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to all yankees fans


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we will take just a moment to pay our respects to another championshipless season, i am a true fan i will continue to be a fan and if "THE BOSS" gets rid of torre, i might just have to find a new team, but i doubt it. GO YANKEES
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To all the "yankee" fans man up and actually admit you lost. Instead of the usual Yankee twist that you lost it not that the other team was better. I hate the Yankees they are the worse team in sports. Everything that is wrong with baseball starts with the Yankees. 208 Million dollar payroll and you only win one game in the postseason you are pathetic. Torre isnt a GREAT manager he looks good because what was around him. He will def go to the hall of fame but who wouldnt with his kind of players. Now I cant wait but to only hope and see Cleveland takes out another overhyped franchise in the ALCS. Cleveland is real DEVELOPED team that had to go build their players up to get where they are. Their payroll is close to 25% of the yankees payroll. All in all GO TRIBE!!!....


P.S. Baseball needs a salary cap like no other. They wonder why NFL dominates in ratings, attendence and overall attraction to the sport.

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To all the "yankee" fans man up and actually admit you lost. Instead of the usual Yankee twist that you lost it not that the other team was better. I hate the Yankees they are the worse team in sports. Everything that is wrong with baseball starts with the Yankees. 208 Million dollar payroll and you only win one game in the postseason you are pathetic. Torre isnt a GREAT manager he looks good because what was around him. He will def go to the hall of fame but who wouldnt with his kind of players. Now I cant wait but to only hope and see Cleveland takes out another overhyped franchise in the ALCS. Cleveland is real DEVELOPED team that had to go build their players up to get where they are. Their payroll is close to 25% of the yankees payroll. All in all GO TRIBE!!!....


P.S. Baseball needs a salary cap like no other. They wonder why NFL dominates in ratings, attendence and overall attraction to the sport.


Im glad someone came out of the woodwork and admitted to being a fan. I was pissed last night when we lost, then to see another NY team GIVE AWAY a game to the Cowboys 5 min later.


It had to end sometime. under Torre's 12 year tenur they won 6 World Series and made countless more appearance's to the finals thats not a bad career at all. What i dont understand is why everyone hates so much? Yes the Yankee's have been the best in the past, it doesnt mean they will ALWAYS be or that they will win EVERY game forever. Its almost like their loss was sweet redepmtion for some, but why?


CobraKevin said b/c of their inflated payroll they are the worst team in sports, rather than developing players they buy them. Ok... and? Yes they have enough money to buy their talent, who wouldnt. You think Mark Cuban turned around the Mav's any other way? He spent TWICE the amount he did building up his franchise than the actual cost of buying it outright. Now look at what he's got, a great team that ALWAYS shows up in the Post-season. Lets look at Buffalo Sabre's, they do a great job "developing" players and look where it got them. They made one great run to the stanley cup last season but fell just short (which i was admittadly sad to see), then look what happened in the off season, other teams picked apart their free agent roster because those developed players KNEW they could make more on a team who was willing to spend it. So yeah, Indians won and they deserved to win, our famous Offense didnt even show up. The Rocket threw 3 innings and left which was sad considering it will probably be the last time he'll be in the uniform let alone pitch. Even captain clutch was no where to be seen. They scored first and often. The HR in the bottom of the 9th gave me hope, but wasnt enough. No excuses, they lost. They just better beat Boston.


Oh and I dont think a salary cap would help MLB, it usually hurts smaller market teams (ie, Buffalo Sabre's/NHL's salary cap) rather than helping them.


And for the record Im a Mets/Yankee's, Jets, Islanders, Buckeye fan. I was more mad to see Mets blow their lead and not even show up in the post season than seeing the Yankee's lose last night. So no Fairweather fan BS.

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I'll own up to being a fan. watching that game last night was tough. They just kept leaving people on base and couldn't turn that corner to open the game up.


Unfortunately you could tell last night that the Indians bull pen had the Yanks up against the wall. Cudos to Byrd for being able to really control the first 5 innings.


As for people hating the Yankees, it's just because they're easy to hate, everyone looks up and hates the big boys. If it wasn't them, it'd be someone else. It also makes the games worth watching. Who the hell would want to watch baseball if it didn't make it so damn satisfying when your team beats another team that you hate?

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They wonder why NFL dominates in ratings, attendence and overall attraction to the sport.


Because it doesn't rate right up there in boringness to watch with Curling like Baseball does

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why are people who arent from ny or the ny area yankees fans? thats what i want to know.


No Idea fella, Im from Long Island, born and raised till my family moved here when i was 9. Thats why Im an isle's fan over the rangers. Then again I consider myself an OSU fan and im not originally from here either.


Great thing about being a sports fan in NY, if your team sucks that season you always have a backup :)

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Yankees/Torre fan.... Time for some decent pitchers.... Last year was Johnson, this year it was Clemens.... These guys are almost as old as the umpires! :(


Indians played great all season though. I still think they should have done better in the mid 90's, that was a dream team. Vizquel, Thome, Belle, Ramirez, Lofton, that was a dream team.


We all can hope they beat the sox together.

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Yankees/Torre fan.... Time for some decent pitchers.... Last year was Johnson, this year it was Clemens.... These guys are almost as old as the umpires! :(


Indians played great all season though. I still think they should have done better in the mid 90's, that was a dream team. Vizquel, Thome, Belle, Ramirez, Lofton, that was a dream team.


We all can hope they beat the sox together.


the indians of the 90s had the same problem the yankees of 07 have: pitching.

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why are people who arent from ny or the ny area yankees fans? thats what i want to know.



when i was a kid playing baseball I just always loved watching the Yankees. Grew up with a Don Mattingly poster on my wall. I guess it just stuck, and I've watched them ever since.


Let's not forget that the Yankee history was not all roses. It was tough being a fan (and a kid still playing baseball) in the late 80s - early 90s when the Yankees SUCKED!


Ironically, as a fan, if Torre has to go then I would like to see Mattingly replace him as manager.


As for people being pissed that the Yankees pay the most money to their players, are you more happy that your club of choice just keeps the profits for the owners and shifts the players?

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