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Southwest Parents - LOOK


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What bus does your kid ride home form school? If the numbers on the back match this:


57917 - 442


your kid(s) are on a bus that is out of control. Let me explain.


I was on my way home from the post office and two girls sitting in the back start yelling things out the window, both little blonde girls, about 8-10yrs old. The most obnoxsious one was on the drivers side, very back seat... wearing pink wam up pants, and a winter coat w/ pink hood and neck and black/brown arms shoulders, and a white stripe. This girl along with the other, was CONTINUOUSLY flipping me off... for no reason. Not just me either... they were both holding the bird out the windw at EVERYONE driving by... it was pretty redicuolous. If this is your child, you should be ashamed. And you should also being calling the school and asking why it is that someone from the school isnt on that bus keeping order. Its a zoo. Every single kid was jumping all over the place... no control what so ever.

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What can the driver do? If he raises his voice, it's verbal abuse. God forbid he put a hand on them and put them in their seats.


Kids are animals. Unfit parents should be sterilized. End of story.




And you should also being calling the school and asking why it is that someone from the school isnt on that bus keeping order.


The driver isnt reporting this activity... if if theres no process for it, one needs to be made. I mean fuck, the majority of the kids coming out of these schools are C students at best... its not like theyre spending all of thier time and money on the actual education.. if nothing else teach the little fuckers how to act civilized and not like a pack of wild dogs.

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I see your point, man, but seriously...what are they gonna do? Schools are handcuffed by the fear of a lawsuit they will most likely lose. So go ahead, report it. The principal says, "Wow, that sucks. Tell the kids to be good"


The Bus driver is powerless. They get paid 9 bucks an hour regardless of how the kids behave. Why should they put their neck on the line to do a parent's job? All the processes in the world can't make up for kids that should never exist because they were conceived by two people who shouldnt be allowed to breed.

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first off you should lighten up a little bit, this isn't that big of a deal


we used to moon the fuck out of people on the bus


It is a big deal because these kids are going to be the bread and butter of our country in the next 15-20yrs! So before any of us even get to retirement, these little fuckers are going to be the ones taking over our jobs and running this country. Sorry if it doesnt make you uneasy, but this country already has enough problems, and that generation is going to make it even worse. And the irony of it is, all the people who bitch about the stupid shit like gas prices, school systems, and construction traffic, are the same people who are raising these uncivilized little runts. Way to do your part and contribute to the greater good right? :rolleyes:

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I see your point, man, but seriously...what are they gonna do? Schools are handcuffed by the fear of a lawsuit they will most likely lose. So go ahead, report it. The principal says, "Wow, that sucks. Tell the kids to be good"


The Bus driver is powerless. They get paid 9 bucks an hour regardless of how the kids behave. Why should they put their neck on the line to do a parent's job? All the processes in the world can't make up for kids that should never exist because they were conceived by two people who shouldnt be allowed to breed.


If a teacher can keep order in a class room, they can keep it on a bus. If the kids cant act appropriatly on the bus, they need to be suspended from bus privledges, as well as school. The hassel it will create for the parent would be enough to beat some sence into these kids. most of the busses have cmaeras anyway, just stick an adult on there to keep the kids setteld down. If it gets out of hand, you have it on tape and a phone call is made to the parent that thier child will no longer be able to ride the bus for a given time if they cant behave. bottom line is, youre still in care of the school untill you get off the bus, so anyhting that happens, is still an infraction of the school policies.

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why dont people stop trying to raise other peoples kids and work on thier own, that is the way to make sure that they grow up right.



God Bless this man...



Every one was a kid once and acted stupid. Just because they act stupid on the bus doesnt mean they act that way in school or at home or in public.


I was the class clown all through my school years, at home i was civilized and on the bus i kicked the 5th graders ass in the 2nd grade.

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If a teacher can keep order in a class room, they can keep it on a bus. If the kids cant act appropriatly on the bus, they need to be suspended from bus privledges, as well as school. The hassel it will create for the parent would be enough to beat some sence into these kids. most of the busses have cmaeras anyway, just stick an adult on there to keep the kids setteld down. If it gets out of hand, you have it on tape and a phone call is made to the parent that thier child will no longer be able to ride the bus for a given time if they cant behave. bottom line is, youre still in care of the school untill you get off the bus, so anyhting that happens, is still an infraction of the school policies.


Either call the school and file a formal complaint or don't even bother venting about it. The problem sure as hell isn't going to get fixed by posting on CR (unless the principal of that school posts on here). :p

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It is a big deal because these kids are going to be the bread and butter of our country in the next 15-20yrs! So before any of us even get to retirement, these little fuckers are going to be the ones taking over our jobs and running this country. Sorry if it doesnt make you uneasy, but this country already has enough problems, and that generation is going to make it even worse. And the irony of it is, all the people who bitch about the stupid shit like gas prices, school systems, and construction traffic, are the same people who are raising these uncivilized little runts. Way to do your part and contribute to the greater good right? :rolleyes:


yeah you sure are doing your greater good by complaining about 8 year old girls on the bus giving you the bird. I am sure you were doing a lot worse of things when you were young nick. I know I was, and you know what contrary to the lephrucan I am not the downfall to western civilization, well at least not for that kinda stuff. Those were two little girls probably having fun cause they thought they were doing something "bad". So just go chill and remember that we street race on public roads


ps my kids are going to beat your kids up(for real)


Adam posting

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