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HD-DVD at Wal-Mart


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just in case some of you didn't already know wallyworld and circuit city have dropped the price on the Toshiba HD-A2 down to below $200 since last week

that's a pretty good deal


but a little email birdy told me that at 8 a.m. Tomorrow morning Wal-Mart will be dropping the price on that same HD-A2 from $200 down to $98 for tomorrow only!


$98 FUCKING DOLLARS!!!!!!!!:eek2:

that's one hell of a steal

and a BIG DICK in blu-ray's ASS!

now get your ass' movin :gone:



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Nevermind found this info:


HD-A2 new player, less features

Strengths: Built-in Dolby True-HD 5.1, great picture quality, ease of use, best upscale player for standard DVD

Weaknesses: Built-in Dolby True-HD 5.1 through HDMI ONLY, no 5.1 analog output, still no DTS-HD decoding, still no 1080p support, no new features really. not worth $500

Summary: As i have no real regret about buying the HD-A2, i'm still upset with the value that we the consumer are getting on these first gen HD players. first they toyed with the release date of this player, i went into best buy numerous times to pick one up as they had the tag on the shelf like a month before the player would actually arrive at stores. nice. The first dissapointment was when i opened the box and saw that there is no 5.1 analog output so out the window went my hopes and dreams of hearing Dolby True-HD any time soon. come to find out that on this new and improved model the HD sound is only available thru the HDMI output, anyone else have a reciever with HDMI input? didnt think so. if they dont come out with some kind of external HDMI decoder with 5.1 output to hook up to our still new expensive powerhouse recievers that we love i'm just going to stab someone. why? why no 5.1 output supporting Dolby True HD 5.1 and DTS-HD+core!? i guess that would just make too much sense? gotta keep the consumer confused i get it. what is the 5.1 or 7.1 inputs on our recievers good for then? i just couldnt wait to get my hands on one so i could see some movies in HD on my LCD and hear some sweet HD sound, well as far as the sound goes, HD sound is still on the horizon and not really here yet. The picture quality is awsome and as a upconverting player for my existing DVD library, the pic quality is impressive. I had a Samsung HD860 to hold me over till i got this and with that player hooked up with HDMI, the pic quality wasnt that great even when upscaled compared to the Toshiba. Standard DVD on the Toshiba HD-A2 just looked more colorful and you felt that no pixel was taken for granted. HD-DVD picture quality is instantly noticable when the anti piracy warnings pop up on screen. My tv is a 32" Sharp LCD that goes up to 720p and 1080i and HD-DVD looks great and impressive on both resolutions although i personally prefer 720p as i dont have access to 1080p at this time. something about the progressive signal that looks sharper to me.


In conclusion, i do not reccomend this player, unless you're desperate to see HD-DVD and dont have a 1080p HDTV and dont mind wasting a few hundred dollars more than this player is worth. Dont be like me, learn from my mistakes, be strong and wait it out to see which format wins or untill players come out that are cheaper and have features that can take full advantage of what HD-DVD has to offer.

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in all respect - i don't think your recommendation matters too much


this is a player for the masses, and most people don't own a 1080p set and don't therefore NEED a 1080p player


this will be bought in droves and look GREAT on all of us non 1080p guys tv's


and what happens when you upgrade to that 1080p set?

why you go out and buy another cheap player that will have 1080p in it by then

because that's what most people do, buy cheap and upgrade ofter, just like computers


oh and btw, another little birdy told me that the Toshiba HD-A3 which DOES do 1080P

will be on sale Black Friday at a major retailer for $169

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I got one of the DVD players. They had less than a dozen, yet had several dozen laptops. No TVs at all.


The line wasn't bad, I got there at 7:30am and there were nine people in front of me. By 8am, though, the line was quite long.


You're fuckin' lame.

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1080i vs. 1080p


here is a great article explaining things, from a guy that works for home theater magazine

now PLEASE quit worrying about 1080P!




That article is over a year old.. newer technology has come out since then that makes a difference.

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