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Well Deejay (5.7), I am at my wits end

Guest chpmnsws6

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This thread is one sided, and is full of opinions rather than facts. If no one is going to contact DeeJay then I'm just going to close it. Its apparent that DeeJay knows the guy wants his money, so its primary goal has been accomplished.


Right now it sounds like we have 2 people that need to get together, work this out face to face, not post to post.


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I'll ad this, and be off: It is that way because the other side isn't showing up to talk, and it's not for a lack of people trying to get a hold of him.


I know, I sent him a text myself. It definitely looks real bad for him. The way I was raised is that not defending yourself is an admission of guilt.... Hopefully he shows up before the lock.

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Guest chpmnsws6
Why lock this and let it be buried? I am trying to give everyone else a chance to see this so they don't get burned also. I would take him to court, but do not have the time, patience, or money to do so. Please leave the jokes out of this thread.
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Guest chpmnsws6
Bullshit. The dealership, maybe, but that's because they already have a huge budget AND lawyers.

I use "side work" from CR members all the time, a 6 month wait is common place, and I don't care. You're getting a hell of a deal, shut up and wait.








Wrong, the law can. Win or not, he can have deejay in small claims court for a decent amount of time. From what you said, he's in some shit already, I don't think he needs more. Anyone who's been to Athens (or any other hillbilly town) knows that when you talk like you're talking, it means he's getting poked by the law.


Everything I've seen in this thread leads me to believe that DeeJay is, if I were to use the Queens English, a fellow of dubious character...aka a Bitch.

M "The car wont be done for the race"

D "the race is near, I need the car"

M "It's not done, doesn't run"

D "make it run, gimme now"

M "It's not done, so don't race it"


M "whens the car coming back to be finished?"

D ""

Sounds like DeeJay got a bitchin car and Mike lost money. Pretty clear cut.


Were in Lima? I'm from Elida.



That just about sums it up. I told him to give me a few weeks to cool down, work on my own car, and then bring it back to me so I could finish it. I had a VERY long talk with Deejays friend, who is now banned, about the situation. He has cooled down about it I think, and could safely come back to CR if the powers to be will allow it (this coming from the person he threatened in the beginning). I'm within a mile of the school (Northwestern). Hit me up with a PM.

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Here is the full story as I have heard it over the past 2 months.


DeeJay decides he wants to mod the car and hears about you from a friend. He then sends the car to you with the intent on making a race car out of it. After you had the car for a while he starts to wonder whats taking so long. You then get back in touch with him with an explanation and he feels comfortable again. Then in September he sends me another PM asking if he should be nervous because he cant get in contact with you and the track day is a few days away (he usually PM's me questions about cars since I have broke my car enough to be able to build one from scratch). I tell him dont worry about it you may have had something come up to where you cant call him back. He is then able to contact you again and is once again no longer nervous. He's so eager to get it to the track that he doesnt allow you to finish it and drives to pick it up on a trailor. From there he brings the car up to norwalk..... At Norwalk he is unable to get the car off of the trailor because of how low the exhaust is hanging so 3 of us pick up his car to give him enough clearance to make it off. From there I check his tire pressure just to be safe and its over 30. I then lower it down to 18. He goes to tech in and his battery is just sitting in the car with nothing holding it down. Amy gets some zip ties and ties it down so he can race. He then runs it down the track. On his run you can tell that seafoam was used and the car is dripping a little oil. He comes over to me to asks if its ok I pop the hood to see what is leaking. I found the valve covers were finger tight. I tighten them up and send him on his way. (Once again I am a neutral party telling what I know. I'm just bored and it laste so what the hell.)


So basically, He rushes you to get it ready for a track event after having it for a while. You tell him he shouldnt take it, yet you release it to him the night before our track day. He gets to the track and the car is in no condition to race, even though he feels it should be. When you try to collect the rest of your money you cant find him, so you start a thread. Now as compensation for not being paid you are basically giving him negative trader feedback...



If you want your money a forum is not a good place to collect (which is what appeared to be the original purpose of the thread). Paying someone back doesnt usally happen after you damage their name, ego, and embarass them all at once... Even though the thread didnt start that way, it took a turn that way. We all know it doesnt matter if the job is finished or not, you are owed money for the work you have finished. I would highly suggest taking him to court. If you dont in a few months no one will remember this thread, and you still wont have your money.

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Guest chpmnsws6

I also told him it will take awhile to build the car he is wanting, and that school and my actual job are more important, but will work on it with every free moment I have. Did he tell you how many countless hours I spent when I was trying to sleep sitting there talking to him about the car, giving him updates, and generally trying to keep him posted about the car? I gave him a list of things that needed to be done, told him it was unsafe to race the car, and he agreed that he would just drive it around town some before taking it to the track. I then released the vehicle, as I was told he was not going to race, and that those things were going to be done before he made a pass down the track. Have you ever seen 3 1/2 inch exhaust? It is 2 1/2 inches thicker then the stock Y-pipe that it replaced, and it will hang low. U-haul trailers are not trailers for race cars. Hell, the back tires didn't even fit on the trailer, as they were pushed in on both sides when it was loaded. I started this thread LONG after the damage was done. I started this thread after it was apparent he was MIA....... after the 20+ phone calls and emails.


I opened this thread to try to get someone to get ahold of him, because at the time, i genuinely wanted to finish the car, collect the money, and see another halfway nice F-body running around. Instead, he has a shitty half built car, and I have to sell and trade his old stock parts to try to get some of the money back for parts that I bought for his car.


Again, damage is done. If he wanted the car finished, he should have answered the 20+ phone calls, or had someone contact me. This has shown me he is not interested in having his vehicle finished, which is sad, because the "bulk" of it was done. Right now it just needs cleaned up, cage welded in (which I have here ready to install), interior re-installed with passenger seat, suspension tuned, and some more cleaning to be a car I'd even be proud of.

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Guest chpmnsws6
I guess a Mod can lock this. It is not doing what i'd intended it to do, get DJ to contact me. There is no need for people to posted useless posts in this thread, showing pictures of nothing, and stating that that have a large penis............ like anyone really cares how large or small they really are.
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Guest chpmnsws6
he sends me another PM asking if he should be nervous because he cant get in contact with you and the track day is a few days away (he usually PM's me questions about cars since I have broke my car enough to be able to build one from scratch). I tell him dont worry about it you may have had something come up to where you cant call him back. He is then able to contact you again and is once again no longer nervous.


This was another thing that drove me up a wall. Anytime he would call, I would make sure I reached him that day. I am unable to answer or carry my phone as it would distract from the customer, and I would stand a good chance of breaking it, but would always call him as soon as I seen he'd called, and generally talked to him daily about it, whether the car had been touched or not. Have you heard of even a shop doing that?

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I know uhaul trailers are not made for race cars. I have to haul my trans am to the track on one and it sucks. I have 3'' pipes and my cutout is lower to the ground than his exhaust. I hope you didnt take it as me being negative, I was just giving a play by play of what I know. Picking up a f-body to get it off/on a uhaul trailer is very common.


I also want to point out that tightening a valve cover, letting air out of tires and zip tying a battery is a bunch of nothingness. The only reason I mentioned it is because I was trying to be specific as possible. In the end I want to see you get paid for what you have done, I just dont think this is going to help.

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y don't you stop there and see whats up? or pm the guy with his gps number?


I don't know Deejay well enough to stop at his grandparents house and get into this that personally.I hate it that the guy that built the car has to go through this much hassle to get money thats owed to him.But not for me to say anything to Deejay,he is aware of this thread just don't seem to want to defend himself.

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Guest Wunna Dig Race
I don't know Deejay well enough to stop at his grandparents house and get into this that personally.I hate it that the guy that built the car has to go through this much hassle to get money thats owed to him.But not for me to say anything to Deejay,he is aware of this thread just don't seem to want to defend himself.


I agree greg I wouldnt either.

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Guest Wunna Dig Race
I don't know Deejay well enough to stop at his grandparents house and get into this that personally.I hate it that the guy that built the car has to go through this much hassle to get money thats owed to him.But not for me to say anything to Deejay,he is aware of this thread just don't seem to want to defend himself.


I agree greg I wouldnt either.

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  • 7 months later...
Guest chpmnsws6
Nah, he never paid me, but I offered to buy the car from him. I really liked the car. As I told him, I was going to build it to be like what I wanted my WS6 to be. Now that my C5 burnt down in a house fire, another F-body doesn't sound half bad.
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