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Jabra JX10 II


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Anyone have one of these?


As much as I hate seeing people with these God damn things on, I've been thinking about getting one to use while driving.


I'm starting to get annoyed with un-latching my seatbelt (usually right before I pass a cop :mad: ) and trying to reach into my pocket just to answer the phone. In most cases, I don't get to it quick enough anyways.


They work very well?


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ive been thinking about getting a blue tooth set my self. like you i hate the way they look and swore i would never get one.. but again, like you said great for driving. and also i would love to have it when im doing some work and dont want to grab my phone ou tof my pocket.
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I have a Plantronics 510. You only looks like an ass when you wear it 24/4.


Righteo. As long as you don't wear it 5 days a week you won't be gay.




That being said. I hate bluetooth. If you don't have time to answer your phone, then call them back. It is that simple. I am a high supporter of voicemail.

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people lived for years without answering their phone while they are driving. we should too. besides that, 99% of the time its nothing important at all. nothing that cant wait 15 minutes until you get where you're going.


I fall into that 1%.


Yea. I'm kind of a big deal.


P.S. - People also went without electricity for a longer period of time than we've had it. Be sure to cancel your service when you get home tonite. :D:p

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  • 4 weeks later...



Bought said Jabra tonite at Best Buy. Haven't got a chance to use it in a conversation yet, but just messing with it, and this thing is cool as shit. Called my voice mail with it, and the sound is pretty damn clear.


Volume controls don't seem to do anything though. Not sure what that's all about.


Oh, and voice dialing through the headset FTW. I thought I'd still have to pull out my phone to make an out-going call, but that's not the case. Tap the call button, say who you want to call, tell it 'yes' to confirm, and away you go.


I really should have picked one of these up sooner.

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I nearly get irate every time I see people driving with a phone held up to their ear. One day the first 13 cars I saw had morons driving while on the phone.


I've been using a Motorola H3 for over a year, and I love it. Auto-answer, one touch name recognition or voice dialing rocks. I leave it in the car and put it on every time I get in. Yeah, I do wear it into the store if I'm expecting an important call, but do think its rather ghey to wear it outside the car otherwise.


These things are CHEAP! I don't know why everyone doesn't have one. Please, for the safety of all of the rest of us, yeah that's you the 4 foot tall soccer mom in the sport-utili-bus filled with 3 kids and a dog, GET A FUCKING HEADSET!

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I have a Jawbone and can say it's by far the very best I've used. I have four other units sitting in my desk drawer that work, but don't come close to the sound quality of the Jawbone.


My Jabra that fits inside the ear has the best sounding in my ear of the other persons voice, and I like that it vibrates when the phone rings, but it's in my ear and blocks out the sound around me.


That said, the Jaw has near perfect noise cancellation. I often times have people ask me if I'm still there? Yes, but they can't hear my stereo or kids or the noise of my windows being down :cool:


For all those interested, I stand by it as one of the few products on earth that does exactly what they say and show on their web/video demo. It's also nice that it will signal your phone ringing by transmitting a tone via the ear piece. So if you are wearing it and have your phone out of reach or the volume at zero, that's cool....the Jawbone will ring in your ear and you can answer it with just a tap.


Well worth the money. Regarding bluetooth and hands-free.....I hate even talking on my land-line home phone any longer. I can't stand holding a phone anymore as I'm too spoiled with the ear piece.





I hear the Jawbone is a good one too.

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