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The Old XBOX Modding Thread


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I searched and only found info regarding the 360 modding. Anything else was too old.


Do we have any resident experts on modding the old xbox?

(Thank you Eric for recommending http://www.xbox-scene.com/ )


Most of the information I found via google etc tended to be old.

If anyone out there is still in the know, please post!


From my reading I am leaning towards the XECUTER 3 CE

install info: http://teamxecuter.entryhost.com/x3ce.pdf

Although I do not think I want to install it myself.

I think it is also best to get a 320GB IDE drive due to size limitations?


Any help appreciated! Thanks!

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Yes go for the newer xecuter. If you don't feel safe modding then send it to someone that will do it for a fee. I can see if I can dig up any websites like that. 320 gig would be fine. I have a 120gb in mine but at the time it was all I could afford.
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I searched for a few websites and can not find one that offers mod chip installation. These companies still offer selling you a modded system though.


Do a quick search for xbox modded shipped. See if the price tag is worth it to you.

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My buddy can make it so your xbox can run linux. (install a mod). If your interested pm I can get you in contact. I know he has done a few of my friends boxes and they look nice.


He has done other kewl shit like front panel mods to show what movie your watching and shit.

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supp, Your mixing 2 methods together. a SOFTMOD and tsop flash are diffrent. a true softmod require the placement of a sounfile in the menu for the the regular xbox dash which is a buffer over flow allowing you to excute unsigned code.


A tsop flash uses a softmod to excute the flasher but requires you to open the case and solder 2 points i think it is. Its been a while. But I mean if you know howt o tsop flash him make it happen :)

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supp, Your mixing 2 methods together. a SOFTMOD and tsop flash are diffrent. a true softmod require the placement of a sounfile in the menu for the the regular xbox dash which is a buffer over flow allowing you to excute unsigned code.


A tsop flash uses a softmod to excute the flasher but requires you to open the case and solder 2 points i think it is. Its been a while. But I mean if you know howt o tsop flash him make it happen :)


Yeah technically you are correct, a softmod for the xbox1 I believe can be done without a TSOP flash but I consider TSOP flash a softmod because all it is joining 2 solder points and useing a glitch in 007 video game.


It would be cool to be able to play all those old game system ROMs.

Will that work with the softmod? Can you help me do it?


TSOP flash can do everything a modchip can do but the convenience of switching bios' and some other small features but the interface and everything you can do will be the same.


I used to do these for like 25 bucks all the time but to be honest to you it is really really simple to do yourself. All you need is a hex driver, solder iron, memory card, and a legit copy of 007 non platinum edition.


This is all you need: http://forums.xbox-scene.com/index.php?showtopic=165336&referid=&highlight=tsop%20007%20flash%20guide



If you want to stop by sometime I can walk you through it, and if I can find my 007 Raincoat memory card you can use that to save you the hassle.

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A modchip would get rid of this 007 game exploit. I high recommend it if you want an Xbox to just turn on and start playing roms, movies, backup games, etc. I can see if I have the SlayersX install CD that you just boot up the xbox with after it is chipped. It installs the O/S for you and includes a built in FTP program. You can use the FTP program to move files to the xbox and back to PC.


If you really want to get fancy you can setup a dip switches with different BIOS banks. This is how my xecuter 2 is.

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I am undecided! My wife will be theone using it most. Perhaps it would be best to get a mod chip?


Anyone know this guy? "Palmore"




hmm looks like he is part of BuckeyeMMA

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Yes I know Palmore. He is insane.


Unless you want to get crazy in the mod scene all you need is a TSOP flash. Running different bios' are worthless unless you want to try to sneak by xbox-live, dev work, and other useless stuff. Save the money. ATM I am in Florida so I am not available until after Jan 10th.

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