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Who can relate?

V8 Beast

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You almost sound like Kevin Spacey in American Beauty.


Carolyn Burnham: Uh, whose car is that out front?

Lester Burnham: Mine. 1970 Pontiac Firebird. The car I've always wanted and now I have it. I rule!


Brad Dupree: [reading Lester's job description] "My job consists of basically masking my contempt for the assholes in charge, and, at least once a day, retiring to the men's room so I can jerk off while I fantasize about a life that doesn't so closely resemble Hell." Well, you have absolutely no interest in saving yourself.

Lester Burnham: Brad, for 14 years I've been a whore for the advertising industry. The only way I could save myself now is if I start firebombing.


and I want you to say this when you leave your job:


Lester Burnham: Then I guess I'll have to throw in a sexual harassment charge.

Brad Dupree: Against who?

Lester Burnham: Against YOU. Can you prove that you didn't offer to save my job if I let you blow me?

Brad Dupree: Man, you are one twisted fuck.

Lester Burnham: Nope; I'm just an ordinary guy who has nothing left to lose.

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Im the same way i was repo man for 6 years. Then about 3 years ago i got burnt out and had to give it up. Then i got into car sales and there is no money in car sales (if you dont own the business) Now I want to start my own small car lot. I think 25-34 if about range of second guessing any career choices or lack of choices.
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Yes owning a business is hard work, but the money is yours to distribute. At vzw if I come up with a strategy to save money my paycheck stays the same. I dont mind hard work, I'm just tired of watching my hard work fill others pockets.
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I can definitely relate. I've been burnt on my industry and job and officially made the decision to move on back in July. I was serious for the first month, then not, then back on making a move.


Thankfully, I'm now celebrating the offer of my life that finally came in today!! Still working for someone else/company, but it's a great move and into a different industry. More money is always nice too.


My wife runs her own law practice and while it's great, it too has a lot of downsides. That's a whole separate thread. I'd love to be a lawyer and have my own gig, but the two of us would kill each other....besides, it's nice having two completely separate types of businesses in the family.



After 7 years of working in the cell phone business I have decided that I need to move on. I'm having the "almost 30 young life crisis" and I want to change the direction my life is heading. I really need to be my own boss!!!! I hate the fact that I'm smarter than the people that tell me how to dress, act, carry myself, and sign my checks!! In a way I wish I were dumb.... Ignorance is bliss ya know.


How many of you in the almost 30 and over range have gone through this? It sucks because they pay well, but this was not the job I wanted to retire from. Suddenly I look up and 7 years have passed since I was hired there. My son is about to turn 9, my daughter is almost 6, and my wife of 10 years is turning 30 in March.

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My wifes likely going to be doing work from home type jobs soon. I've been reading in to it on http://www.wahm.com Lots of different types of work from home jobs are out there. This site has so many messages in the forum that I use it as a search tool to find out about the jobs I find and see if anyone else has experience with them.



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Thankfully, I'm now celebrating the offer of my life that finally came in today!! Still working for someone else/company, but it's a great move and into a different industry. More money is always nice too.




Are you still in sales?


Concerning the job stuff, my wife is in process of starting her own law firm. She has been working with the same lawyer for the past 18 years and is ready to move on. Her boss will be retiring in the next couple of years, so it is the right time for her to start her firm. I am very excited and in process of buying a new house/property to convert into her office. I will be her landlord :) !


I understand the hardwork. My father and I started many companies together and it takes hard work and some luck. In my view, my past businesses were very successful. I was able to set my own hours and am very good money. I was able to run my businesses and still worked full time at another company. Yes, I worked 60 to 80 hours a week, but the accomplishments I was rewarded was worth the time. Today, I dont have the desire to be working this many hours. I am happy at my present full time job and have kids and a family. I enjoy my free time will the kids and I still do some side work for extra cash, but not like the earlier days. I will be helping my wife to move forward on her career path and hopefully it will be as fun and rewarding for her.

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I can relate. After about 9 years of becoming the best at my job I could, I decided to move on. It was a lucky break for me that another position came up within the same company so I decided to stay. I was in a rut for the past few years but we were sort of in a bind without being able to hire/keep skilled employees, so I stuck it out for the good of the company I work for.
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I don't think I'll move away from sales ever. The money and security is too good :) I'm going from Management to the field, but I'm one of three New Business Development Execs at a local Architectural company. Just sent back the offer/acceptance in the mail today. Now I have to order my last Plasma TV from Panny :D


My wife and I did the exact same thing.....we need to have a beer or two. We just sold her office/building in old Worthington last fall. Been there done all that. Landlord and all.


As I said previously, enjoy the ride. Just remember, whenever things get tough, they most always get better in the end.






Are you still in sales?


Concerning the job stuff, my wife is in process of starting her own law firm. She has been working with the same lawyer for the past 18 years and is ready to move on. Her boss will be retiring in the next couple of years, so it is the right time for her to start her firm. I am very excited and in process of buying a new house/property to convert into her office. I will be her landlord :) !


I understand the hardwork. My father and I started many companies together and it takes hard work and some luck. In my view, my past businesses were very successful. I was able to set my own hours and am very good money. I was able to run my businesses and still worked full time at another company. Yes, I worked 60 to 80 hours a week, but the accomplishments I was rewarded was worth the time. Today, I dont have the desire to be working this many hours. I am happy at my present full time job and have kids and a family. I enjoy my free time will the kids and I still do some side work for extra cash, but not like the earlier days. I will be helping my wife to move forward on her career path and hopefully it will be as fun and rewarding for her.

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