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Fuck people who think there cops


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dude, everything else being put aside... be careful this winter.... with your lack of experience in a RWD car (or any car for that matter), it can really get away from you quickly in the snow and even worse... black ice.


I remember being young and thinking that I knew everything and that I could out drive Mario Andretti.... please put your pride aside and be careful.. I really don't want to see you on the news.

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You would think that but i got yelled at everywhere even if not speeding in my 96 midori green ek because it had holes in the exhaust



Again a very "eye catching" green car with an exhaust leak. People will think you are going to fast sitting at a red light. :rolleyes:

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Dark Horse i wasnt in a subdivison, i clearly stated i would have understood if i was in a subdivion. I was on sr 521 out in delaware.



Sorry Drew - I missed that part. Still, you're 18 so you probably did something wrong and some old fart got pissed about it. :p

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Hit the motherfucker next time. Please. I can't stand people who think its their job to control the flow of traffic. On a main road/highway at least. Neighborhoods and shit are places to be chill and watch out for kids, old people, pets, old people backing right out infront of you, old people, and, most of all, old people. I swear to god, they must think once they are within 1/2 mile of home, there is no one else on the road. Totaly off topic, but old people piss me the fuck off. I get cut off one more time this week, fuck it, no brakes for me.


Enjoy that mustang this winter, they are a fucking blast in the snow, but they do have a nasty tendency to step out on on-ramps and corners above 35. Keep that in mind.

Also, something to think about, we all have made it this far on 2 things, luck, and taking peoples advice who know what the fuck they are talking about, and you dont seem to have luck on your side, so pay attention...

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Wow, you guys a little hostile this morning? I just give people blow kisses. That tends to piss them off more. lol


...alot of times im hanging out the window throwing 3 day old apple bee's and gatorade bottles, or on interstate just drive right beside them and put sunglasses on and your hood up and stare for like 5 minutes, little uni bomberish but they get the point lol

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why in the world would you have 3 day old food in your car? your car must smell AWESOME!


long long days and nights of working on cars, during the day at just the right temp it would almost smell fresh again. Good way to get back at people you dont want in your car also, "Oh Yeah just went to apple bee's dude you can have that"

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Let me start by saying im really no role model behind the wheel at all times. But driving though residential areas like an idiot is not acceptable and deserve to have some Dad in that neigborhood to pull you out of your car and whoop your ass. I as i have a couple times I agree that by no means is street racing safe but look at those of us who have been at it a while definately dont drive like are kids anymore. A huge diffrence between us and idiot kids in a neighborhood. Just my 2 cents
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dude, everything else being put aside... be careful this winter.... with your lack of experience in a RWD car (or any car for that matter), it can really get away from you quickly in the snow and even worse... black ice.


I remember being young and thinking that I knew everything and that I could out drive Mario Andretti.... please put your pride aside and be careful.. I really don't want to see you on the news.


He will only learn the hard way.. as most do.

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So who here can honestly say they have not messed around with their car while driving around? If not, then stop giving him shit.


People that follow others on the road are the dumbest people out there because you never know who your following. It could be some redneck with a gun in his glove box.

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My old accord was loud as hell, even if I was doing 30mph in my neighborhood, I'd have these fat whores with 3 kids screaming "SLOW DOWN!". Bitch get on Jenny Craig and close your cottage cheese thighs!




I had this bitch in my parents' old neighborhood who would yell at me to slow down while I was just coasting in on my bike. This was at least a once a week occurance. I didn't live there, just came to visit my folks.


One day I'd had a bad day and was in a pissy mood. She yelled at me to slow down because there are kids in the neighborhood. I looked down at the speedo. 18mph. 18 motherfucking mph and that bitch was yelling at me to slow down. I snapped. I stopped the bike, pulled off my helmet, and yelled back.


"What the fuck is your problem bitch? Are you so fat your body has started consuming brain cells? I'm going fucking 18mph and you yell at me to slow down? Fuck you."


"Well you're just going---"


"No, fuck you. Don't fucking ever yell at me again. Fuck, don't speak to me again. Stupid bitch."


I put on my helmet and took off.


Well, to make an even longer story short she knew my mom. She called my fucking mom to bitch about me. Mind you, this was just last year. I was 25, and this bitch was calling my mom. Funny thing... My mom was outside and watched it all. When the lady called, my mom told her to fuck off and find something productive to do. Woot!

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