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Thorne weight update!


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Congrats man! Are you going to Whempys tonight? My buddy with the WRX is trying to lose some weight. I don't know if you remember talking to him at the last Whempys or not about the WRX but if your gonna be there come tell me how you lost the weight I think it may help him get a little more motivated if he heard you telling me your success story.
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Congrats man! Are you going to Whempys tonight? My buddy with the WRX is trying to lose some weight. I don't know if you remember talking to him at the last Whempys or not about the WRX but if your gonna be there come tell me how you lost the weight I think it may help him get a little more motivated if he heard you telling me your success story.


does your buddy go to devry?

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Lots of cocaine.


Just kidding,


I TRY and eat 1200 Calories a day. But I do go over and 1 day a week as a treat.I have something sweet. I eat Special K or Oatmeal for breakfast. I have found ways to include extra motion in everything I do.


EX. If I goto the store, I park in the back. At night walk around the server room a few times. On my brake I knock out 50 jumping jacks . 10-20 pushups (Started @2) . 50 crunches.


In the morning 3days or more a week I play 3-20 DDR songs.


I go for many many meals a day. ~5. 2 large 3 small/snacks.

A small meal consists of a bowl of special K or a Oat meal.Rice cakes. I love those things.

Large meal would be. Just about what ever I want in moderation, 1 serving each.



The first month is the hardest but it is what sets you right and you will lose 20-30 lbs. The suck is you will feel like your starving and giving into that is the biggest failure. I did not allow myself any type of sweet. Candy bars / cookies / NOTHING. This is not a diet I changed my entire life.


After 30 days you will now have a stomache the right size and normal meals will fill you up. at a restaurant a 5oz steak and Im stuffed.


I also relized I was a compulsive eater. So, When I full instead of eating everything else within reach I pour something over my food. If I'm out tons of pepper or creamer/ at home diet dp. This helped me more then you could imagine.


NO POP, That is so important.


When ever you eat out ask for bread before the main meal. have a single slice it gets your stomache started. You don't realize your hungry until 20-30 minutes.


After thirty days I allow myself sweets on occasion. But only baked things. If its easy to get you can eat it to fast. Still moderation is the key.


NEVER EAT FAST FOOD. You would not believe how many calaories in it. If I'm forced to I try and eat grilled chicken. If the person eats salads that a way better option with light dressing.


and Breakfast NEVER skip it.

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Thorne thanks,


When I was 15-18 I was incrediably fit. I remember when I was 18 I was 6'4" and I weighed 230lbs. I could bench press 385, I could dunk a basketball. I could do a lot of things I can't do now. I ate like a horse, however do to my extremly busy schedule I kept the weight off. I would wake up in the morning and go to basketball practice before school. I would lift during school, went to bball practice after school. Then I would go to the ymca, lift again and play about 3-5 hours of pick-up bball. Then I got a job, and became lazy. My eating habbit didn't change. I would step on the scale and a I saw I was gaining weight and I just didn't care. Next thing I know, 1.5 years latter I weighed over 350.


Earler last year(06) I stepped on the scales and it said 391. I imediatly got on a diet, I ate nothing but healthy choice meals. I had 3 meals a day, and as I snack I would eat a can of tuna or a can of fruit. I did this for about 2.5 months and got down to 33x. I stopped my diet because I got lazy again. I didn't want to pack my lunch for work. It was just so much more convienant to go thru fast food for lunch and then for dinner grab something out of the vending machines. I stepped on the scales again today. It said 359. So I am going to go to the store this weekend, and start up my healthy choice diet again.


Wish me luck.



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I start off with a plain bagle w/ low fat butter and 3 strip's of bacon, and 1 full glass of milk


for my 1st snack 1 bag of popcorn with a bottled water


for lunch ham and cheese sandwich with sunchips and another bottled water


for 2nd snack another bag of popcorn and bottled water (try and drink 1 gallon a day)


for dinner....something regular Steak, Egg's and bacon, Imitation crab meat w/ angelhair pasta....


This has worked well for me with 30 lbs lost...again cut out pop, and fast food all together, another important thing is try and eat your dinner no later than 6:00pm and with a lot of exersize throughout the day. I myself have a gym membership at Gold's on hamilton road. Try and work out 3 times a week, mostly running and some weights.



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