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Fucking BITCHES!


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First off, I just want to say, I am rather impatient. I want things to go my way quickly. Obviously, this didn't.


Last wednesday, an office staff member(payroll) was terminated. She did her job, did it extremely well, and did it with a smile on her face. Her and I got along famously, we talked often and just shot the shit. I asked her out, she said yes, however she had to cancel later. Nevertheless, she was terminated last wednesday. I get an address on her, I go out of my way to comfort her. I ginuinely feel bad that she had gotten fired. So I send her flowers and chocolate VIA 1-800-FLOWERS.


Kudos to 1-800-FLOWERS, this is the first time I had ever used their services. The provided a tracking number for UPS. The flowers arrived at her house(according to tracking) @ 346PM today.


Back on topic, out of concern for her well being and to cheer her up, I said some corny, yet funny words on the messages that was attached. Neverthless, I didnt' receive a phone call. That kinda pisses me off.


I thought I would get a phone call today hands down. I guess some bitches just don't care about nice guys.


Thanks for the input.



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Your first mistake was going out of your way for a girl...it RARELY gets you anywhere. Or maybe I'm just an angsty 19 year old :)


I know this, I really do. Two to three years ago I "vowed" to never send flowers ever. I thought this situation would differ from my prior expriences. I guess not.



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Your first mistake was going out of your way for a girl...it RARELY gets you anywhere. Or maybe I'm just an angsty 19 year old :)


At least your learning at a young age.


To the original poster, you should've droped it the moment she droped your date. Sure its nice to be the comforting but a "sorry to hear your ass got canned" would've sufficed just fine.

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your post makes you look like a fucking stalker dude


she blew you off back up off the hoe and go find another one


I should have filled in more details and used better choice of words, oh well.


Jake, there is always other chicks on the back burner!





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You sure she was even home? Maybe she was on the phone with her mom crying about losing her job but how sweet it was you sent flowers? Dude, she's a woman. You won't figure out her brain process. Men think logically. Woman... I have no fucking clue how they think. Haha! Seriously though, I'd wait till Friday then give her a call.
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I bet Clark your right her husband was sitting in the living room drunk worrying what he was going to do because his wife got fired then he did probably sign for those flowers sealing that womens fate hell your good intentions probably causing a domestic right now


fuck a fight, he caused a murder.

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You sure she was even home? Maybe she was on the phone with her mom crying about losing her job but how sweet it was you sent flowers? Dude, she's a woman. You won't figure out her brain process. Men think logically. Woman... I have no fucking clue how they think. Haha! Seriously though, I'd wait till Friday then give her a call.


NONONONONONO!!!!! dont do anything! just walk away.


Look at it from a different perspective. She stood you up on your first "date" (all bullshit excuses aside) and you kept progressing... let it die already. save what little dignity you may have left, find someone else.


Oh and Ben's right, Woman's thought process is dominated by emotion. Men are a BIT more analytical. But just a bit.

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She is single. I normally do treat girls like shit, those are the bitches I am just looking to date/fuck. However the girls I actually "like", I treat like a princess, and it never works out. Nice guys finish last. I live and die by those words. I just can't seem to commit to them when I want to date a nice girl.




Thanks for all the advice guys.



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She is single. I normally do treat girls like shit, those are the bitches I am just looking to date/fuck. However the girls I actually "like", I treat like a princess, and it never works out. Nice guys finish last. I live and die by those words. I just can't seem to commit to them when I want to date a nice girl.




Thanks for all the advice guys.



Yup, nice guys always do finish last, women like assholes no matter how much they love being treated like a princess. Also I've learned that ALL women are crazy, it's just how much crazy you can learn to tolerate/live with.

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First mistake is trying to be the nice guy, as soon as you try to be the nice guy you are 100% locked into the friend zone. Gotta be that guy that she wants. I personally would of told her that she deserves to be fired and she sucked at her job. Then I would take my next paycheck after she got fired, jerk off all over it and then take a pic and send it to her with a card saying

"Haha, I still have my job and I can jerk off on to my paycheck cause I'M RICH BITCH.."



Guaranteed she would be melted butter in your hands the next weekend..

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