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Presidential Canidate Calculator


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Bill Richardson (D) - 69.83%

Illinois Senator Barack Obama (D) - 68.10%

Delaware Senator Joseph Biden (D) - 66.38%

New York Senator Hillary Clinton (D) - 63.79%

Connecticut Senator Christopher Dodd (D) - 63.79%

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani ® - 61.21%

Former North Carolina Senator John Edwards (D) - 60.34%

Arizona Senator John McCain ® - 58.62%

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee ® - 51.72%

Ohio Representative Dennis Kucinich (D) - 51.72%

Former Tennessee Senator Fred Thompson ® - 50.86%

California Representative Duncan Hunter ® - 48.28%

Colorado Representative Tom Tancredo ® - 46.55%

Former Alaska Senator Mike Gravel (D) - 42.24%

Kansas Senator Sam Brownback ® - 41.38%

Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney ® - 37.93%

Texas Representative Ron Paul ® - 34.48%

Businessman John Cox ® - 28.45%

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Jeebus I'm a Nazi:


Arizona Senator John McCain ® 73.47% match

Kansas Senator Sam Brownback ® - 71.43%

Former Tennessee Senator Fred Thompson ® - 69.39%

California Representative Duncan Hunter ® - 65.31%

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani ® - 62.24%

Colorado Representative Tom Tancredo ® - 62.24%

Texas Representative Ron Paul ® - 61.22%

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee ® - 59.18%

Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney ® - 53.06%

Businessman John Cox ® - 52.04%

New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson (D) - 46.94%

Delaware Senator Joseph Biden (D) - 38.78%

Connecticut Senator Christopher Dodd (D) - 37.76%

New York Senator Hillary Clinton (D) - 36.73%

Ohio Representative Dennis Kucinich (D) - 36.73%

Illinois Senator Barack Obama (D) - 35.71%

Former North Carolina Senator John Edwards (D) - 28.57%

Former Alaska Senator Mike Gravel (D) - 20.41%


I chose Ron Paul as my vote , though... :eek:

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Connecticut Senator Christopher Dodd (D) - 66.67%

Former Alaska Senator Mike Gravel (D) - 66.67%

New York Senator Hillary Clinton (D) - 61.90%

Former North Carolina Senator John Edwards (D) - 61.90%

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee ® - 61.90%

Illinois Senator Barack Obama (D) - 61.90%

Delaware Senator Joseph Biden (D) - 57.14%

Ohio Representative Dennis Kucinich (D) - 57.14%

New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson (D) - 57.14%

Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney ® - 57.14%

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani ® - 52.38%

Former Tennessee Senator Fred Thompson ® - 52.38%

Kansas Senator Sam Brownback ® - 47.62%

Businessman John Cox ® - 47.62%

California Representative Duncan Hunter ® - 47.62%

Arizona Senator John McCain ® - 42.86%

Colorado Representative Tom Tancredo ® - 42.86%

Texas Representative Ron Paul ® - 38.10%


i also was highly surprised at my answer

and seeing as how i highly doubt this guy is gonna make a final Democratic ballot it looks like i'm probably voting for Edwards or Clinton

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Best match to Joe Biden (who I've always liked) but I'll actually probably vote Thompson. Tempted to vote in the Democratic Primary to vote against Clinton though.



I definitely don't align myself, but I'll probably end up voting blue this year unless that fuckface whore wins the primaries. I'm encouraging everyone I know to register Democrat and vot against Hilary; its not like we definitely need a Republican at this point, we just need to fucking make sure she doesn't get in office. Obama won't do much because he won't get shit for support in Congress, so if we get rid of the possibility of Hilary we could actually have a decent 4 years.

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Should I be surprised?


Texas Representative Ron Paul ® 88.89%


Colorado Representative Tom Tancredo ® - 83.33%

California Representative Duncan Hunter ® - 72.22%

Former Tennessee Senator Fred Thompson ® - 72.22%

Kansas Senator Sam Brownback ® - 66.67%

Arizona Senator John McCain ® - 66.67%

Businessman John Cox ® - 61.11%

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee ® - 61.11%

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani ® - 50.00%

Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney ® - 44.44%

New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson (D) - 38.89%

Former Alaska Senator Mike Gravel (D) - 33.33%

Illinois Senator Barack Obama (D) - 33.33%

Delaware Senator Joseph Biden (D) - 27.78%

Ohio Representative Dennis Kucinich (D) - 27.78%

New York Senator Hillary Clinton (D) - 22.22%

Connecticut Senator Christopher Dodd (D) - 22.22%

Former North Carolina Senator John Edwards (D) - 22.22%

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Top Match

Ohio Representative Dennis Kucinich (D)

97.44% match


Other Top Matches

Illinois Senator Barack Obama (D) - 80.77%

Delaware Senator Joseph Biden (D) - 75.64%

Connecticut Senator Christopher Dodd (D) - 75.64%


Middle of The Pack

Former North Carolina Senator John Edwards (D) - 75.64%

New York Senator Hillary Clinton (D) - 74.36%

New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson (D) - 69.23%

Former Alaska Senator Mike Gravel (D) - 65.38%

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani ® - 41.03%

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee ® - 30.77%

Arizona Senator John McCain ® - 28.21%

Texas Representative Ron Paul ® - 28.21%

Colorado Representative Tom Tancredo ® - 19.23%

Businessman John Cox ® - 17.95%

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Connecticut Senator Christopher Dodd (D)

83.33% match


Delaware Senator Joseph Biden (D) - 75.00%

New York Senator Hillary Clinton (D) - 75.00%

Former North Carolina Senator John Edwards (D) - 75.00%

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani ® - 75.00%

Former Alaska Senator Mike Gravel (D) - 75.00%

Ohio Representative Dennis Kucinich (D) - 75.00%

Illinois Senator Barack Obama (D) - 66.67%

New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson (D) - 58.33%

Arizona Senator John McCain ® - 50.00%

Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney ® - 50.00%

Businessman John Cox ® - 41.67%

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee ® - 41.67%

California Representative Duncan Hunter ® - 41.67%

Texas Representative Ron Paul ® - 41.67%

Former Tennessee Senator Fred Thompson ® - 41.67%

Kansas Senator Sam Brownback ® - 33.33%

Colorado Representative Tom Tancredo ® - 33.33%

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