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Do I want two dogs??


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We have a Boxer that's about 2. I found a lady that has a 14 week old Boxer pup that she got at 6 weeks...She needs to get rid of it..She wants next to nothing for it. It's cute as all hell.


Pros- Current dog has a playmate, GF will be happy

Cons- Just move in NEW house....new as in ground up. Hard enough to find a sitter for one dog....we vacation a lot in the summer, added mouth to my wallet....2 dogs seems like a lot.

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you can't just have one :D As you may or not know, we have two, so I'm a bit biased. had Boxers all my life and can't have just one.


good luck...and remember, they are pups their whole life :)



Nah, I didn't know. They are great dogs....This is our current as a baby...





Day I got him...Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww!

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oh i dont like the ears cropped lol but still very cute


They look a little weird there....It was the day we removed the bandages...They were tall and straight. Here's a better pic...



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We have 4 dogs (3 Pembroke Welsh Corgi's and a Siberian Husky), 8 puppies, a horse, and a gajillion fish. We also plan to foster another dog for the Logan County Humane Society within the next few weeks. My wife is a dog trainer though.


Another trainer at her work has 20 dogs, her license plate is 2MANYK9.



You just have to watch out with Boxer's b/c they are very overly bred. Read up on the breed standard (doesn't just make the dog pretty, but healtier as well) and have the dog checked out by a vet.

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Cute pup!


They grow fast...........and I'm a pic whore :p


From little baby:



to skinny and leggy....



to a full grown girl...in our case about 75lbs:



The above is Jasmine who is now 10yrs old.


Ares is now 7:





Nah, I didn't know. They are great dogs....This is our current as a baby...

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Here....look it. Meet Rocky and Tyson.






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cool you did get him. Brendle rocks.


Ya...I went to Dayton to pick him up Thursday night.



Nice looking dog. I see what you mean about the puppies paw size. His paws are huge. :eek:


He's going to be much bigger than Tyson. Right now Tyson punks him. It's funny watching them....Tyson does not get a break. The minute he sits or lays...Rocky jumps all over him.

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