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Kimbo fights in MMA


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I saw the fight on Saturday. I don't think it was staged, he did a pretty hard body shot (that I think knocked the wind out of the guy) followed by a right. When the guy stood up he had a glove print on his face from that one hit.


I think getting the wind knocked out of him is why he tapped. I'd like to see some more advanced fighters fight the guy. See what he can really do then.


Another reason I don't think it was staged is because if they staged fights, it would have been the fight just before it. Elite XC had just signed a guy for a 6 fight deal and he got his ass handed to him.



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I was 7-1 when I tried my hand at MMA.


Let me tell you-you take a clear elbow to the temple like that-there is a good chance your hitting the mat. Its Bo's his fault for backing up to the net. That being said-he was not that bad-you can tell by how quickly he covered his head, and how tense his legs were. If your near that point of being knock'd out-the legs get very loose.


Bo needed to go RIGHT at Kimbo from the start, or get him on the ground to beat him. He did neither.

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I like his intensity but I think his actual fighting capability is still questionable.


not that he is actually good, but the fact he was just a street fighter and is actually putting his money where his mouth is, most people like him would have just went on saying how bad they are and not joined a professional series and that i respect

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not that he is actually good, but the fact he was just a street fighter and is actually putting his money where his mouth is, most people like him would have just went on saying how bad they are and not joined a professional series and that i respect


I agree. Everyone's always hating on him. The man has a knack for fighting. That 'knack' can be directed to other aspects of MMA, WHICH he's doing as we speak. He's actually going in and training ground and stand up. Yes, I'm sure we'd all like to see him go up against somebody big, but he'll have to earn that just like everyone else. Hate all you want, but if you didn't want to watch him or keep up with him, you wouldn't be in the thread. ;)

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Mixed Martical Arts, you retard. If you watched UFC you should know that.




If you had a proper title it wouldn't be a problem. He was was fighting IN the UFC, USING MMA. If that gannon dude is a shitty fighter and KICKED KIMBO'S ASS then, what's that say about Kimbo....

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If you had a proper title it wouldn't be a problem. He was was fighting IN the UFC, USING MMA. If that gannon dude is a shitty fighter and KICKED KIMBO'S ASS then, what's that say about Kimbo....


Newsflash: He wasn't fighting in the UFC.


And he was fighting in a Mixed Martial Arts competition. So the thread title is correct.

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I agree with Linn I want to see his ground game...in order to be good these days you have to be VERY well rounded (great grapler, wrestler, boxing, jui jitzu,etc). Dont get me wrong kimbo is a great street fighter....but people in the UFC are a different breed. As far as as that fight it showed me nothing that i dont already know about Kimbo and that is he has great power, but as for a great MMA fighter I didnt see shit. Everybody in the UFC has a punchers chance!! There is a lot of good fighters out there and I would like to see kimbo fight some better people..... he did lose some weight for that fight so looks like he has been working on the cardio.
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