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Fire in the hole!


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If I was in the car behind them there would be a very good chance that I would foolow them, take their plate number, and bring it back to the fast food place so they could press charges.


One of these days they are going to do it, try to take off, and get side swipe by a semi.... darwins a bitch

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nope I won't waste food, I was waiting for you and SPLN SUX to throw down, popcorn means I was gonna sit, wait, and watch you e-thugs have a food fight...lol....relax dude


I dont "throw down" on the internet... mostly because its the fuckin internet. I just think its fucked up to laugh at someone tormenting someone else whos just trying do thier job, reguardless of what it is.


People might think it doesnt matter because they run a drive thru window... but at the end of the day, theyre still there making life a little easier for you... and for that they deserve to get drilled with a cup of pop? Grow the fuck up.

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I live off of Sancus blvd. Ill meet you at lazelle park and you can try it. Did I not say I would be pissed if it happened to me? Yeah pretty sure I said that. Did I say I would go around doing it? No, I'm not a douche. Lighten the fuck up, seems like someone got picked on a bit too much as a lil tike.


Um... so your thought process is... im going to actully do this to you, after i scorned someone else for doing it? R-tard. You are douche for laughing at someone else being tormented for no reason. Youre still 19, and at that age that you think almost anything is funny. I dont even know why i waste my time.

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Um... so your thought process is... im going to actully do this to you, after i scorned someone else for doing it? R-tard. You are douche for laughing at someone else being tormented for no reason. Youre still 19, and at that age that you think almost anything is funny. I dont even know why i waste my time.



Yes, I obviously thought you were going to do this. Because I know how serious the internet is. It's serious business. Don't you know? I mean, judging from your replies you surely do understand this. Because videos on Break.com are the be all and end all of the internet, and what I think is funny. You're right, I should get my tight ass lil panties all in a bunch because someone is getting a chuckle out of this. It is truely OUTRAGEOUS! I simply cannot believe kids these days. I should be more like you, never laugh at anything, and certainly never do anything even REMOTELY wrong. MY apologies sir.

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I giggled but thats pretty messed up people, umm kids, would do that


I can actually picture.. kids throwing cup for direct hit.. kid driving POS car hits gas and car stalls.. employee goes through window and beats kid to bloody pulp while him and his friends are screaming like 10yr old little bitches hah Where is THAT VIDEO!

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I dont "throw down" on the internet... mostly because its the fuckin internet. I just think its fucked up to laugh at someone tormenting someone else whos just trying do thier job, reguardless of what it is.


People might think it doesnt matter because they run a drive thru window... but at the end of the day, theyre still there making life a little easier for you... and for that they deserve to get drilled with a cup of pop? Grow the fuck up.


I said it was fucked up too, your the one getting all pissy because other people are laughing at it not me......calm down there champ

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I said it was fucked up too, your the one getting all pissy because other people are laughing at it not me......calm down there champ


No way man...he's serious business...always...joking around is not allowed...ever...for serial.

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Um... so your thought process is... im going to actully do this to you, after i scorned someone else for doing it? R-tard. You are douche for laughing at someone else being tormented for no reason. Youre still 19, and at that age that you think almost anything is funny. I dont even know why i waste my time.



i'm 23 and i found it funny. i guess i have a warped and fucked up sense of humor. immature? hardly. i laugh all the time when i fuck with inmates at work. seeing shit like this reminds of me work. it's easy for me to relate things to do what i do and what i see, so i try to find humor in everything.

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The 2nd guy looks just like JP Coltboostin.... take a 2nd look LOL!!!




Im not watching the video again to check- but this is something I would NEVER do!


These ignorant fucks have nothing better to do with their worthless lives, and guitar hero must have been to much for this evening- so they do this? Im the kind of guy that would wing the closest hard object at their car if I witnessed this happening, just because Im 100% confident they would not do a fucking thing about it. and- they had it coming.


Payback is a bitch.

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i'm 23 and i found it funny. i guess i have a warped and fucked up sense of humor. immature? hardly. i laugh all the time when i fuck with inmates at work. seeing shit like this reminds of me work. it's easy for me to relate things to do what i do and what i see, so i try to find humor in everything.


Well my uncle Greg is 47 and still hasnt really grown up... guess every family has that guy that just wants to party to the end.

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