drinking alone....


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So I have had a TERRIBLE couple of days today especially today so I just WALKED up to the speedway on 161/sinclair and purchased a bunch of Budweiser Hurricane High Gravity 8.1 percent alcohol 24oz cans and yea thats my miserable night so far anyone else having fun
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So I have had a TERRIBLE couple of days today especially today so I just WALKED up to the speedway on 161/sinclair and purchased a bunch of Budweiser Hurricane High Gravity 8.1 percent alcohol 24oz cans and yea thats my miserable night so far anyone else having fun


I am sorry to hear that. There have been few times ;) I drank like that. It will get better soon, especially if you drink one glass of water after every tall boy. :nod:

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what the hell is a bud hurricane? Dude if your gonna sulk and feel sorry for yourself do it right. Go out, buy a bottle of patron and black out for the rest of the night.


I have to point out the obvious, so your feeling all down b/c your girl fucked around on you, but then you admited to doing the same thing? Did you not think that it works both ways? If your going to cheat you cant be emotionally invested in the relationship in the first place so why would it effect you so much. Sorry for breaking out into a Dr. Phil moment, commence getting drunk.

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Matt, I hear ya man my gf turned out to be a lying hooker (I might not have room to talk) but still bad week and i cant take the mustang out for a spin to make me feel better dont know what to do....

In a relationship you should treat your partner how you want to be treated. So if you messed around behind her back I wouldn't be suprised she did the same too. I used to think all girls were lying hookers until I met my current g/f. I can honestly say it's been the best ten months I've ever spent with someone. There are still good girls out there, it just takes a while to find them.


Cheer up, it's just a dumb girl. If she's going to go around sleeping with other guys she doesn't deserve your time anyway. Get sober and begin to move on.

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