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Washington DC?


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I'm contemplating a move to DC for a career. However, I do not know a whole lot about the area other than from when I visited a friend there for the weekend. What are the good neighborhoods to look at, I will generally be considering something out of the dc metro area, more looking at maryland/virginia suburbs. But I don't want to be too far away as I know traffic is a pita. If anyone here has ever lived there how did you like it? Are there any web forums similar to this one for the area?
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way to go fuck head some people are at work


yeah dude at least throw a NWS icon on it or something. The only reason I didnt click on it is b/c i saw the other thread that had that link.


Mark, why DC? You know cost of living is going to be a hell of alot more expensive so unless your getting into a job/career thats going to start off at 40k your going to be in the lower class neighborhoods.

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I've got a brother that currently lives and works in the DC area (Sterling, VA). If ya want, I can give him a call and get some info. I know he's currently rooming with someone in a nice 3 bedroom townhouse for a little over $1000/month.


Is this potential new job in DC proper or out in the 'burbs?

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$40K in MD? Better sign up for food stamps. We lived in Columbia before we moved here. My house in Worthington would be worth 3-4 times as much in MD (In an average neighborhood). Also, living in that area will make you turn into an asshole and want to kill everyone you are around. The entire reason we moved was to reduce my stress level. Fuck DC.
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40K out here in DC is nothing I would tell you NOT to move here for that money. I have lived here for 24yrs so I know the area better then anyone out there in Ohio.


I wouldn't move here for less then a 60K a year job. Could you do it on less? Sure but it wouldn't be easy or fun.


I'm getting ready to buy a house and I'm looking to spend under 300K and trying to get something at least 1500sqft which is possible but takes some time and looking to get it done.


Nice area in MD that the commute into DC wouldn't kill you are Charles County, Calvert County, Anne Arundel County. Some in VA which I'd never live there because the 95 corridor SUCKS and there is ALWAYS traffic on there. If you have any other specific questions you can ask me.

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I lived in Loudoun County, Va. (Leesburg) for 10 years before moving back to Ohio, my parents, and my in-laws still live there. First, the Dulles technology corridor sucks for traffic. Leesburg is about 35 miles northwest of DC, when I was doing it, the commute to Chevy Chase, MD routinely took an hour to an hour and a half, and that was 5 years ago. There are places that you can go that the cost of living isn't so bad, but you're looking at a pretty gnarly commute to get there. I get to go back a couple of times a year, and every time I leave with the feeling that the entire area is a great place to visit, but I could never consider going back to live.

I would highly recommend taking a long weekend to go down there and check things out. I'm very familiar with the MD, VA, WV area right there where VA goes pointy at the top, I too can offer some assistance if you have any questions.

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With a company car, and gas being paid, you could do it without too much problem as long as you don't mind spending a LOT of time in traffic. Frederick, MD isn't too bad for a commute, you'd shoot straight down I-270 to DC Metro. You'll be hard pressed to live alone comfortably on $40k anywhere closer than that. I wouldn't recommend looking anywhere North of DC, because Baltimore is close enough that you run into traffic going either direction no matter what. Pretty much anywhere you look inside of a 45 mile radius of the District, you can count on dropping between $1k and $1500 per month in rent for a decent apartment.
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It's a salaried sales position, yearly bonuses but not commission. I am going to talk with them further on Monday to find out the specific salary for the region, but I'm assuming it's going to be for more than 40k especially since 40k was the amount they were offering for the Cleveland position before it was filled.
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With a company car, and gas being paid, you could do it without too much problem as long as you don't mind spending a LOT of time in traffic. Frederick, MD isn't too bad for a commute, you'd shoot straight down I-270 to DC Metro. You'll be hard pressed to live alone comfortably on $40k anywhere closer than that. I wouldn't recommend looking anywhere North of DC, because Baltimore is close enough that you run into traffic going either direction no matter what. Pretty much anywhere you look inside of a 45 mile radius of the District, you can count on dropping between $1k and $1500 per month in rent for a decent apartment.



Worst advice EVER he DOES not want to live in Frederick that commute down 270 is horrible.

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Better than coming down route 7 through Northern VA, or the Toll Road. Bottom line is that getting into/out of DC is no picnic from any direction, but as for affordable housing, the Frederick area (last I knew) wasn't too bad.



I don't know VA routes that well since I don't live in VA and never would personally. I live in MD about 20 miles from my job and it takes me 40 mins in the morning and afternoon, of course I don't have a sales job where I would probably in the car roaming all over either I work from 6AM-3PM so I miss a lot of the traffic and it's nice.


VA sucks for commuting period, MD there are still some good spots that the commute isn't terrible but it really depends if you work for a company with a flexible work schedule.


Frederick isn't that good anymore it's 50+ miles from DC and everyone and their brother moved there to get "away" from DC which means the housing market took a skyward leap as well and this in turn made traffic that much worse.


There isn't really a GREAT place to live IMO you just have to get used to the commute and to be honest it doesn't bother me that much anymore. I still state that for 40K salary I'd recommend against coming to this area, it would be rough to live on that out here.


If he doesn't need his own place and doesn't mind renting a room off someone a lot of people do that out here I do right now and it works out for my roomie and I. Once I get my house I will be getting possibly another roomie as well.

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