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Friend or Fake?


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So just out of a hateful, mean and angry moment.. I thought I would bitch and moan like every other person does on here and get the "amazing opinions" of the fellow CR bunch.. :-)


So say you have a friend who is going through rough times, including severe health issues that may cause death down the road, family trauma, just some pretty rough bumps in the road. We all have them but, is it too much to think that if someone is supposed to be a "true friend" that you could expect or "hope" for these friends to be there for you in your time of need?


I mean to me, if one of my friends was in this "said situation" I would try to keep them motivated, cheery, happy and as stress-free as possible, because I care about them and care about there well-being! I mean is that wrong?; or are expectations of people set too high these days? Have people just forgot what the meaning of "thoughtfulness", "consideration", "being kind without the hopes of getting something in return" is? I honestly just don't get it.


It's like some people treat there friends like they treat there old worn out shoes. Used, and thrown away when your done with them. I guess I value people in my life more than that. Who knows.

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That's probably very true. But I mean it's like aren't we accountable for the people in our lives that are supposed to mean something to us? Aren't we as "humans" supposed to be there for people? I dunno... I just have been seeing things in a different way lately and see how some people treat others and just makes you sit back and rethink the ways we are with others and sometimes seeing one person act a certian way, makes ya wonder if we do the same thing, and if we aren't liking what we are seeing, we try to better ourselves so we don't treat others that way.
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  KillJoy said:
You need better "friends" then.







+ 39873985794857934875938479


My best friend happens to be going through somthing similiar, and ive been there from the start.


I used to call off random days of work and entertain......i did end up getting fired after a while. but your right its mostly about keeping them happy and stressfree. and for me and my friend... that means alot of quiznos and driving from willowick to cleveland like retards lol.


the only real way to judge your friendship with others are the sacrafices your "friends" make for you....

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  hotrodmama024 said:
+1 Friends work both ways... you scratch there back they scratch yours. End of story.


the shity part is alot of times it only does go one way and the good friend gets shit on when they expect their back scratched.

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"Some friends will come bail you out of jail if you get arrested. But a TRUE friend will be sitting on the bench next to you saying "Man, that was AWESOME!'"


It's hard to find good friends, and it isn't until rough times that you find out who your good friends are. It's tough, but tat's the way life is, unfortunately. :( All I can say is to pay attention to who your True friends are and treasure them. :)

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  Draco-REX said:
"Some friends will come bail you out of jail if you get arrested. But a TRUE friend will be sitting on the bench next to you saying "Man, that was AWESOME!'"


It's hard to find good friends, and it isn't until rough times that you find out who your good friends are. It's tough, but tat's the way life is, unfortunately. :( All I can say is to pay attention to who your True friends are and treasure them. :)



oh so true.


especially the sitting next to you in jail part.



Amy, it doesnt matter how much you go through, the hardships you come across or the shit that blows up in your face...no matter how shitty shady or fucked up shit is..... your true friends, the people who will be there forever, the people who really care will be there...no matter what.....and what most of the public would judge you on would go down easier then cheesy tots at sonics with your "true friends".

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  Farley said:
oh so true.


especially the sitting next to you in jail part.



Amy, it doesnt matter how much you go through, the hardships you come across or the shit that blows up in your face...no matter how shitty shady or fucked up shit is..... your true friends, the people who will be there forever, the people who really care will be there...no matter what




Well next time we pick on a mustang in the Benz.. least I know youll be sitting on the bench with me in handcuff too telling me how slow that F-body is of yours haha J/K


But yeah I do agree with you on the other stuff. Being a friend sometimes means, putting up with shit, and sometimes the bestest friends will go through something terrible and not talk for months or years, then one day they finally calm down and work through things. Thats when ya know you really are a valued thing in someones life. Its all about the little things I think.


"tear" lol






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Guest hotrodmama024
  girlygirl18t said:
I agree with you 100% (even when they say they are going to call you back in 10 minutes and you still have not heard from them in almost a month) This means you Hoochie




Thought you were supposed to call me Monday Amy!! lol Sorry had to give you crap.

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Yes, a true friend would support you. But you must be careful not to do things for people and expect something in return and/or when they don't behave as you expect, get upset. Since we don't know the whole story, it's really hard to comment. Are they really being that thoughtless or maybe they're just not reacting how you'd like them to or expect them to, thus angering you? Just giving you stuff to think about.

Look, if this person is really that important to you, then the answer is simple. Calmly discuss it with them without placing blame, etc (careful with words, they really are as powerful as the proverbial stick and stone) and talk it out. You'll find out what's really going on and whether you work it out as friends or not, you'll feel better having gotten into the open and settled.


Oh wait. I'm a guy. Sex will solve everything. Doesn't matter with who. Ok, I'm out.

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Most people for one reason or another dont allow themselves to become friends with a person who could potentially become a "true friend". Sometimes even on here it seems like a person who potentially could in all actuality be a really nice person, just get shit upon because 1 person takes offense to something they may have said or maybe said something that is incorrect. Then the mass' pile on. I have always tried to live my life treating each person I meet with the same respect I would want to be treated with. If a friend of mine has an issue with a person, I then dont automatically have the same issue. I would still like to see cr become an actual "club". An hold meetings/events where everyone here could come to and see a familar face. Those are where "true friends" are made. Life seems like HS sometimes with all the cliques.
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Sad but true....I can't explain it and the matter is so deep I often times avoid trying to figure it out. That's why I'm so close with my family. Things like that don't happen as often in family as they do with non blood relations...although there are cases where that's reveresed. Thankfully in my family, we're all very, very tight.


In the end, I try and live my life like your second to last sentence and accept the fact that not everyone feels the same. In those cases you just have to know who they are and react accordingly.....but I do believe in "taking the high road." and that "what goes around comes around."


  Amy said:

It's like some people treat there friends like they treat there old worn out shoes. Used, and thrown away when your done with them. I guess I value people in my life more than that. Who knows.

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Ever watch ConAir?


"There's only two people in this world that I trust, one of them's me, the other one's not you."


It all boils down to trust IMO. You cant trust anyone anymore. Why? Because life is a popularity contest appearently. Someone you know will always be willing to throw you under the bus, just to be liked, or get a little closer to being in a better position to use someone else just a little more. I have very few close friends... im talking people id trust to jump in front of a bullet for me. Yea it sucks, but to me, if i havnet known you for half a decade without you feeding me to the wolves, your just an aquaintence, and suseptable to severe retaliation in the event that you feel you can fuck me like the Olsen twins on their 18th birthday.


how many times have you asked people to keep a secret, and it gets out? Too many times i bet. If people could just act civilized and keep thier mouths shut when they should, life would be a lot easier.

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  ImUrOBGYN said:
Yes, a true friend would support you. But you must be careful not to do things for people and expect something in return and/or when they don't behave as you expect, get upset. Since we don't know the whole story, it's really hard to comment. Are they really being that thoughtless or maybe they're just not reacting how you'd like them to or expect them to, thus angering you? Just giving you stuff to think about.

Look, if this person is really that important to you, then the answer is simple. Calmly discuss it with them without placing blame, etc (careful with words, they really are as powerful as the proverbial stick and stone) and talk it out. You'll find out what's really going on and whether you work it out as friends or not, you'll feel better having gotten into the open and settled.


Oh wait. I'm a guy. Sex will solve everything. Doesn't matter with who. Ok, I'm out.


Christian, you always have pretty sound advice. The person means a lot to me, for sure. I don't want to blame them for there actions, I'd only like them to see maybe that there actions affect others in maybe a more powerful way than they are aware of sometimes. I guess why Im kinda being a little hard on them is because I see all the rest of my friends being kinda and thoughtful and making big efforts and maybe it's just me being pissy because I really want this person to be making the same kinds of effort. Not meaning that in a bad way, but it's because I care about this person the most and its just difficult I guess and hurtful sometmes when I dont really see any effort at all on there part to be supportive....


I have never felt like you should have to ask someone to be thoughtful or be a bigger support for you in your life when things go south, because I automatically thought thats what happens when you care. I guess sometimes, maybe we should sit down and try to let the other one know how things are and how we feel and just "hope" they dont take it wrong.. and just see that we have the best of intensions for talking to them, and also hope they dont take it as putting them down or anything like that.


I'm terrible with words, my emotions and actions always speak louder than words, which I guess can be good a lot, but really bad when it isn't how you want it to come across. Always hard to get things said straight and done right when you have strong feelings for someone and just want everything to go 100% and when it doesnt go that way, its always difficult and frustrating.


Took the advice, and wrote it down... maybe they can see the good intentions behind the words I wrote and see the positive side of what Im trying to do instead of anything negative.


Thanks guys for the advice... much appreciated.

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