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If Hillary becomes president..........


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By no means am I a die hard liberal . Iam much more of a conservative, but then again that was not the question. Bush bashing ? If you want to call it that that is fine with me,LOL. Please answer my question . Our we better off now . If you answer that question correctly your question to me is answered.
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" i dont have to prove that i am right i just have to prove that you are wrong"



way to still not answer the what did he do for the economy

Th problem is it is a trick question that has no answer.

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I have never found one thing he did that helped the US.

True, but did he do anything that hurt the U.S.?

Bush has put this country into an unforgivable debt at 1 million dollars per second right now. When Clinton came out of office im pretty sure this country was not in debt.

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True, but did he do anything that hurt the U.S.?

Bush has put this country into an unforgivable debt at 1 million dollars per second right now. When Clinton came out of office im pretty sure this country was not in debt.

Oh young one of short memory....


Don't shift the focus to Bush and dodge the question. As soon as one of you answer the question I posed first. Then I will tell you all about the things he did that directly contributed to the economic woes that we have now.


Just answer the question. :D

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True, but did he do anything that hurt the U.S.?

Bush has put this country into an unforgivable debt at 1 million dollars per second right now. When Clinton came out of office im pretty sure this country was not in debt.

Dude. come on. dont make me bitch slap you next time i come over to your house :D

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I guess you could say he kept our forgein relations with canada well, through pleasing ms. lewinski :p idk i really cant think of aything that he did, im an ultra conservative republican, but i cat stand what bush is doing to this country. I know i came no where near answering your question, but i dont think clinton was such a bad leader, if you go back and look at it, our economy was not like what it is now when he was in office.

Clinton was good at communicating with people, the reason he had support. When bush gets upto make an address, i think how much alcohol did this guy have before he got up to the podium. Everytime he talks i get the feeling hes hiding something from the american public. Bush is just a little to shady for me

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I guess you could say he kept our forgein relations with canada well, through pleasing ms. lewinski :p idk i really cant think of aything that he did, im an ultra conservative republican, but i cat stand what bush is doing to this country. I know i came no where near answering your question, but i dont think clinton was such a bad leader, if you go back and look at it, our economy was not like what it is now when he was in office.

Clinton was good at communicating with people, the reason he had support. When bush gets upto make an address, i think how much alcohol did this guy have before he got up to the podium. Everytime he talks i get the feeling hes hiding something from the american public. Bush is just a little to shady for me


"Tony Blair and I crashed the markets for a day or two and I didn't mean to,"

Clinton admitted. Whoops. [bloomberg News, April 5, 2000]


If a brief statement by President Clinton is enough to slash the value of bio-tech stocks,

how much damage can eight years of energy policy neglect inflict? President Clinton's lack of

leadership on the energy front is driving up energy prices, driving up inflation numbers, and

could drive up interest rates.

Combined, these effects are driving down American wealth. The stock market collapse

of April 13, 2000, reduced American wealth by hundreds of billions of dollars. Sustained high

energy prices represent an annual loss of between $50 and $100 billion from American

consumers to foreign oil producers. In the short term, the Clinton/Gore Administration's energy

policy failures are costing us money.

What long-term affect they may have is anybody's guess. Granted, the energy sector's

share of the economy is half what it was 20 years ago. Moreover, the economy continues to

benefit from large productivity increases. Nonetheless, the economy is currently facing a onetwo

punch of sharp energy price spikes and inverted yield curves that have served as precursors

to recessions in the past. The economy may continue to grow, but Clinton/Gore energy policy

failures have made us all poorer for the moment.


The Clinton-Gore energy policy has had a huge effect on our economy and continues to this day. Do you ever wonder why we have energy prices that are out of control? IMHO it is because the Clinton-Gore regime stalled EVERY effort to produce our own energy. Anyone remember then Clinton interrupting oil exploration because someone finds an animal living in the are that might be threatened? The funny thing is the ones that gripe about how Bush has drove prices up fail to look into the past. On top of that they are commonly the tree huggers that protest for the animals then complain that we cant refine our own oil.


That is just one way the Clinton-Gore regime harmed our economy.


Another way they harmed the economy was to go after companies and try to break them up. For example Microsoft. The Regime fought long and hard to take down Microsoft because they thought it was popular to take on the evil big business. At least that is what the focus groups told them (The Clinton policy making machine).

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Politics is more than shady, that's why I'd never get into it. I'm too honest and up front. China- I hate you Commie bastards. Middle East- Fuck off, we have bigger bombs. Europe- Stop being bitches. France- I really really hate you guys.

Scary how much we think alike..

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Politics is too much about making the world happy nowadays. All these stupid movie stars bitching about Darfur this, and Darfur that. Fuck that shit, who cares. We need a good president that won't kiss the world's ass, that won't jump to the aid of everyone all the time, and a president that's a flat out bad ass that will tell any country where they need to stick it. Last I remember we have a nice nuclear arsenal still left. We can make the world a bad place.
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Politics is too much about making the world happy nowadays. All these stupid movie stars bitching about Darfur this, and Darfur that. Fuck that shit, who cares. We need a good president that won't kiss the world's ass, that won't jump to the aid of everyone all the time, and a president that's a flat out bad ass that will tell any country where they need to stick it. Last I remember we have a nice nuclear arsenal still left. We can make the world a bad place.

No matter what people will ALWAYS be killing each other. That is just the way it is. MAybe if the people protesting Darfur would put a little effort into our county we would not be killing our own children and calling a "medical" procedure. I would bet more babies are killed in the US than people have died in Darfur. Come to think of it the stars would not put effort toward reducing abortions, that is one of the great pillars of the liberal faith.



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True, but did he do anything that hurt the U.S.?

Bush has put this country into an unforgivable debt at 1 million dollars per second right now. When Clinton came out of office im pretty sure this country was not in debt.


there is a GIANT difference between a balanced budget, which Clinton pulled off what, once in his 8 years? and being out of debt. Don't quote me on this, but I doubt that the US has been out of debt since WWII.

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there is a GIANT difference between a balanced budget, which Clinton pulled off what, once in his 8 years? and being out of debt. Don't quote me on this, but I doubt that the US has been out of debt since WWII.


From Wikipedia:

The United States has had public debt since its inception. Debts incurred during the American Revolutionary War and under the Articles of Confederation led to the first yearly reported value of $75,463,476.52 on January 1, 1791. Over the following 45 years, the debt grew, briefly contracted to zero on January 8, 1835 under President Andrew Jackson but then quickly grew into the millions again.[32][33]


The first dramatic growth spurt of the debt occurred because of the Civil War. The debt was just $65 million in 1860, but passed $1 billion in 1863 and had reached $2.7 billion following the war. The debt slowly fluctuated for the rest of the century, finally growing steadily in the 1910s and early 1920s to roughly $22 billion as the country paid for involvement in World War I.[34]


The buildup and involvement in World War II brought the debt up another order of magnitude from $51 billion in 1940 to $260 billion following the war. After this period, the debt's growth closely matched the rate of inflation until the 1980s, when it again began to skyrocket. Between 1980 and 1990, the debt more than tripled. By the end of 2005, the gross debt reached $7.9 trillion, about 8.7 times its 1980 level.[35]

Year to

30 September U.S. Govt Debt

US$ billions[36]

1910 2.6

1920 25.9

1930 16.2

1940 43.0

1950 257.4

1960 290.2

1970 389.2

1980 930.2

1990 3,233.3

2000 5,674.2

2005 7,932.7

2006 8,507.0

2007 9,007.7


The Second Liberty Bond Act of 1917 created a debt ceiling. Whereas Congress once approved legislation for every debt issuance, the growth of government fiscal operations in the twentieth century made this impractical. (For example, the Treasury now conducts more than 200 sales of debt by auction every year to fund $4 trillion in debt operations.) The Treasury was granted authority by the Congress to issue such debt as was needed to fund government operations as long as the total debt (excepting some small special classes) did not exceed a stated ceiling. However, the ceiling is routinely raised by passage of new laws by the United States Congress every year or so. The most recent example of this occurred in September 2007, when the U.S. Congress agreed to raise the National Debt limit to $9.815 trillion.[37]

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Dr. Rick you should be in politics. You have a way of finding facts while ignoring other facts to make your case seem stronger than it really is. We both know the country is ran by a group of people and not just one man. Bush gets all the flack because he is the face and voice of the U.S. Call it what you want but look at our condition now compared to 9-10 years ago. You can argue that Clintons administration messed up a few things (as you could with every administration), but from what I see... Bush and party have screwed up pretty bad.


I know you can tell me 100 good things that Bush did just as I could find 100 good things Clintion did. I'm not going to worry about it because you seem to be able to B.S. like a lawyer so it would be a never ending argument. For you to even try to prove that a President didnt help America in an 8 year period (and have people actually believe you) proves this.


The question is, "Is America in a better condition now than when Clinton was in office?". I dont care if you want to say Clinton got lucky, or Bush didnt contribute to our downward spiral... I would just like to see a straight forward answer for a change.

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Dr. Rick you should be in politics. You have a way of finding facts while ignoring other facts to make your case seem stronger than it really is. We both know the country is ran by a group of people and not just one man. Bush gets all the flack because he is the face and voice of the U.S. Call it what you want but look at our condition now compared to 9-10 years ago. You can argue that Clintons administration messed up a few things (as you could with every administration), but from what I see... Bush and party have screwed up pretty bad.


I know you can tell me 100 good things that Bush did just as I could find 100 good things Clintion did. I'm not going to worry about it because you seem to be able to B.S. like a lawyer so it would be a never ending argument. For you to even try to prove that a President didnt help America in an 8 year period (and have people actually believe you) proves this.


The question is, "Is America in a better condition now than when Clinton was in office?". I dont care if you want to say Clinton got lucky, or Bush didnt contribute to our downward spiral... I would just like to see a straight forward answer for a change.

oh snap

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Dr. Rick you should be in politics. You have a way of finding facts while ignoring other facts to make your case seem stronger than it really is. We both know the country is ran by a group of people and not just one man. Bush gets all the flack because he is the face and voice of the U.S. Call it what you want but look at our condition now compared to 9-10 years ago. You can argue that Clintons administration messed up a few things (as you could with every administration), but from what I see... Bush and party have screwed up pretty bad.


So why dont you stop the Bus bashing and start spreading the blame to congress as well. Has Bush mad a mess of things? Maybe.


I think that the country might be better off if everyone would stop the treasonous bashing of our leader. Did the right get on Clinton when he was in... yes. The right has never did not undermind the Clinton regiem like the Dems have under Bush.


You want an example? Try the sending of Pelosy to the Mideast to clearly do the job of the secretary of state. Where is the outrage? She should be in jail for that!

I know you can tell me 100 good things that Bush did just as I could find 100 good things Clintion did. I'm not going to worry about it because you seem to be able to B.S. like a lawyer so it would be a never ending argument. For you to even try to prove that a President didnt help America in an 8 year period (and have people actually believe you) proves this.


You make a statement like that and provide no back up for your feelings. Sounds like liberalism to me. Actions/opinions based on feelings not facts.


The question is, "Is America in a better condition now than when Clinton was in office?". I dont care if you want to say Clinton got lucky, or Bush didnt contribute to our downward spiral... I would just like to see a straight forward answer for a change.


The question still remains what did Clinton do to foster he "good" times. Trick question.... No answer.

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So why dont you stop the Bus bashing and start spreading the blame to congress as well. Has Bush mad a mess of things? Maybe.


I think that the country might be better off if everyone would stop the treasonous bashing of our leader. Did the right get on Clinton when he was in... yes. The right has never did not undermind the Clinton regiem like the Dems have under Bush.


You want an example? Try the sending of Pelosy to the Mideast to clearly do the job of the secretary of state. Where is the outrage? She should be in jail for that!



You make a statement like that and provide no back up for your feelings. Sounds like liberalism to me. Actions/opinions based on feelings not facts.




The question still remains what did Clinton do to foster he "good" times. Trick question.... No answer.


Exactly the answer I thought I would get. I am not pro Clinton, nor am I Anti-Bush. This is why I pointed out that Bush is just one man and not 100% the cause of our problems. I based my response on the changes I have seen. I know for a fact that we are in worse shape than we were, and as a leader it is his job to accept part of the blame. You can continue to dance around answers without me. I asked you a yes or no question and got a novel. Smoke and mirrors doesnt work on everyone. You keep being CR's political David Blaine, and I will go back to watching your magic show from the crowd.


Good day sir.

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