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Pimp C found dead in hotel.


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15 songs i went through and not a single one with any type of positive message, any fucking substance other then guns, drugs, bitchs, rims, ho's and handjobs. i'll say it again, Fuck ya boy, and fuck mainstream rap.


Oh and whens the last fucking time you saw a bunch of kids into hardcore rock or punk shootin motherfuckers for their chains, clothes, and shoes? Yea cause rock has the same message, right? Get fucking real...



I suggest you only listen to Christian music and stop posting in my thread.

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I've done plenty of stuff, and have no doubt that i'll be remembered and missed when the time comes. now if he's as great as you say, then i'll send an rip out his way next time i fucking give a shit, Cool? Actually, i did you one better, i looked his shit up on pandora and guess what the first motherfucking song they played after him was, T.I.'s 24's. cars and ho's, twenty fo's... Because thats the same style of your boy pimp c. 15 songs i went through and not a single one with any type of positive message, any fucking substance other then guns, drugs, bitchs, rims, ho's and handjobs. i'll say it again, Fuck ya boy, and fuck mainstream rap.


Oh and whens the last fucking time you saw a bunch of kids into hardcore rock or punk shootin motherfuckers for their chains, clothes, and shoes? Yea cause rock has the same message, right? Get fucking real...


You are 100% pure fucking idiot. Columbine, the kid in Finland a few weeks ago, Asa Coon in Cleveland, just three off the top of my head whose perpeptrators were avid metalheads.


And you use Pandora to do your musical research? You've gotta be fucking kidding me. Just because some internet bot associates Pimp C with T.I. doesn't mean they were on the same page and best buds.


While it's clear to me and everyone else here you're a fucking fag and you'd like to further prove it by admitting to everyone here that you only listen to christian rock and Britney Spears, all music has somehow been associated with "negative" images. Take a long walk off a short pier, fuckwad.


R.I.P. Pimp-C. Wrongfully imprisoned, dead before uour time, you'll be missed.

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Guest 614Streets
Oh touche, do you want me to post up every crime scene photo of the last 15 years, just so we can see how many times that image is countered by some gangsta ass lookin mofo? Oh, and thats the last time you saw a kid who listened to rock commit a fucked up crime?



Now dude I am a huge rock fan , I really dont like rap much at all although it has its place, but um remember a guy named dimebag darrell?


Thats just one reference.

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You are 100% pure fucking idiot.




Just because some internet bot associates Pimp C with T.I. doesn't mean they were on the same page and best buds.





Take a long walk off a short pier, fuckwad.


And F'ing DOT


And you use Pandora to do your musical research?


Dude is a joke!

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Do the few of you posting have any clue how many people he kept from going to jail, gave jobs to, the communities helped etc. Your rapping style is not always your current way of life.... its poetry put together from experience and fiction. Just becasue he didnt stand on a stage and snap his figures when talking about drug and guns does not make him a bad person. You will never hear about the hundreds-thousands he has helped along the way because he does it to help, not to get national publicity.


Now If you dont mind I'm going to go and put hooks in my back and hang from a ceiling while listening to songs telling me to kill my mom because this rap shit is a bad influence on me.

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Guest 614Streets
Today an 18 year old soldier died in Iraq when his convoy ran over a makeshift bomb, separating his head and legs from his torso. Flowers and condolences were sent to the family. However, "Pimp C" made headlines today because of his productive rap songs such as "mah bitch won't give me money so I choked her out" and "I gotz more moniez than yoo cuz u suk." Pimp C was an inspiration to us all and will be missed.



I see where you are headed with that but thats as if to say an 18 year old soldier who died today isnt respected highly and lost his life for nothing? I gaurentee you his life actions are respected and his judgement from what we all hope deep inside is true is that he now is a part of something bigger. We know that.


But did Pimp C actually touch some peoples lives in a positive way. Oh for sure. The Underground Kings were a movement for blacks in south Texas , I belive at one time pimp C was wrongfully Imprisoned.


Now what if that young 18 year old was like me oh 11 years ago, and had his IPOD (wALKMAN) playing the night before in his tent while relaxing off duty, and he had on some classic UGK pinky ring. Maybe he was reminencing how his fucked up gf cheated on him and when he got back to the states , he was going to just run through thoose hoes and teach them a lesson or get his.


Possible, hey anything is possible.


I say let the judgement of the dead to the boss himeself YESHUA.

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How do you determine who's life is worth more than anothers?

I feel your life only loses meaning when you yourself take away from that by doing wrong to others. Dont blame anyone but the the media because they base their decisions on what will get the most viewers/readers/listeners. In the event that any person dies I will show them the same amount of respect. It doesnt matter if you are a famous rapper, soldier, or even the homeless guy down the street. I will show my respect and not try to take away from your worth because of your profession, or lack there of.



A man that helped many people died.



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I love how rap people think that negative 5% of all metal/rock (and I'm more into rock than metal) represents all of it. I don't listen to any rock/metal that is about killing your parents, self mutilation, etc.


Yet with rap, 95% of it is a pretty negative message, yet the other 5% is focused on. Go figure. And you think it doesn't influence these ghetto kids. I watched a kid in a bad neighborhood recently play that retarded freaking "Superman that ho" song OVER AND OVER, at full blast on his pawn shop boombox. Just dancing and loving every minute of that total garbage. I realize that most rap isn't as shitty as that song, but plenty is nearly as bad.


**Note. 45.6% of all statistics are made up. So are mine**


***Note #2: I respect any "artist" more if they can play an instrument. And a turntable is not an instrument. Neither is beat-boxing. Neither is remixing someone else's stuff***

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***Note #2: I respect any "artist" more if they can play an instrument. And a turntable is not an instrument. Neither is beat-boxing. Neither is remixing someone else's stuff***


Nickleback plays instruments. Nickleback shouldn't be respected.



Proof: http://www.thewebshite.net/nickelback.htm


edit: turn on your speakers, may God strike me down if its a prank to get you in trouble. Its just two Nickleback songs synced up so you can hear how they totally fucking recycled.

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***Note #2: I respect any "artist" more if they can play an instrument. And a turntable is not an instrument. Neither is beat-boxing. Neither is remixing someone else's stuff***


What does a guitar, piano, turntable, etc........ all have in common? They create. Music is music. You have what you like, other people have what they like. Alot of rap now-n-days is created for you to dance with. Some rock is easy on the ears, metal will never be. Why do people have to be so ignorant?

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***Note #2: I respect any "artist" more if they can play an instrument. And a turntable is not an instrument. Neither is beat-boxing. Neither is remixing someone else's stuff***


Regardless if it's an instrument or not...it's talent....whether you think it is or not. All musicans/artists, no matter the genre, have talent of their own. If you can't do it obviously it's a talent you don't possess. A turntable is a hell of a talent. YouTube a DJ Jazzy Jeff or Kid Capri DJ session and name ONE person you know that can do it...bet you can't. Rap is a rhyming talent just as other singers, rockers have a talent.

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Nickleback plays instruments. Nickleback shouldn't be respected.



Proof: http://www.thewebshite.net/nickelback.htm


edit: turn on your speakers, may God strike me down if its a prank to get you in trouble. Its just two Nickleback songs synced up so you can hear how they totally fucking recycled.

What's your point? Are you going to tell me you like ALL rap "artists" (I use that term very loosely). It's a pretty fair bet that anyone who is a fan of any specific kind of music doesn't enjoy all "artists" of that kind of music.


Showing your prejudice only makes you look like an ass!! True story

Prejudice of what? Not like rap music and what it represents. AAAHHHH, NOOOOO. And for the record, there are a VERY select few rap songs I like (mostly funny, old-school stuff without any of that ghetto crap in it).

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