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For my 1000th post...

El Karacho1647545492

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I contribute a shit thread, even though its in the kitchen and wont contribute to my post count








flame me, please.

















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you said to flame you and thats all i got?!? God your dumb are you really 20?

Yeah I'm really 20. Are you really 28? You know, one would think someone who's 28 would have better things to do than get online and "flame" a 20 year old. So what do you want in response to this sad attempt at a flame:

well since all you do is post bullshit and dont contribute anythign i think its fitting so get a life

If you wanted me to retalliate you should've done something notable, something that might actually offend me instead of the same jargon that I've heard everywhere before. And what do you mean I don't contribute anything? Find any coherent political debate on this site, you'll find I'm usually somewhere in it. Oh you mean racingwise? I'm not rich, but I've got the Apache and I'm at Mid-Ohio every chance my college-broke ass can afford. I'm not content to slam a bike like some dumbass squid and try to hit 200 on the interstate, I'd rather test my abilities as a driver on a road course. Next time you're doing 150 on that sad little crotchrocket, why don't you hit a pothole and eat an asphalt sandwich.

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Yeah I'm really 20. Are you really 28? You know, one would think someone who's 28 would have better things to do than get online and "flame" a 20 year old. So what do you want in response to this sad attempt at a flame:


If you wanted me to retalliate you should've done something notable, something that might actually offend me instead of the same jargon that I've heard everywhere before. And what do you mean I don't contribute anything? Find any coherent political debate on this site, you'll find I'm usually somewhere in it. Oh you mean racingwise? I'm not rich, but I've got the Apache and I'm at Mid-Ohio every chance my college-broke ass can afford. I'm not content to slam a bike like some dumbass squid and try to hit 200 on the interstate, I'd rather test my abilities as a driver on a road course. Next time you're doing 150 on that sad little crotchrocket, why don't you hit a pothole and eat an asphalt sandwich.



So your broke, and your making fun of me cuz i spend money on my bike?

I'm not even starting into a political debate cuz YOUR 20, your veiws are that of your parents still. Lastly why would you wish harm on me, well basically death, to wreck at 200mph? That in itself shows that you are young and not worthy. Don't try to be Hefty he might be a tool but at least he grew out of it and dosn't take this stuff personal.


If my intention was to offend you i would, I was just stating the facts.

You fail at this kitchen thread

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