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Some of you are fuckin appalling. Really. I've lived all over this country and never have I seen such a large percentage of the population so ignorant, thoughtless, bigoted and close minded as I have this far up north. And it's the south that supposed to be that way. :rolleyes: They're more accepting out west and south than here. What kills me the most, is the majority of you who run your goddamn mouths so negatively, have no actual experience with any of these 'illegals'. Personal, business, or otherwise nor just how the process works. I, however, do. And for those of you who preach the fuckin gospel to come in here and present yourselves as people who'd rather shit on someone from another country than to try to at least understand just a bit, I truly hope you understand that if there was a hell, you'd surely be going to it.

I am sickened by the complete lack of empathy, understanding and bigotry here. Not a damn one of you would live in this country if it were like many other countries in this world. You'd do what you could for your family. I've lived in Mexico. And not just for vacation. Actually lived there and not in the "tourist area" or whatever. How many of you immersed yourself in the culture there? Or anywhere else, for that matter? How dare you form such uneducated, ignorant opinions of your fellow man!

If you want to blame someone, blame companies here, blame the government. These illegals don't get paid under the table by any company. They have taxes removed just like everyeone else, except they don't get to file for their taxes back. That's all governement money. Why the hell do you think it's so easy to get a fake SS card? "Oh, but Christian, the money they do get, they send back." Oh, and you spend all yours here? First, they do spend money. They have to live here. Second, how much of your money actually goes back into our economy and not to China's, etc? Psst, guess how many products and automobiles we buy are made in Mexico? Well, probably not as many jobs as our "American" companies are giving to the Indians. Uh, that's actual Indians, not Native Americans. I know some of you don't quite get the concept of native american, etc. :rolleyes:


Alright now. Let's have it. Bring on the flaming so I can truly see who you are. I know I could go on explaining myself, but time runs short as I'm heading out of town. What drives me crazy is the inexperience and uneducated opinions of some of you here. How quick you are to form these opinons when you really have no idea what the hell you're talking about.


Sorry, I know this turned out to be too long for the forum. :(



Amen brother. I can't believe the filth that has been spewed in this thread.


From the article, I don't see that the article is expressing any "bias" for illegal immigration or immigrants for that matter. I think that I see a teacher trying to show students the way it is.


Immigration is bad, but you can't blame in on the immigrants. I think that we need to blame and administration for not enforcing the law. It pisses me off that people speed on the freeways all the time....pisses me all to hell...but just because it's illegal doesn't stop them from doing it....especially when there's no enforcement. The system is flawed, no the people trying to make something for their families.


And what's with the Swahili comments.....how fucking ignorant. You should realize that Swahili is a launguage that is in definite need in this area. If you don't like it, take your kids out of public school and pay for the difference for private.....you can do that.

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Some of you are fuckin appalling. Really. I've lived all over this country and never have I seen such a large percentage of the population so ignorant, thoughtless, bigoted and close minded as I have this far up north. And it's the south that supposed to be that way. :rolleyes: They're more accepting out west and south than here. What kills me the most, is the majority of you who run your goddamn mouths so negatively, have no actual experience with any of these 'illegals'. Personal, business, or otherwise nor just how the process works. I, however, do. And for those of you who preach the fuckin gospel to come in here and present yourselves as people who'd rather shit on someone from another country than to try to at least understand just a bit, I truly hope you understand that if there was a hell, you'd surely be going to it.

I am sickened by the complete lack of empathy, understanding and bigotry here. Not a damn one of you would live in this country if it were like many other countries in this world. You'd do what you could for your family. I've lived in Mexico. And not just for vacation. Actually lived there and not in the "tourist area" or whatever. How many of you immersed yourself in the culture there? Or anywhere else, for that matter? How dare you form such uneducated, ignorant opinions of your fellow man!

If you want to blame someone, blame companies here, blame the government. These illegals don't get paid under the table by any company. They have taxes removed just like everyeone else, except they don't get to file for their taxes back. That's all governement money. Why the hell do you think it's so easy to get a fake SS card? "Oh, but Christian, the money they do get, they send back." Oh, and you spend all yours here? First, they do spend money. They have to live here. Second, how much of your money actually goes back into our economy and not to China's, etc? Psst, guess how many products and automobiles we buy are made in Mexico? Well, probably not as many jobs as our "American" companies are giving to the Indians. Uh, that's actual Indians, not Native Americans. I know some of you don't quite get the concept of native american, etc. :rolleyes:


Alright now. Let's have it. Bring on the flaming so I can truly see who you are. I know I could go on explaining myself, but time runs short as I'm heading out of town. What drives me crazy is the inexperience and uneducated opinions of some of you here. How quick you are to form these opinons when you really have no idea what the hell you're talking about.


Sorry, I know this turned out to be too long for the forum. :(

Illegals do the dirty jobs that the legals dont wnat to do. I dont have a problem with most mexican illegals, they are just trying to better their lives for their families and themselves. Its those fucking somolians that piss me off. Hating America and what it stands for but still coming over here to benefit from our resources.

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I am not willing to sacrifice my country so frosty and fries are right every time. I agree about "whitey". Some people need to learn work ethics.

Ummm Wendie's is a bit high profile to be hiring illegals. That's why Bush wants them to have worker passes; so walmart and wendies can get in on that $4/hr non insured action.

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Illegals do the dirty jobs that the legals dont wnat to do. I dont have a problem with most mexican illegals, they are just trying to better their lives for their families and themselves. Its those fucking somolians that piss me off. Hating America and what it stands for but still coming over here to benefit from our resources.



I cant believe the bleeding hearts in this thread. Plain and simple they are stealing from you in the form of governmental services. I have no problem with anyone coming here legally, how my relatives did from Ireland and Germany.


The Costs of Illegal Immigration to Californians: Executive Summary



Analysis of the latest Census data indicates that California's illegal immigrant population is costing the state's taxpayers more than $10.5 billion per year for education, medical care and incarceration. Even if the estimated tax contributions of illegal immigrant workers are subtracted, net outlays still amount to nearly $9 billion per year. The annual fiscal burden from those three areas of state expenditures amounts to about $1,183 per household headed by a native-born resident.(That is money out of the taxpayer pocket


This analysis looks specifically at the costs to the state for education, health care and incarceration resulting from illegal immigration. These three are the largest cost areas, and they are the same three areas analyzed in a 1994 study conducted by the Urban Institute, which provides a useful baseline for comparison ten years later. Other studies have been conducted in the interim, showing trends that support the conclusions of this report.


As this report will note, other significant costs associated with illegal immigration exist and should be taken into account by federal and state officials. But, even without accounting for all of the numerous areas in which costs associated with illegal immigration are being incurred by California taxpayers, the programs analyzed in this study indicate that the burden is substantial and that the costs are rapidly increasing.


The more than $10.1 billion in costs incurred by California taxpayers is composed of outlays in the following areas:


* Education. Based on estimates of the illegal immigrant population in California and documented costs of K-12 schooling, Californians spend approximately $7.7 billion annually on education for illegal immigrant children and for their U.S.-born siblings. Nearly 15 percent of the K-12 public school students in California are children of illegal aliens.


* Health care. Uncompensated medical outlays for health care provided to the state's illegal alien population amount to about $1.4 billion a year.

* Incarceration. The cost of incarcerating illegal aliens in California's prisons and jails amounts to about $1.4 billion a year (not including related law enforcement and judicial expenditures or the monetary costs of the crimes that led to their incarceration).


State and local taxes paid by the unauthorized immigrant population go toward offsetting these costs, but they do not come near to matching the expenses. The total of such payments can generously be estimated at about $1.6 billion per year.


The fiscal costs of illegal immigration do not end with these three major cost areas. The total costs of illegal immigration to the state's taxpayers would be considerably higher if other cost areas such as special English instruction, school feeding programs, or welfare benefits for American workers displaced by illegal alien workers were added into the equation.


While the primary responsibility for combating illegal immigration rests with the federal government, there are many measures that state and local governments can take to combat the problem. Californians should not be expected to assume this already large and growing burden from illegal immigration simply because businesses or other special interests benefit from being able to employ lower cost workers. The state must adopt measures to systematically collect information on illegal alien use of taxpayer-funded services and on where they are employed. Policies could then be pursued to hold employers financially accountable.


The state could also enter into a cooperative agreement with the federal government for training local law enforcement personnel in immigration law so that illegal immigrants apprehended for criminal activities may be turned over to immigration authorities for removal from the country. Similarly, local officials who have adopted "sanctuary" measures that shield illegal aliens from being reported to the immigration authorities should be urged to repeal them.


November 2004

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Plain and simple: if you're immigrating to America, no matter the nation, do it legally. That's all that matters. I'm not sure how that's uneducated, close-minded or bigotry but I'll just take it that it's just the symptoms of a bleeding heart idiot.
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Its those fucking somolians that piss me off. Hating America and what it stands for but still coming over here to benefit from our resources.


I go to a well-respected liberal arts college. One of my good friends is in fact Somali. Every year, he dumps $41k into the economy through schooling alone. do you?



I agree completely about how they are breaking the law, and they shouldnt be. they ARE taking our resources. The point i am trying to make is that this is a natural thing. There are immigrants in every country. you ALWAYS need a lower class like that. americans simply wont do the work that these people do, and if they did.... they wouldnt do it as well.

I am not saying we should let them flock through our borders. I am saying that we need to "build a fence", simply because we have a lot of our own problems to deal with. we need to figure out our own school system and our own healthcare and welfare system. But, despite this, i would rather have the lower class in this country not be americans. if you are pissed about them taking YOUR jobs... try going to school. unless you want to be a 45 year old working at mcdonalds.

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In Ohio, it is estimated that we spend 183 Million on Illegals in this state. That is your tax dollars being stolen by people the should not be here.





I'd rather my tax dollars be given to people who are working 80 hrs each and every week to survive and feed their families than have it land in the pockets of some corrupt politician.


BTW, OBGYN destroyed all of you, I actually LOLed when I imagined the look on all of your faces when you were reading his post. I've posted nearly the same exact thing before, but the only responses I got were "Durrrr, dey took our JERBS!"


When you parents came to this country, the immigration process took MAYBE a week..... now it takes forever and is fraught with crap.


Bottom Line, America has no identity anymore. People still call it the land of the free, but theres microchips in passports, people arent allowed to smoke cigs OUTSIDE, sagging your pants can get you ticketed, a cop has murdered four wives but hasnt been sent to prison because people are in such fear of the Law, it's now legal for you to be arrested without cause, be denied access to a lawyer or friends and family, and have no trial.


The entire world hates us, were in "wars" all over the world, and for what? What does the average american citizen care/know about korea? Afghanistan? Iran? Iraq? Africa? Nothing. They see us as brash, uncaring imperialists because... thats what weve become.


Where has all this gotten us? Gas prices are bordering on unaffordable, Taxes are outrageous, our economy has gone to shit, Residential foreclosures have been and continue to be absolutely staggering, and nobody cares/takes the time to do anything about anything because, guess what... They're worried about taking care of themselves and their families. Sound like another group of people you've heard of/continually blame the countries problems on?


Wake up, people. It isn't the immigrants thats the problem, it's the people in office. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, is going to change for the better if the government continues to discover that the American people dont give a shit about whats going on around them as long as they have a place to live, a car to drive, and food on the table.

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I am just amazed at the people on this board that are winking an eye at a mass invasion of our country.


Hefty says we don't have an identity anymore; there is a good reason for that, Mexico. Today, I was at Wal-Mart getting a small heater and I had to flip the box around to find the English side. We should not have to flip the box or press 1 to get English. We are losing our American identity because the immigrants of today refuse to assimilate. When my relatives came here, they "became" Americans. They did not expect America to become the old country.


In the past our country needed immigrants to foster the growth that our nation needed. Now we approach 300+million people, we don’t need the immigrants as much. Legal immigration is still good for our country. The national origin of the immigrants does not matter to me as long as the follow the rules. We should welcome anyone that has followed the rules and earned the privilege to be here. Those who circumvent the rules are not being fair to those who wait in line. The process is a long and trying for those who come here the right way. The good thing about making the process tough is the people who make it through are more likely to be good contributing members of our nation. They will assimilate to our culture, more so than those who hop a fence and run across the desert.


The politicians are playing to the Hispanic vote just the way they have played to the AARP and NAACP vote in the past. Politicians and special interest groups will always use the “racist” label to those who disagree. The same happens here on CR. Christian throws the “Bigot” sword around to anyone who disagrees with his agenda of an open boarder. If it was Ethiopians, Solmalians, or any other non boarder nation invading us like the Mexicans, the feelings of the sympathizers would be vastly different.


I don’t see this issue as bigotry at all. It is about money and the law. Illegal’s cost our nation money, our identity, our safety, and our future progress. The problem that we have now is nothing more than an invasion of our country, without the Mexican Military. If their military came across our boarder in an effort to expand the area of their population we would fight back. We should fight back against this invasion and enforce the laws already in on place.


The jobs that the Mexicans have taken are not all the low level jobs that no one wants. They are taking the construction jobs that were once good paying jobs. They are taking the landscaping jobs that paid ok at one time. Another good example is the meat packing industry, in the 1960’s and 70’ it was one of the best paying industrial jobs. Now illegals have virtually taken over the industry and dropped the wages. I am all for capitalism, but lets do it legally.


I have been into northern Mexico and can understand why they want to come here, and they are welcome to do so, legally.

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I'm even having to deal with more and more Mexicans working in IT departments. Not as help desk either. I can think of several (won't mention where since they are customers) that are sys admins. These aren't 3rd generation guys either they can barely understand what we're telling them.



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people against illegals at least have opinions on the situation wrong or not, but i haven't heard any good ideas as a solution to the problem from people who are think those people are wrong, only views on the people who don't like what is happening. So how would all the people for pro illegals solve the problems that come with it
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Today, I was at Wal-Mart getting a small heater and I had to flip the box around to find the English side. We should not have to flip the box or press 1 to get English.


Don't go to shitty ass wal mart


people against illegals at least have opinions on the situation wrong or not, but i haven't heard any good ideas as a solution to the problem from people who are think those people are wrong, only views on the people who don't like what is happening. So how would all the people for pro illegals solve the problems that come with it


Annex Mexico, cut it up into states, enforce our tax laws. The Mexican president whines about us not letting enough of them in, lets let them all in at once. That will make it easier to turn the whole area into a tourist trap, they will make plenty of money then.

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I cant believe the bleeding hearts in this thread. Plain and simple they are stealing from you in the form of governmental services. I have no problem with anyone coming here legally, how my relatives did from Ireland and Germany.


In Ohio, it is estimated that we spend 183 Million on Illegals in this state. That is your tax dollars being stolen by people the should not be here.




A fucking men (seems appropriate for quoting the Dr.).


Let's not forget that most of them don't have a license, or car insurance. They hit you, then guess who gets screwed on their insurance. Where are the stats from that, because I know several people that have been screwed in that way by these freaking illegals.


If you want to be here legally, you are VERY welcome to be here. If you are coming here illegally, you are a criminal. These people are breaking the law, and we are allowing them to do it.


I don't give 2 shits about their plights, problems, and how bad it is in Mexico or whatever shithole they came from. The US can't rescue them all, or it will just bring the US down to the level of where they came from. Sorry, that's reality. Same as we can't all win the lottery, we can't all come from a rich family, we can't all be models...life isn't fair.


If you want to improve your life, come here legally. Do it the right way.

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people against illegals at least have opinions on the situation wrong or not, but i haven't heard any good ideas as a solution to the problem from people who are think those people are wrong, only views on the people who don't like what is happening. So how would all the people for pro illegals solve the problems that come with it


This is not as difficult of a problem to solve as the politicians make it out to be. The politicians are afraid to touch this issue because it has now become the third rail of politics. If you speak out about sending the illegals home your are labeled a bigot or racist, as we have seen in this thread already.


IMHO to solve this problem you have to take away the financial incentive for the Mexicans to come here. As an employer, I have to verify that my employees are legal to work in the US by verifying two forms of ID. For example SS card and drivers license. First of all, lets stop having states issue ID's to illegals. Secondly , enact HEAVY civil and criminal penalties for the employers that employee these people. Once the financial incentive for them to come here illegally is gone they will go away on their own.

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