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Guy gets hit hard by a chick...


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That guy is a bitch for so many reasons that aren't being addressed here. "I'm mad at you, I smash your pumpkin". That fucker is a toddler and needs removed from society.


As a man, I don't hit women. I don't hit anyone that doesn't need it. As a realist, you women gotta realize that equality doesn't stop at violence. If you step up and hit some one, expect to get it back. She planted a great one, then she panicked. If she had her head right, I bet she could have kicked his punk ass.

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That guy is a bitch for so many reasons that aren't being addressed here. "I'm mad at you, I smash your pumpkin". That fucker is a toddler and needs removed from society.


As a man, I don't hit women. I don't hit anyone that doesn't need it. As a realist, you women gotta realize that equality doesn't stop at violence. If you step up and hit some one, expect to get it back. She planted a great one, then she panicked. If she had her head right, I bet she could have kicked his punk ass.



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That guy is a bitch for so many reasons that aren't being addressed here. "I'm mad at you, I smash your pumpkin". That fucker is a toddler and needs removed from society.


As a man, I don't hit women. I don't hit anyone that doesn't need it. As a realist, you women gotta realize that equality doesn't stop at violence. If you step up and hit some one, expect to get it back. She planted a great one, then she panicked. If she had her head right, I bet she could have kicked his punk ass.


Couldnt have said it better myself. I dont condone violence towards women in general but having worked around bitchy trashy women before i can totally understand there are exceptions to every rule.

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You treat a woman like a woman, untill she hits you like a man. The End.



A woman slaps you... tough it up, you probably deserved it.


A woman swings closed fist and hits you any where but the face, just push her away and walk away before you go too far.


A woman swings closed fist at the face and does NOT connect, you push her to the ground and let her know that she was that close to getting her ass whooped.


A woman closed fist connects one to the face, shes ready to get her ass whooped... dont dissapoint her. One pop should be more than enough to make her think twice about doing it again.

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A woman closed fist connects one to the face, shes ready to get her ass whooped... dont dissapoint her. One pop should be more than enough to make her think twice about doing it again.



You must be a physically small guy to even consider this.


Or-have a physically small cock, or a combination of both.

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You must be a physically small guy to even consider this.


Or-have a physically small cock, or a combination of both.


"I know youre a feminist, and i think thats adorable, but this is grown up time and i am the man."


Youve met me, i fit neither of those catagories ;) (i was the other guy that drove Bills car after you)


Besides, i dont think i personaly would go that far unless she picked up a weapon like a bat or somthing... if i got popped by a girl, id probably just shake the shit out of her and throw her down on to something soft. You know, give her a preview of what COULD happen if she didnt shape up in a hurry.

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Yea I don't think I could punch a girl that hard unless shit was serious. But in this situation I would definately let her know that she needs to chill the fuck out because I could fuck her up. But this guy is a bitch....i mean, smashing someones pumkin because your mad? seriously? Then getting knocked down by a girl.
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Besides, i dont think i personaly would go that far unless she picked up a weapon like a bat or somthing... if i got popped by a girl, id probably just shake the shit out of her and throw her down on to something soft. You know, give her a preview of what COULD happen if she didnt shape up in a hurry.


Then why the fuck would you post that you would hit her? Your changing your tune-and I think you should. Unless the chic was 6-2, 220, and used to be a guy, there is NO situation where you should hit her. Ever.



I have had to retrain chics before-chics that were "swinging" on me, but putting some piece of trailer trash in an armbar, is not jacking one in the face. Trust me-Im no feminist. if I was, I would not be newly single.

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Then why the fuck would you post that you would hit her? Your changing your tune-and I think you should. Unless the chic was 6-2, 220, and used to be a guy, there is NO situation where you should hit her. Ever.



I have had to retrain chics before-chics that were "swinging" on me, but putting some piece of trailer trash in an armbar, is not jacking one in the face. Trust me-Im no feminist. if I was, I would not be newly single.


So what your saying is pain over time torture is more humane to women than a swift and severe stirke? Keep in mind, when i say hit her, im not talking Mike Tysons punch out. Most women have never been hit in the face before, so even a 50% strike will shock the shit out of them. The objective is to teach her a lesson, like that of a small child, not to injure her. however if the first doesnt do the trick, do it again, untill she stops comming at you. And if she keeps coming after you when the pulled shots arent working... knock the bitch sensless untill she hits the ground. After that, help her up and make sure she knows she brought it on herself. help her clean up so she doesnt have to walk around looking like something out of a Die Hard movie.


Im sorry that you dont agree, but if a bitch is stupid enough to blast you in the face, she better damn well be ready to face the consequences. Its like Leonidas told the spartans at the battle of Thermopylae after the first day of killing ~10,000 Persians, and Xerxes made his offical barter... "After all, its not like we cant be civil about this." Just because your teaching a bitch that shes in way over her head, doesnt mean you cant be a gentalman about it. Same thing with kids... you can beat thier ass for doing stupid shit, and feel pretty bad about it, but you can also go about it in a manner that teaches them a lesson, not injures them.


My 6'3", 200lb lady friend did crack me once, and all i had to do was wind up and she got that "oh shit, what did i just get myself into.." look, and i pulled back. thats all i needed to see to know that she knew she ahd fucked up royaly and learned a lesson real quick. Needless to say, thats never happened again.

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