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Part-time job


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wheres my BS flag when i need it?


even if your shop gives you 2$/del (which would be amazing), thats saying each delivery you take gives you 8.50-10.50 tip.


i think the only time i got more than 2-3 of those in a day was the year that the ice storm hit 2 days before xmas (2003?), and that was only because everyone in the city was out of power and could not cook so they were ordering out


Dont call any bull shit. You do not know the extent of my pay. I get 25 cash for coming in. I get payed under the table. Most I made at the pizza shop I work at most, where I dont drive is 58 in tips, and 7 dollars per hour, on a 10 hour shift, plus a dollar per delivery, with 16 deliveries. So that is what, 144 dollars in a day of 10 hours?

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Just a bit. Just trying to show I dont bull shit.


25 dollars to walk in.


2-3 per delivery at least which is the delivery fee which I keep.


Add on the tips. 50 can easily be made on 4 deliveries.


working LEGALLY, that'd be damn near impossible, which most people do.

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