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Law in Mass could pass to ban spanking children in your home.


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Someone should beat thier asses!


Your kids will grow up wearing body armor when skateboarding or biking, never win or lose because they don't keep score in football/soccer/tee ball, and never have fear of an ass beating when they fuck up. Not only are we screwing with natural selection, but we are nurturing a brood of uber-pussies.


I am sooooo glad I'm not bringing another life into this world!

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There are other ways to punish a kid before spanking, but when those don't work then yes spanking is a viable form of punishment. To take that parental right away, we might as well give our kids to the government to let them raise them, because things like this tell me they are already trying to raise them and take the control out of parents hands. This law should be thrown out, as well as Child Services, or atleast how much authority they have on "hear say"
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I've only had to spank my 4yr old once and even then it was just two spanks on the butt with his pants on.


It's more just a way to break into his attention that was incredibly fixed on throwing a tantrum. Didn't help really but it got his attention and he realized there was more action than just a simple time out that could be had.


Once he realized he was spanked he simply cried and stopped the kicking fit. Timeout in the corner of the entryway alone was the final step. 10 minutes there doing his thing and he finally came out quite and apologized.


Never had to do it again.

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Guest hotrodmama024
I dont believe in beatings... but i do believe a spanking in in order once in a blue moon. I usually have to count to 3 and she is off screaming before that ever happens.
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There's a world of difference between spanking and a beating. I was spanked as a kid. Never beaten, just swatted when I was being a brat. I never viewed it as violence and still don't. It was clear to me, even as a child, that a spanking was a result of misbehaving; a punishment. If I was caught, that's what I got. I think spanking is a valid parenting tool.


I do not want to bring a child into the world we live in now. Not only can't you raise them properly, but schools are a joke now, and things are just bad all around. It's too bad because I have a family name that will likely end with me.

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I don't care what the law says. When I have kids, if they need spanked, then there gonna get spanked. I want my children growing up knowing right from wrong and that the wrong decision can carry consequences.


When I was little I got the belt if I needed it. It's called TOUGH LOVE, and It'll make a better person out of you.

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