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Looking to get a 360

Rally Pat

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You don't need an adapter. the 360 has 4 usb ports already.


You n eed an adapter OR for software company to put support in for native usb.


The ps3 has the same ability as ut3 supports it for the ps3



But i think the ps3 sucks until gt5 comes out then I might get one.

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too late, i bought one on ebay earlier today. bought the standard system, 20 gig hd and a wireless controller with component cables. I need some games now. I think I am going to buy Gears for PC eventually, as it has an extra 5 hours of gameplay more than the 360 version. Maybe Assassin's Creed?
forza2 /THREAD
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So you have only been playing video games since 2002?

I used to play on my computer but I got tired of games not running right, having to upgrade a bunch of junk for new games getting released. Consoles are easier and care free. Every game i buy will run on it as intended.

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Nobody's mentioned the PS3's recockulously long load times on every game (that I've played). That alone could sway me towards a 360.


My PS3 loads very quickly. I have no regrets of getting it. I just missed Halo too much. 80GB is the best bang for the buck. I should have waited to get it. Way too expensive for everything. Remote, controllers, games, and you are looking at $1000+

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Except they took out the hardware component of the board in the new PS3 that controlled PS2 emulation. Goodbye backwards compatibility.

I believe the 80gb still play most PS2 games. The 60gb ones also play them, although they're not made anymore.

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Forza 2 = Forza 1.5 anyway. It's a pretty remake of the first game with little anything changed, hell you even win the same cars from the same race series as before.


I've watched that Stargate a few times and though I liked the movie I just can't get into the series, guess I like Battlestar Galactica too much.

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Forza 2 = Forza 1.5 anyway. It's a pretty remake of the first game with little anything changed, hell you even win the same cars from the same race series as before.


I've watched that Stargate a few times and though I liked the movie I just can't get into the series, guess I like Battlestar Galactica too much.


I have all 10 Seasons on DVD and I would be willing to let you borrow them, Ben ;)

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