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It is getting boring in here


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I am going to link old shit that you might have already seen. I don't care if it is a repost. I am going for thread response here. And yes my interwebz memory is better then yourz.


PS. Top Gear 10x1 @ 700mb looks nice on my TV ;)



1) Steve Balmer is insane =


2) WTF Mates? = http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/end


3) Put my mother fucking tape up in this bitch! I don't give a fuck. (Richard D. James is a God. Bow down) = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1P3Wc-37pC4


4) $100 genuine metallica cock rings are fucking awesome. = http://www.campchaos.com/blog-archives/2006/05/napster_bad.html


5) Dads home to rock out again = http://drennor.com/flash/comedy/misc/dadsHome.htm


6) The Ultimate Showdown = http://drennor.com/flash/comedy/misc/ultimateShowdown.htm


7) Watch all of them = http://www.illwillpress.com/vault.html


8) Lightswitch Raves! = http://www.homestarrunner.com/sbemail45.html


9) Good times at the beach =


10) Treat women like shit. They love that. =


11) Best collection of "what is love" animations = http://www.milkandcookies.com/link/41727/detail/


12) Raise the roof! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8525qLC5TRQ


13) You can not compose better music then this. Download the axle f remixes (over here since you are probably lazy http://www.8bitpeoples.com/discography_gfx.php?artist=The%208bitpeoples.


14) I love the misfits = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=td-QoYceevk


15) Bonus points for you if you have a large computer lab and put this up on every computer. Start to load the page on another computer after the music stars on the first. Rinse and repeat then leave the office. = http://www.webhamster.com/



Thats enough for now. If you got this far why don't you link some stuff I missed?

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When my grandfather in Chicago was in his last days, a lot of the hospital workers told us they heard moans coming from his room late at night. The nurses yelled through the door if he was all right, and he would yell back at them to go away and leave him alone. Then the nurses would go to check, but the door was always locked. This really worried them because he wasn't nearly strong enough to get out of bed, walk to the door, lock it, and go back. He hadn't been able to walk for nearly two years, so they wondered what the fuck was going on.


By the time the nurses would get the right key to the door, the moaning was always over with and my grandpa would be passed out asleep.


This happened 2 or 3 times before they actually figured out what was going on. It was about 9pm one night, and sure enough the moans were coming from my grandfather's room. Instead of asking him if he was ok, the head nurse quickly unlocked and opened the door as quietly as possible. When they entered the room, they screamed. My grandfather was laying in his bed as usual, but on his lap was a nude 14 year old boy. My grandfather had made a deal with him before going into the home to come and sneak into the window once a week and suck his dick for candy.

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When my grandfather in Chicago was in his last days, a lot of the hospital workers told us they heard moans coming from his room late at night. The nurses yelled through the door if he was all right, and he would yell back at them to go away and leave him alone. Then the nurses would go to check, but the door was always locked. This really worried them because he wasn't nearly strong enough to get out of bed, walk to the door, lock it, and go back. He hadn't been able to walk for nearly two years, so they wondered what the fuck was going on.


By the time the nurses would get the right key to the door, the moaning was always over with and my grandpa would be passed out asleep.


This happened 2 or 3 times before they actually figured out what was going on. It was about 9pm one night, and sure enough the moans were coming from my grandfather's room. Instead of asking him if he was ok, the head nurse quickly unlocked and opened the door as quietly as possible. When they entered the room, they screamed. My grandfather was laying in his bed as usual, but on his lap was a nude 14 year old boy. My grandfather had made a deal with him before going into the home to come and sneak into the window once a week and suck his dick for candy.




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1) Steve Balmer is insane = classic Balmer, crazy as fuck


2) WTF Mates? = pretty funny


3) Put my mother fucking tape up in this bitch! I don't give a fuck. (Richard D. James is a God. Bow down) = ok....What The Ghey did i just spend 10 minutes watching, and what was with "the white guys" face? fucking weird


4) $100 genuine metallica cock rings are fucking awesome. = umm...ok


5) Dads home to rock out again = fucking retarded!


6) The Ultimate Showdown = now that's a classic cool/funny video


7) Watch all of them = you've lost your mind, NOT sitting there to watch ALL those


8) Lightswitch Raves! = Strong Bad is the shit!


9) Good times at the beach = silly and funny too


10) Treat women like shit. They love that. = bbooorriiinnnggg


11) Best collection of "what is love" animations = now that was a nice collection


12) Raise the roof! = classic 90's fo sho


13) You can not compose better music then this. Download the axle f remixes (over here since you are probably lazy = probably is cool, but i'll pass


14) I love the misfits = video was kinda cool, but music was horrid


15) Bonus points for you if you have a large computer lab and put this up on every computer. Start to load the page on another computer after the music stars on the first. Rinse and repeat then leave the office. = the hamster dance should get you fired


16) Where my stomach at? = soundboard pranks are good times


17) Round 2 you son of a bitch = too drunk + same sound clips = Boring


18) Internet people = funny, but...........how ironic a song on the internet about internet people

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