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How common are bats in Gahanna?


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I was in the garage throwing a tune on my car and my wife comes out (she just got home) and says there's a "Rat" hanging from the upper part of our stairwell going from the deck into the back room that goes into the house.


Grab my cell phone to snap a pic and take a peak.


It was a good 4" long. Yep. A damn bat. Just hanging from the ceiling.


I grabbed a stick from the garage and tapped the wall. He flew out and was gone.


I haven't seen a bad in person since I was about 10. Kinda odd too that it showed up at my house.

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That's pretty cool. I've seen a few since I've moved here, but nothing like I used to see in Texas. A buddy and I caught one when we were younger. I kept it for quite some time and it tamed very well. I always used gloves when I handled it but eventually stopped months down the road. Not that crazy when I used to have a baby wild caught copperhead that I also raised as a kid and handled (carefully, and not often) without protection once it tamed down. :p
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they used to be all over the underside of the bridge next to wendy's and old bag of nails. since theyve done all the work over there, i havent seen as many. used to see them all the time fishing there as a kid


not to mention, you dont really see them until dusk, and even then, theyre hard as fuck to spot

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I see them all the time fishing... hell when I lived on 12th ave at osu one flew into our house, in a drunken haze me and my roommates tried to catch it with baseball gloves a cardboard box and a butterfly net. We ended up chasing it into the bathroom where it for some unknown reason dove into the toilet. It couldn't get out so we picked it out put it in an extra mouse cage over night to dry out and let it go the next day.
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I see them all the time fishing... hell when I lived on 12th ave at osu one flew into our house, in a drunken haze me and my roommates tried to catch it with baseball gloves a cardboard box and a butterfly net. We ended up chasing it into the bathroom where it for some unknown reason dove into the toilet. It couldn't get out so we picked it out put it in an extra mouse cage over night to dry out and let it go the next day.


John Candy in the Great Outdoors? lol.

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We have them in our backyard. I have no idea where they live or come from, but the back of our yard is lined with a row of trees, evergreens, etc... and they swarm in the tops of the trees starting at dusk.


What's cool is they dive-bomb the kiddie pool if we leave it out. Must be drinking the water.


The really cool thing is we have very little if any mosquito's. We don't even use candles or torches in the summer. Haven't for several years. Not sure if they eat them, but they've been around for the past 3-4 years if memory serves.

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