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Federal Goverment SUPPLIED Marijuana


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When my aunt went into chemo this became a huge issue to me as 1 of our team of doctors had off the books told her she should look into smoking. They wrote her a script of Marinol(synth thc) but it did not work the same.


It pisses me off to hear about cali people getting busted for doing what the state said they could and the goverments stance is there is no medical claim .





Well that is a true story about a guy who smokes legally. The goverment sends him 300smokes per month.


It's a shame that 1 plant has so many uses yet so much stigmata.





Lets not have a flame war here but I was curious about peoples general opinions. I've got a few officers opinions on it and its suprizing.


My opinion is of course the most liberal which is legalize tax profit.


But I also feel just medical would be helpful to those truly in that amount of pain. Personally I know I could not look in my dying uncles face and tell him he could not smoke a joint. I say that as My uncle died of a very termoil dieses

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I feel everything drug wise should be legal and sold by the govt/state/city. There probably will be 10 years of organized chaos while drug lords look for a new job, but in the end it would be worth it. Then we can have the private legal drug companies setup addiction consoling to ween people off the drugs. Kind of like how it there are many programs to get people to stop smoking tobacco. There is much money to be made in this if everything was legal.


Everyone would win !

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Problem with Marinol is it causes vomiting which is the exact opposite of normal vap'd thc.

My mother took that when she was dying of breast cancer. It made her sick, she did not like it at all.

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My mother took that when she was dying of breast cancer. It made her sick, she did not like it at all.

In a mystical world a realitive of mine may have had the same problem and eaten thc could have helped her but who knows......



Ya know I don't have our goverment if I am redllisted so is the millions of others who support ron pauls view of a smaller goverment. This is actually one of the things on the ballets. Hitlary commited to not prosecuting people any more in cali. Ron's is a bit more liberal.

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My mother took that when she was dying of breast cancer. It made her sick, she did not like it at all.


Yeah I have done a decent about of research on it and talked to users of it and it was not pretty. I understand and yet I dont but I believe if something like smoking pot and help treat an illness without creating other issues it should be allowed.

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it's funny how all pot smokers think that pot doesn't make you stupid but the rest of us who don't smoke it feel otherwise...


Fact: pot makes you stupid and lazy.... there's enough stupid and lazy people in the world.... go find a different way to burn brain cells like play halo tree!

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Facts: Pot is bad for you. My uncle just had throat cancer from smoking for 45 years, never once picked up a cigarette. Doesn't matter if its less bad for you than cigs, alcohol, and tylenol, it still ain't gonna do your body any good if you're a normal healthy human being.


That said, I'll come right out and say I smoke since no one else has said it. I've been smoking for 3 years and IMO it hasn't had a negative influence at all in my life. I'm currently a full time student at BU, I work 2 good jobs, one reffing intramural sports and one part timing for a credit card company in Boston (I won't say which one just because), I've got a 3.0 GPA which is hard to do at BU considering how much grade deflation there is (research it, its a problem here). I've got a clean criminal record, which I realize means I just haven't been caught yet :cool:.


So you'd think I'd be a big proponent of legalizing, right? Nah. I just want it decriminialized. I don't want the government to start regulating it and allowing big industry to go and ruin a good thing. I'd rather pay a premium and risk it being illegal than have it fucked up by a money-hungry economy that would simply look for ways to cheapen cheapen cheapen production costs no matter what the cost to consumers in terms of quality. I want to be able to walk in to a stadium or arena or wherever and if I realize I have some on me that the cop will just write me a ticket or tell me to throw it out, not cuff me and bring me into jail for having some personal use stuff.


*All the above is a complete fabrication and in no way reflects the reality of Alex Caxide's life. All comments made are editorial and have no factual basis. :D

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it's funny how all pot smokers think that pot doesn't make you stupid but the rest of us who don't smoke it feel otherwise...


Fact: pot makes you stupid and lazy.... there's enough stupid and lazy people in the world.... go find a different way to burn brain cells like play halo tree!


Despite the example I try to set by being motivated and trying to achieve something in my life, you're pretty much right.

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