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The Ancient Rite of Christmas Bonuses

El Karacho1647545492

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Hey Joe, if you post the amount of the bonus they give you for being a maintenance man, I'll post mine and we can compare.

When did I get a new job?


Take it easy, I'm just giving you shit. I get $0.00 X-mas bonus. Well, I got a card like Mitch, so I feel pretty freaking special too.

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I'll probably get 20+ shitty christmas cards that will litter my desk for the next 3 weeks because I wont want to throw them away and be labeled 'the asshole who doesnt appreciate someone's thoughful gesture of the holiday card'. Other than that my boss will buy my some bullshit 5.00$ coffee mug (which i dont even drink coffee) like he did last year. Though he is nice enough to make the purchase out of his own wallet.


Oh yeah, lest I forget about the HORRIBLE christmas party our department threw for us just last night at the columbus zoo lights. I had to walk 20 minutes in the cold for some reheated pasty mashed potatos and tough chicken with a cold bun and some koolaid. Seriously KOOLAID?!?! Am I fucking 12?!?!? But Im not sour about it or anything....

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We get a profit sharing bonus this time of year that is based mostly on how long we've worked for the company. Mines a couple hundred. It was nice when we got a "christmass" bonus, but someone told the wrong people about it and we lost it. Sucks to because we didn't really lose it since it was something that was taken out of our regular monthly performance bonuses about 10% and then paid to us in December. It was nice, but oh well.



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