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Fuck people who think there cops


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Guest hotrodmama024
Actually i was sticking up for you cause i have the shit happen to me all the time. But you stick your foot in your mouth. Thats is all. Dont get mad.... either stop posting or get even on the street.
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Your only dumb if you dont learn from your mistakes.

No, you're an idiot if you don't learn from other peoples mistakes, too. How many mistakes have you made to give you such a wealth of driving knowlege? You're also failing to realize that driving mistakes will put you in the dirt, there's nothing to be learned when you're dead.


Keep in mind, I'm not trying to get angry with you or anything. If we really thought you were a tool, you'd be banned. :p

If you want to have some fun and learn something, save your cash for this april, you'll need $200-$300 and a weekend to spend at Mid Ohio with your car.

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I'm kinda lost, what does this mean?


Race Wars!!!!!


I really do try and look at both sides of an argument here but you are too ignorant of a kid to not be called an idiot. Learning from your mistakes may or may not work in your favor, down the road. You could be learning it from a hospital bed or while you are sitting around in your room because you don't have a license anymore.

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My old accord was loud as hell, even if I was doing 30mph in my neighborhood, I'd have these fat whores with 3 kids screaming "SLOW DOWN!". Bitch get on Jenny Craig and close your cottage cheese thighs!



One of the few times Ive ever laughed out loud on the computer :D

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i do believe its hard to find a 17yr old who can handle a 5liter like i can. if i were drifting thru a subdivision i would understand but ive done that plenty of times and never got a second look but basic straight line driving gets me shit.


This pretty much sums it up.

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I never said it was fast. Its verging on quick right now, around a 14.0 flat. I really havent done anything stupid, i learned my lesson sometime ago when i put a 2000 teg into median on 23 going over 270 at 120 coming off the 270 exit ramp. I was a dumb shit at that time. This was at 2 in the morning but still it was stupid to do what i did to myself. I knew the limit i just thought i was good enough to come back from going over the line. That very mentality left me not able to move for about 2wks.


Can't believe I'm the only guy to catch this one so far. Wow you are stupid that your still doing stupid shit if you really were "unable to move for 2 weeks."

And you say you were a dumb shit at the time. WTH? Your 17 and been driving for 1 year so 1 year ago you were a dumb shit and now your not, but you still do dumb shit stuff? Again Wow.


I for one can say that I have done and do dumb stuff in my trucks. My car on the other hand I drive so much that at least once per year I end up spinning it around on a wet ramp or sliding to a stop in traffic, but thats just life as a field service tech in central ohio. So far in like 12 years and calculated 700,000 miles of driving I've never been cited for any accidents. Can't say I haven't been in any, but the people always hit me:-)


I do agree with you though about people who call the cops or follow people around. I totally understand following someone or calling the cops if someone is actually doing something to threaten you personally like throwing stuff at your car or trying to run you off the road, but not for just simple lame stuff that everyone except a soccer mom would end up doing at some point. Though I've called the cops on people for "drifting" through my neighborhood before. I don't mind if there just playing in the snow, but when its a hot summer day and some jackass thinks they can go 40+ through westerville streets and slide there car through intersections they are going down. I had always hoped I'd be close enough to the road with a brick some day, but I moved instead.




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Ive been driving 2 yrs and have drivin atleast 50,000 miles. Hotrod said get even on the street thats why i said i would have to wait. Ive already planned to go to the midohio driving school with a buddy because i want to get some track time. On december 2 it will be one year since i put the teg in a wall, I said that was dumb but how in the hell can you consider me ignorant. Most of you assume i am a bad driver because i do stuff that pisses off soccer moms, even though you have never seen me drive.
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Guest Dat Woman U luv2hate
Sweetie look..you told everyone about your lil smash incident, let me put this to you a way you mite understand...ok hyphthetically you have been having sex for 2 years, you still suck in bed TRUST me! But in your mind your the shit,you do yo thang, about 10 years later you look back and laugh at how stupid you were when you started, you THOUGHT you could fuck/drive but in reality you still have ALOT to learn. You ponder over how if you had just listened to those "older" people back in the day how much better you would have been, how you could have avoided those diseases/accidents, and how less ignorant you could have portrayed yourself. Same thing applies here.... your young, accept it...you have ALOT to learn. Stay safe!
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Guest Dat Woman U luv2hate

LMAO..... Yeah thanks Lani... I got something for ya to make up on, you know I love ya .... but seriously you do need to come over and bring me a Dr. Pepper,lol! Guys get yo cameras charged...stay tuned....XoXo

YO XxX Goddess

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