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PRO Gun Show - Westland Mall - Dec 29-30


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Greetings from the U.S. Military....



ohh wow.... I can out shoot all my military buddies



actually so can my girlfriend


The only thing I can't do is the long range open sight, just cause I have bad eyes...


But no, military guys CAN shoot, but that doesn't mean that they are all sharpshooters (and just so you know some of these pro shooters ARE sharpshooters for their day jobs)

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ohh wow.... I can out shoot all my military buddies



actually so can my girlfriend


The only thing I can't do is the long range open sight, just cause I have bad eyes...


But no, military guys CAN shoot, but that doesn't mean that they are all sharpshooters (and just so you know some of these pro shooters ARE sharpshooters for their day jobs)


Are you retarded? Do those guns look like standard issue?


Step away from the computer, put down your god complex, and GTFO.

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Are you retarded? Do those guns look like standard issue?


Step away from the computer, put down your god complex, and GTFO.



What the fuck are you talking about? You are the one that came in talking shit


None of us shoot with "special guns"...


Hell last time we shot we used standard S&W's with cheap Wal Mart ammo and were making the 3 Marines look like they didn't know what they were doing.. granted they weren't used to the range we go to which is 75 feet instead of 50.

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What the fuck are you talking about? You are the one that came in talking shit


None of us shoot with "special guns"...


Hell last time we shot we used standard S&W's with cheap Wal Mart ammo and were making the 3 Marines look like they didn't know what they were doing.. granted they weren't used to the range we go to which is 75 feet instead of 50.


oh dear god.


if your so good why didnt you join a branch of the military or police force that can use your delta force skills.

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What the fuck are you talking about? You are the one that came in talking shit


None of us shoot with "special guns"...


Hell last time we shot we used standard S&W's with cheap Wal Mart ammo and were making the 3 Marines look like they didn't know what they were doing.. granted they weren't used to the range we go to which is 75 feet instead of 50.


The only thing special about those guns are the people behind them, as in, special forces. I really don't care if you out shot Johnny Leatherneck who could barely qualify marksman.


Its blatently obvious your accounting job doesn't provide you a clear view of how the military dispatches weaponary. If it did, you wouldn't have responded with such a weak ass attempt to once again, prove that you are the best, your friends are the best, and you belong in Delta, Ranger, or Recon to instruct us all how to shoot, since we couldn't possibly be better.


Eat a dick.

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Boost and Juice you should quote your source. I know you didnt type all that and grab pictures for example because I have read that all word for word on endtimesreport.com



Directed at no one specific...


You guys turn common sense into more then it should be. You dont need a damn shot gun to defend you home. When you start shooting at some one and hit them they will turn the other way. Weather its with a .22, .38, .40, .45 it doesnt matter. Or for gods sake a shot gun. When you hit them they will go down.


I run +P's through a .22 that will make some advanced shooters think twice.

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i rather the intruder come in and then I hunt him/her/then down with a knife. Thats the best way to get the full effect out of an intruder.




**disclamier-if you do this you rock, i just dont recommend it :)**


I let the raptors off their leashes....



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i rather the intruder come in and then I hunt him/her/then down with a knife. Thats the best way to get the full effect out of an intruder.




**disclamier-if you do this you rock, i just dont recommend it :)**


I will try that.


All this talk about guns, I had a wicked dream last night. That someone broke into my shop while I was there at night. Well they didnt make it out alive. 16 Hollow Points later some how their head was decapitated. Awesome!

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The only thing special about those guns are the people behind them, as in, special forces. I really don't care if you out shot Johnny Leatherneck who could barely qualify marksman.


Its blatently obvious your accounting job doesn't provide you a clear view of how the military dispatches weaponary. If it did, you wouldn't have responded with such a weak ass attempt to once again, prove that you are the best, your friends are the best, and you belong in Delta, Ranger, or Recon to instruct us all how to shoot, since we couldn't possibly be better.


Eat a dick.



Whoa whoa whoa... you are the one that came in with the attitude there buddy. I don't give a shit if they are miltiary sharpshooters there is always someone better out there, and you don't know eho is a better shot and I don't know that either... so shut your hole and go be a tool somewhere else. All I was that there is mostly shit at that gun show, which is true

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Whoa whoa whoa... you are the one that came in with the attitude there buddy. I don't give a shit if they are miltiary sharpshooters there is always someone better out there, and you don't know eho is a better shot and I don't know that either... so shut your hole and go be a tool somewhere else. All I was that there is mostly shit at that gun show, which is true


Please, do the world a favor and wrap your hands in razor wire before you make a post like this again.

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