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Digital photo processing questions


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I'm into astrophotography a bit and would be much better at it if I could use photoshop and similar programs more effective. Anyone have any suggestions on how to learn. The most important part of astro processing is combining say 50, 3 second exposers into a single image of 150 seconds of light exposer. I've even downloaded a number of image stacking programs that are suppose to make this process easy, but I can never get them to work properly. Any ideas?



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Have you tried Using Registax?


I've not used it but those that I've seen have had excellent results.




You might also look into the forums at cloudynights (http://www.cloudynights.com/ubbthreads/ubbthreads.php?Cat=) - you have to register just like CR, but it's worth it. Just like CR :D


Another good site is run by a guy named Samir who is a contributor at dpreview amongst other places....not sure if you surf there or not?



His site is huge and has a ton of info on the matter. Great sample shots too.

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Yeap tried all programs that were free from cloudynights.com and also tried registax. I can't seem to get them to work. I have used one a long time ago that was very simple that did work, but it was a free trial and cost $40 to buy it.


I hadn't seen Samir's site yet. Thats some very useful information on that page. Really explains a lot in technical terms that I can use. Thanks.



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