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LSU down


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I REALLLLLLLLY hope WVU goes down. If the big 12 kills each other and we do make it up to #2 I think their spread offense would eat us alive. If a shitty Ill team had us guessing then Pat White will have a f'n field day with our D. That and my freakin boss is a WVU alum so I'll also catch shit from him for an entire off season....dear god no.


After watching USC dismantle Az St. last night i'm not sure i'd want to play them either. Either the offensive line for Az St just sucked balls or the defense for USC was really hungry last night. They looked as good as ever yesterday.

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I REALLLLLLLLY hope WVU goes down. If the big 12 kills each other and we do make it up to #2 I think their spread offense would eat us alive. If a shitty Ill team had us guessing then Pat White will have a f'n field day with our D. That and my freakin boss is a WVU alum so I'll also catch shit from him for an entire off season....dear god no.


After watching USC dismantle Az St. last night i'm not sure i'd want to play them either. Either the offensive line for Az St just sucked balls or the defense for USC was really hungry last night. They looked as good as ever yesterday.


I cant believe Tressel would let that spread offense eat him up again. Especially after the Illinois game and also giving him all the time to prepare.


And the AZ State O-line is really that bad. They looked equally as bad against Oregon and I remember them saying they were like ~115th in the nation in sacks allowed.

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I cant believe Tressel would let that spread offense eat him up again. Especially after the Illinois game and also giving him all the time to prepare.


We had a lot of time to prepare for last years BCS game too :(


There is also quite a big difference between the Illinois offense and the Wvu attack. They have 4 guys with sub 4.45 speed that can get the ball on each and every play. Just look at the stats for White and Slaton the past 2 years, its sick. Our defense would definitely need to bring their A game for that showdown. I'm rooting for UConn tomorrow at 3:30.

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Holy fuck! I don't know which excites me more, LSU losing or Tilley posting!


<3 for you.


Newbs are required to make a post in the Classroom first...


LOL, pwn3d.


I 2nd that.


What up Doc!


Been busy, my man. Work > Johnny Bravo.


OMG ITS TILLEY!!!!!1!1!one!!1


Love me do?

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I cant believe Tressel would let that spread offense eat him up again. Especially after the Illinois game and also giving him all the time to prepare.


I'm inclined to both agreed and disagree with you. Being a believer in Tressel's coaching prowess, I would contend that he would prepare better for WVU than what he did for Illinois. Yet, he had a BUNCH of time to prepare for Florida, and, unfortunately, I was there in person to see just how easily OSU was dismantled. Chad, I think, brings up good points in alluding to the athleticism of WVU; all things being equal, I think I'd rather that OSU play someone other than them.


Chad, yeah, I thought USC looked impressive as well. If Oregon should lose to Oregon State, and USC beats UCLA, then, I believe, OSU and USC would play in the Rose Bowl (in the event OSU doesn't make it to the title game).

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Chad, yeah, I thought USC looked impressive as well. If Oregon should lose to Oregon State, and USC beats UCLA, then, I believe, OSU and USC would play in the Rose Bowl (in the event OSU doesn't make it to the title game).


Even if we dont see them in a bowl game this year were in contract to play them for the next two years. I think the second game of the season next year and 09 aswell. But thats another year and a whole recruiting class away.


I agree with Chad, i would rather see SOMEONE else other than WVU. Im just thankful we wont be facing LSU. Oh and we may have had plenty of opporunity to prepare for UF last year but we did lose one of our biggest offensive weapons in the first minute of game play. Not saying that is the reason we lost but definitly a contributing factor.

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Even if we dont see them in a bowl game this year were in contract to play them for the next two years. I think the second game of the season next year and 09 aswell. But thats another year and a whole recruiting class away.


I agree with Chad, i would rather see SOMEONE else other than WVU. Im just thankful we wont be facing LSU. Oh and we may have had plenty of opporunity to prepare for UF last year but we did lose one of our biggest offensive weapons in the first minute of game play. Not saying that is the reason we lost but definitly a contributing factor.


Depending on how many underclassmen we lose to the NFL draft this year, which shouldn't be many, OSU is likely to be highly ranked coming into next season. (Oklahoma seems to be the odds-on favorite to be the preseason #1 come next year. Of course, we've all seen just how silly pre-season ratings based on how this season has played out.) USC, I would think, should be highly ranked next year as well. That should only heighten the intensity of the match-up between the two.


Though I hate to admit it, I'm with you - I really didn't want OSU playing LSU in the title game. A moot point, now, but, still, I'm glad that possibility has been eliminated. As for losing Ginn in last year's game, yeah, I'm sure that contributed to the loss. Would they have won had Ginn been in the whole game? Probably not, given as poorly as the rest of the team played, but, then again, I guess we'll never really know.

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