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Putty was right...for once. Holiday burglaries...


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Well I thought I would post this to inform people that burglaries do occur during the holiday season. As Putty posted in the Thanskgiving thread started by ninjachick....be careful what you post online so people don't try to break in and steal your stuff!!!

Wednesday afternoon I had cmoosego come over to fix my electric box in my basement. At that time my door and locks were in perfect condition. When cmoosego and vroddave came over Saturday morning to finishing some work at my home someone had attempted to jimmy the deadbolt on the front door. I have an alarm system on my house but that sometimes does not stop burglars. Plus my neighbors are ALWAYS watching my house (I actually think my neighbors across from me stalk my house...lol). This still did not stop someone from attempting to break in. I had all my lights on (inside and out). I used all the precautions yet I was still a target.

Just another FYI...I post alot on here asking people for advice/help about things in my house. There is a wide variety of expertise on the board here but I think sometimes b/c I am such an open person I can be an easy target. I am very naive when it comes to people's motives. I would NEVER think of taking something that didn't belong to me but that doesn't mean others won't. Now let me clear this up....I am NOT suggesting anyone on here would do this to anyone on the board BUT you have to realize that at ANY time there are usually 10 to 15 guests reading our posts. I don't know why people aren't members but nevertheless people still stalk our site. I am just trying to get others to be cognizant of what could happen to you. Hope some of this helped guys/gals.



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another tip... when you buy a nice flat screen plasma, or blue ray player or whatever, dont set the box out in the trash in front of your house.

thats just like a sign that says "hey i got a new plasma, come steal it"

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btw, two kids sat out in the creek bank behind my place, a couple of weeks ago, trying to throw rocks through a neighbor's patio window. Common theft target of kids is game machines and the games. They broke the window, and they did get caught. Some of the city and other workers in the area saw them and called it in. The kids were rather obvious, they should have been in school at that time of day. What surprised me, was the gal next door saw them, and didn't call it in. I understand that seeing something strange going on makes people hesitate, but let the cops figure it out, they like to do that.

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  ReconRat said:
btw, two kids sat out in the creek bank behind my place, a couple of weeks ago, trying to throw rocks through a neighbor's patio window. Common theft target of kids is game machines and the games. They broke the window, and they did get caught. Some of the city and other workers in the area saw them and called it in. The kids were rather obvious, they should have been in school at that time of day. What surprised me, was the gal next door saw them, and didn't call it in. I understand that seeing something strange going on makes people hesitate, but let the cops figure it out, they like to do that.

I'm home alot during the day & I have actually gone up to people that were in my neighbors yard and questioned them. I know a time or two I caught people being in our subdivision that shouldn't have been! :mad:

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  jagr said:
glad they didnt get in. basement windows are a favorite entry point as well.

I know. I am actually giong to get those vented block windows installed here shortly. I have traps though. Anyone trying to get in from that entry point are getting a surprise & I surely will hear them. I'm home every single night!!!!

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  PrincessPratt said:
I know. I am actually giong to get those vented block windows installed here shortly. I have traps though. Anyone trying to get in from that entry point are getting a surprise & I surely will hear them. I'm home every single night!!!!

see if Chris can do those. i need one put in as well.

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  PrincessPratt said:
I know. I am actually giong to get those vented block windows installed here shortly. I have traps though. Anyone trying to get in from that entry point are getting a surprise & I surely will hear them. I'm home every single night!!!!

You have skunks in your basement too, huh?

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  john said:
another tip... when you buy a nice flat screen plasma, or blue ray player or whatever, dont set the box out in the trash in front of your house.

thats just like a sign that says "hey i got a new plasma, come steal it"

No doubt. Cut the box up in little pieces and bag it.

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I am going to suggest that you don't link your myspace account with a vcard to a forum of any type. It was real easy to figure out where you live. Then all it takes is for you to post that your going on a ride or out of town and a thief is in easy.

I tend to agree it was probably neighborhood teens or kids. A pro would have been in and out and you would be in really crying now.

Check your box of blank checks and make sure you have all of them. that is a favorite trick.... All credit cards and such accounted for??????

For kicks I wanted to see if I could figure it out......took about 2 minutes. I would highly recommend that you don't link your life on line.

I was thinking about how all the guys were posting pictures of their firearms and what a risk that was. this just confirms it.

Edited by Lost
see if I could figure it out.
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  Lost said:
I am going to suggest that you don't link your myspace account with a vcard to a forum of any type. It was real easy to figure out where you live. Then all it takes is for you to post that your going on a ride or out of town and a thief is in easy.

I tend to agree it was probably neighborhood teens or kids. A pro would have been in and out and you would be in really crying now.

Check your box of blank checks and make sure you have all of them. that is a favorite trick.... All credit cards and such accounted for??????

Nobody got in. Plus the police would have been notified when the alarm went off. I keep ALL my files locked up. My house is like fort knox. This isnt' the first time someone has tried to break in. About a month after I was married my ex was looking out the window at night and I noticed some smudge marks on the outside. After looking more carefully I noticed that ALL the windows in the back of my house had the screens pulled out and someone tried to open every single window (you could see the hand prints). It didn't make any sense b/c I worked days at the time and my exhusband worked nights so somebody was home 24 hours a day unless we were both at the gym together. The cops said it was probably just some neighborhood kids. I live way out in the boonies & my back yard is all woods. The back of the house at that time was an easy target.

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  Lost said:

For kicks I wanted to see if I could figure it out......took about 2 minutes. I would highly recommend that you don't link your life on line.

What are you talking about?????????? NOBODY can look at my myspace unless I add them. It says reynoldsburg. Wow??!!?? Plus if people feel like they need to steal from me there is always home owner insurance. Easy fix! Just b/c somebody posts about a gun online doesn't mean they keep it in their home. My dad has about 30 of his guns at my grandpas shop.

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  Lost said:
Sorry didn't mean to touch a nerve.

You didn't but if you would please answer my question. What are you talking about with the 2 minutes??? My address has NEVER been posted online and there are very few people who have been over to my house from this forum. Actually I think less than 10 people. Out of those 10 most people were actually performing a paid service for me. (and not the kind of service some are going to think of....hehehe)

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  PrincessPratt said:
Let me correct myself. I just looked and there are 39 guest logged on. WTF???? Seriously guys why don't u just join???? Stalkers!!! hehehe.

Guests can only view first post I think, just an FYI.

I know what you mean about it though. I was a lil nervous coming home tonight and not being around for the last 5 days. All is well though :)

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  PrincessPratt said:
I have traps though. Anyone trying to get in from that entry point are getting a surprise & I surely will hear them. I'm home every single night!!!!

research the home alone videos, that macaulay culkin is a smart little bastard :lol:

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