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Plasma rope.


I remembered seeing this on modern marvels a while back and decided to dig up a bit of info on it. The strength of this stuff is unreal. Figured I'd share some random info.




Look at how much weight this stuff can hold:





Let me put that into perspective:


-a single 3/8" braid could lift an entire bulldozer (a good size one, at that) off the ground.


-a 5/8" strand could lift up an average, loaded, semi truck and trailer


-a 1" strand, could pick up two.




It's amazing the crap we can come up with. Any other cool, rather mind-blowing stuff out there that warrants posting?


/random post of the day

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False advertising. "Rope" is classified as being made of silk... anything else synthetic or not, is classified as "Line".


Deffinatly amazing stuff though. I dont know what else you need it for other than industrial lifting... gets rid of cables and chains that can snap and kill people.

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Haha. Sue them.


actully it seems the deffinition of Rope has been updated :(


A rope (IPA: /rəʊp/) is a length of fibers, twisted or braided together to improve strength for pulling and connecting. It has tensile strength but is too flexible to provide compressive strength (i.e., it can be used for pulling, not pushing). Rope is thicker and stronger than similarly constructed cord, line, string, or twine. Common materials for rope include natural fibers such as Manila hemp, hemp, linen, cotton, coir, jute, and sisal. Synthetic fibers in use for rope-making include polypropylene, nylon, polyesters (e.g. PET, Vectran), polyethylene (e.g. Spectra) and Aramids (e.g. Twaron, Technora and Kevlar). Some ropes are constructed of mixtures of several fibres or use co-polymer fibres. Ropes can also be made out of metal fibers. Ropes have been constructed of other fibrous materials such as silk, wool, and hair, but such ropes are not generally available.
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