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Time Warner DVR


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Anybody have a TW DVR? Is it a piece of shit like mine, or does anybody have any good experiences with them? I had heard that they were kinda crappy, but I didn't realize it would be this bad. I don't know how TW can possibly make money on them. Please let me know if anybody has had any of these issues:


1. completely freezing for no apparent reason. cannot change channel or even turn power off without unplugging

2. not recording shows, even when I have it set up to record "season." I can see the show in the channel guide, why can't the DVR?

3. stopping recording in the middle of shows

4. not stopping recording at the end of shows and recording the same channel for about, oh, 5 hours. This is a pain in the ass when it decides to do this on an HD channel and it deletes about half of your saved shows.


Is this normal? Or is this the shittiest piece of electronics equipment ever?

Calling Time-Warner tomorrow. Of course, that means I will probably have to be home for the service call, all for the "convenience" of DVR. And still no Big Ten Network. SCREW YOU TIME WARNER!!!





Sorry had to vent.

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We have TW digital in two rooms in the house. The family room has the non HD DVR setup. So far we've had no problems with it. Then in my room I have the basic digital box and it is slower. sometimes I have up to a 3 second delay before the guide will pop up or it'll change channels but other than that I'm perfectly happy with our setup.
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  large_x7 said:
Anybody have a TW DVR? Is it a piece of shit like mine, or does anybody have any good experiences with them? I had heard that they were kinda crappy, but I didn't realize it would be this bad. I don't know how TW can possibly make money on them. Please let me know if anybody has had any of these issues:


1. completely freezing for no apparent reason. cannot change channel or even turn power off without unplugging

2. not recording shows, even when I have it set up to record "season." I can see the show in the channel guide, why can't the DVR?

3. stopping recording in the middle of shows

4. not stopping recording at the end of shows and recording the same channel for about, oh, 5 hours. This is a pain in the ass when it decides to do this on an HD channel and it deletes about half of your saved shows.


Is this normal? Or is this the shittiest piece of electronics equipment ever?

Calling Time-Warner tomorrow. Of course, that means I will probably have to be home for the service call, all for the "convenience" of DVR. And still no Big Ten Network. SCREW YOU TIME WARNER!!!





Sorry had to vent.



I have insight DVR. Number 1 happens very rarely with my box. None of that other stuff has happened.

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  killer-rx7 said:
you can just take the box in and get another one.


Agreed, we have had the cable guys out several times and they contradict what the TW call center employees say on the phone. The onsite guy has stated that the boxes "SOMETIMES" need swapped a few times to find one that works correctly. Unfortunately, the moral of the story is "bitch until you find a supervisor that would rather send out a tech to replace hardware than continue listening to your bitching "

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Does anyone stick them inside entertainment center cabinets without much ventilation? Heat is the only thing I can think of that would cause such a high failure rate, and those little gadgets do generate a LOT of heat. My experience with the standard digital PVR is that it works great so long as your cable line is securely attached. Ours has worked well for over a year, only an occasional problem every few months where the guide displays funny, I turn it off and back on and it's fine.
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Called TW at work today. They told me I could take the box to the service center (either at Olentangy or there is one in Westerville somewhere) and exchange it for a new one. Didn't even seem surprised or ask what was wrong with it. Must be common. I hope TW is getting them fixed by Scientific Atlanta (who actually makes the box) for free.
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You know, most of you can switch to WOW (most, not all, due to where you live).


We use the identical DVR's, but with different software on them. Sadly, they are the best cable DVR option out there, at least of what I've seen so far. Insights DVR freaking sucks...about 30 seconds of playing with that was enough to make me sick of it.


Not all issues DVR related are caused by the DVR. We seem to have a slightly less turnover rate on our DVR's, probably because we check them a bit better out of our wharehouse (when used ones are returned), and techs are pretty well informed on troubleshooting issues outside of the DVR itself. I better not ever hear one of my techs says "you have to try several before you may get one that works."


FYI, I've had my 8300 HD DVR ever since it was released...same one. My roomate has had 0 issues with his HD DVR as well.

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Our original DVR box worked great but one day decided it was no longer going to work, and would not turn on and boot up. The replacement box they brought out has had the picture freeze regularly. We have had the technician out three times and they claim it is not the box.


I am about ready to switch everything over to another provider. I assume when I threaten this they will swap another box.

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TWC recently switched to OCAP software in their cable boxes (known as "OCRAP" in the industry). They have had TONS of problems with them. I would encourage everyone who has an older Motorola 8300 to NOT exchange it because you'll get an OCAP version that will be a nightmare until they get the firmware patches all correct.
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I have TW cable with their DVR. It is the most *PRIMITIVE* POS I've seen. I can't believe someone greenlighted this software for use. It looks and runs like it was programmed by some kid fresh out of a correspondence course in programming.


I used to have DirecTV before I moved out to Ohio. The DVR was OK and lightyears better than the TW DVR when I left. But now, just a few months later, I've found out that DirecTV downloaded an updated OS to their DVRs and it's even better.


That's not even mentioning the superior picture quality that DirecTV has over what I'm getting with TW Cable. An On Demand is a joke. I ordered "We are Marshall" on HD On Demand with TWC. The quality was complete crap and it was *breaking up* and the audio was garbled. I was so pissed off I went and bought the HD DVD.


Sorry, got into a bit of a Rant there. Bottom line is, once I get home from visiting family, I'm going to see what it will take to get DirecTV where my apartment is. TWC isn't worth what I'm spending on it each month.

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You know, most of you can switch to WOW (most, not all, due to where you live).


Can't get WOW cause I'm in an apartment. Otherwise I'd already be there.


TWC recently switched to OCAP software in their cable boxes (known as "OCRAP" in the industry).


What is this OCAP software? My buddy got a TW HD-DVR about 2 weeks after I did and the box looks the same, but the software was completely different. Mine has the "primitive" software on it: it looks and operates like it was created by a kindergartner.

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my DVR just started freezing up and shutting off and rebooting all by itself, they told me that i do not have enough signal coming into the house, but yet my other boxes which are not HDDVR, i have no problems with.
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  SamZman said:
Had my TW dvr for several years. I had a box go out about 2 1/2 yr ago but great ever since.

I do like my DVR MUCH better than WOW's.. buncha little stuff, but it adds up and I'm very happy with TW.

Sam, my g/f is sadly stuck with TW, and of course I have WOW. I've spent PLENTY of time with both, and I 100% honestly HATE TW's package over WOW's. Why?


- TW has the most disorganized VOD setup I could ever imagine. Nothing like memorizing 20 different channels just to enjoy your VOD. With WOW, go to Channel 1...that's it.


- I HATE using a guide; I'd rather arrow up/down through channels, while watching my current program to see what is playing. Not possible with TW.


- IMO, it is easier to setup WOW's DVR for recording exactly how you want it to.


TW's does tell what time into the program you are...guess that's an advantage, be it a very small one. And their list shows a few more programs at once. Otherwise...crap.


I also notice Warner has a lot of digital breakup on their analog channels...perhaps headend issue on their Hillard headend?

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