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I'm going to jail


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I have not taken the RX7 out for a drive for a few weeks. Last night we go out for a cruise and I'm the first car in a turn lane at a light. Both lanes turn. I'm in the outside lane. Light goes green and I had a feeling this old man would fuck it up. Sure enough, he drives right into my lane, just missing my car. Had I not held off from the light he would have just plowed into my car.

Just today at lunch. This time I'm in the inside lane. Lights been green a while and me and another car go through the turn at the same time. Now this car cuts way over and takes my lane in the turn. Form the outside lane, to the inside!

That's it. Next time it happens, I'm pulling up to them , cutting them off/blocking them in. And getting out. If I go to jail, fine. If not, then now they know.






If it's a chick, I will just sit there and make her cry for driving like a retard. Then I will let the air out of a tire right in the middle of the street. I just don't care.


End rant.

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This is why I always try to be quicker through the turn when possible, without being a danger to traffic. So many people go through these turns without realizing that they aren't the only lane making the turn, so they just wander all over the road. And if I'm not the first car to go, then I make damn sure I pay attention to the other guy because it seems like almost 50 percent of the time they will take up part of your lane while making the turn.
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True story people do not know how to drive anymore. I would be extremely pissed if i drove an rx7 or anything better than a slocus!


I don't care if you drive a Geo Metro spewing smoke everywhere, people still need to learn how to pay attention to other vehicles around them.


Two lane turn + driver on cell phone=disaster.

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Guest hotrodmama024
I threatened to piss on some idiot's car that didnt speak any english cause he wouldnt trigger the light.. and after sitting there through 3 times i finally said i was going to piss on his car if he didnt move the fuck up. What happens when people cant read or road signs? If you cant understand english what makes our goverment think they can drive on english speaking roads?
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Guest hotrodmama024
I know... that just made me think about that sorry. I get behind people on there cells everyday. Just peel around them.. and make so much noise they cant hear what they are saying anyway.
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I threatened to piss on some idiot's car that didnt speak any english cause he wouldnt trigger the light.. and after sitting there through 3 times i finally said i was going to piss on his car if he didnt move the fuck up. What happens when people cant read or road signs? If you cant understand english what makes our goverment think they can drive on english speaking roads?


You actually threatened to urinate on someone's car because they would pull forward enough at a red light?

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I threatened to piss on some idiot's car that didnt speak any english cause he wouldnt trigger the light.. and after sitting there through 3 times i finally said i was going to piss on his car if he didnt move the fuck up. What happens when people cant read or road signs? If you cant understand english what makes our goverment think they can drive on english speaking roads?

From 40 roll queen ....

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I think everyone should be forced to take a written test and road test every year before they get a renewal. It would suck, and not be timely and cost the state a bit more, but folks would either learn or fail. We'd also likely get a lot of the old folks that shouldn't be driving off the road. That right there does it for me.
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Not pulling up to a light is also what uninsured drivers do. I see it with Mexicans all the time. I knew a guy with a lawn care company who told me that some of his workers were talking about it. They drive slow, so no speeding ticket. At lights they don't pull up all the way so they can't get clipped. Some people have no idea that lights are triggered. Most think all lights are on a timer.
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Guest hotrodmama024
Have you been to the light right off of stelzer and Easton? there is like 30 feet from the cross walk and the line to trip the light. No excuse. I see it all the time though. But after you ask him nicely and the guy next to him is saying something... at that point he is either a retard, doesnt understand, or wants to be a dick? so i blame it on doesnt understand. Thats nicer right? lol
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I have not taken the RX7 out for a drive for a few weeks. Last night we go out for a cruise and I'm the first car in a turn lane at a light. Both lanes turn. I'm in the outside lane. Light goes green and I had a feeling this old man would fuck it up. Sure enough, he drives right into my lane, just missing my car. Had I not held off from the light he would have just plowed into my car.

Just today at lunch. This time I'm in the inside lane. Lights been green a while and me and another car go through the turn at the same time. Now this car cuts way over and takes my lane in the turn. Form the outside lane, to the inside!

That's it. Next time it happens, I'm pulling up to them , cutting them off/blocking them in. And getting out. If I go to jail, fine. If not, then now they know.





If it's a chick, I will just sit there and make her cry for driving like a retard. Then I will let the air out of a tire right in the middle of the street. I just don't care.


End rant.

This is a great reason to carry guns in the car :)

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The other day this chick next to me on the freeway was all over her lane. I thought she was going to plow into the side of me so I sped up to get by her. As I looked over I could see she was too busy texting to be bothered with keeping her car between the lines.
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hmmm not the smartest thing i have heard from you joe. Defensive driving ftw.


If you do cut someone off and force them to stop and some other shit, this can be considered road rage. It is now a felony, and you can do some real hard time for it.


This is the only advice worthy of being posted.

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The other day this chick next to me on the freeway was all over her lane. I thought she was going to plow into the side of me so I sped up to get by her. As I looked over I could see she was too busy texting to be bothered with keeping her car between the lines.

That's when you pull forward just enough to clear her bumper so she can see you... And then "avoid some road debris".

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I honk at people who creep into my lane when turning. I so need to make a hand held flip board with writing on it... honk and hold up a sign to the other driver "LEARN TO STAY INSIDE YOUR LANE ! or GET OFF THE PHONE !"
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latest rant....i've had...



Fuckers that are on a one way street and sit in the middle of the road at the intersection



Or they get all the way to the right and then want to turn left (or vice versa), after i've already pulled up beside them


The idiots around OSU are particularly bad about this

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