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Cops called for Answering my Door !


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bad call.


so you live in dublin and you answer the door with a gun, sending your family running up stairs. Thats a little extreme imo. Im not going to go on a long rant, delve into why i think its extreme or my political views. i would do some research maybe go down to your local precinct and ask them about home invasion percentages, use of force laws etc. things that apply to your area.


im all for prepare for the worst and hope for the best, but for me that doesnt mean hiding loaded guns around the house.



last one....justification of force...a minor law infraction dosent warrant things like a shooting. You cant legally shoot at someone for simply trespassing. the same way police cant shoot after someone who runs from them(as long as they dont think he has a weapon or is a danger to anyone else)


From your story it sounds like you just wanted them to be aware that you had a weapon and are prepared to defend yourself...but just keep that in mind in the event where you are prepared to use deadly force.



edit: As this is a public forum, everyone on here has had different upbringings and specific events in their life that help mold who they are today. From my upbringing and life events, i havent ever had to deal any confrontations involving guns(thankfully). I mean i grew up in gahanna. Alls im saying is i dont want this to turn into a " im right, i have the right to carry a gun and ill use it" kind of conversation. I think its interesting to see the various points of view on gun control..then again just about every other conversation on here seems to be about guns or pot.;)

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I am by no means saying you did a wrong thing b/c something like this has happen to my dad, kinda. The people could have pressed brandishing <--sp a deadly weapon charges on you and it would have been there word against yours even though they wher eon your property. you wife would have not counted as a witness as she would normally be on your side.




Wrong. You would never find a prosecutor that would accept that filed charge or complaint.

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so you live in dublin and you answer the door with a gun, sending your family running up stairs. Thats a little extreme imo. Im not going to go on a long rant, delve into why i think its extreme or my political views. i would do some research maybe go down to your local precinct and ask them about home invasion percentages, use of force laws etc. things that apply to your area.


im all for prepare for the worst and hope for the best, but for me that doesnt mean hiding loaded guns around the house.


I dont agree at all. Just because you may live in a slightly more affluent area of town doesnt mean you should 'let your gaurd down' on your family's safety. As for stats, their just numbers. There could be 1 home invasion robbery in the last 10 years in that area, do you want to be the 1 victim?

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honestly, i think you did the right thing. hindsight is 20/20. anyone can look at your situation and say what they "would" have done... but thats while theyre sitting at their computer. its a different story when youre actually in that situation. you did what you had to do at the time, and it worked out.



i used to take the subway to school every day in 10th grade. on a crowded subway, some guy bumped into me and when i looked up at him, he said "give me your wallet and your cell phone"... i pretended to be scared, said "OK!" reached into my back pocket, and pulled out a 6" hunting knife. lets just say he could have been in the olympics, because boy did he take off running FAST!

this was in italy though, and there arent as many violent crimes as there are in the states. I wouldnt do that here, because chances are the guy would have a gun.


its our instinct though. i was woken up one night at 3 or 4 by breaking glass, my whole family ran out into the hallway confused. they started checking all the windows, while i immediately grabbed my baseball bat and my CO2 pellet gun (that looks REAL) and stormed out the front door. we want to protect our families, and we do what we must, even if it isnt always the best idea.

(my dog had knocked over some huge vase though, haha)

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Well your "Fila Brasileiro" is a nice dog, but I hope you don't mine when its guts are pulled out of its mouth. I'm even a dog lover, but I'd kill one that was attacking me without any trouble. I force a coyote to back down the other day when I stepped under my garage door and was literally 2 feet from it nose to nose. I was prepared to rip it to pieces.


True though the dog owner would be something to have to deal with, but nearly any dog that actually was intent on protecting its territory would live a few seconds and the owner better be tough or they'd probably piss themselves with surprise at how fast the dog gave in.


I still say he did the right thing. 2 Forced entries happened in Westerville at my old place the exact same way. One right across the street from me. 2 or 3 guys knock on the door in the evening selling something and when you open it they push in with a knife/fire arm and rob you. I do hope someday someone wants to try a knife with me again. I have always enjoyed untrained assaults from scared idiots. Too bad out were I live now they'd require a gun to rob someone because nearly everyone out here are probably nuts enough to shoot anytime.



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I live on the edge of Dublin/Worthington and Columbus to be exact. No matter where it is, home invasions and violence happen everywhere. More likely in my area as why rob someone in the slums for anything but drugs. The nice stuff /valuables aren't in the slums. Crime goes to where the "loot" is.


I also didn't send my family running. My son was the only one downstairs; and I sent him upstairs as I knew it wasn't just a neighbor and that given the situation, I wasn't going to pull out my firearm in front of him for an obvious number of reasons.


I do appreciate your insight and opinion on the matter so please don't mis-judge my posting(s). Perhaps you feel keeping firearms in the house and within logical reach isn't for you but I disagree. I keep them for both sport, as my wife and I both shoot, but also for personal protection. We have a very open floor plan and spend the majority of our time in our great room and thus it's my call to keep one hidden there with a trigger lock on it.

Bad call. So you live in dublin and you answer the door with a gun, sending your family running up stairs. Thats a little extreme imo. Im not going to go on a long rant, delve into why i think its extreme or my political views. i would do some research maybe go down to your local precinct and ask them about home invasion percentages, use of force laws etc. things that apply to your area.


im all for prepare for the worst and hope for the best, but for me that doesnt mean hiding loaded guns around the house.


Not sure if you're just stating the below as a point, but keep in mind, I wasn't going to shoot anyone for trespassing. I was prepared to do so should one of them force entry. Given that, regardless of weather they had a weapon, once someone enters my home and steps into my entryway with force, I would most certainly have shot them in fear for my life and without creating a full blown debate, wouldn't be at all afraid of defending that in court. Especially given the time of day and manner of the event.


You're right on the weapon part. I wanted them to know I was very suspicious and prepared. I wasn't in anyway simply trying to intimidate anyone. Showing a gun in a parking lot full of kids is much different than a home owner in fear and protecting his family.


Thanks for the feedback.


last one....justification of force...a minor law infraction dosent warrant things like a shooting. You cant legally shoot at someone for simply trespassing. the same way police cant shoot after someone who runs from them(as long as they dont think he has a weapon or is a danger to anyone else)


From your story it sounds like you just wanted them to be aware that you had a weapon and are prepared to defend yourself...but just keep that in mind in the event where you are prepared to use deadly force.

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Getting the gun out was the right thing but you should have called the cops and NEVER opened the door. Like Brian said, showing the gun, even in a non-aggressive manner was a mistake also.


Another thing people need to be careful about is when a stranger comes over to the house to pick something up that you have for sale (craigslist etc). Always try to meet the person somewhere or if that is not an option be sure to have a back up plan (weapon near by) in case shit goes down. If you come to my house to buy/pick up something, my 9 is always on my side.

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Dude, that's one big ass dog to consider fighting. They are what 180lbs? I know our boxers are 75lbs of pure muscle and they could easily take me down at more than twice their weight. Add in a fierce bite and the speed of an athlete, I'd not want to mess with one.


Well your "Fila Brasileiro" is a nice dog, but I hope you don't mine when its guts are pulled out of its mouth. I'm even a dog lover, but I'd kill one that was attacking me without any trouble.
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The dog I'm speaking of is only about 150lbs. I doubt you could kill a dog with your bare hands. I mean, Fila weren't trained to hunt down people or anything. There aren't stories of them getting shot while fending off intruders, or ripping through their cages.
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I will not take that bet. I wrestle with my dogs all the time and it takes all 230lbs that i have to get enough leverage and grip to keep them subdued (they are squirmy little buggers). I have noticed that when up right it is much easier to fend off a dogs attacks as long as you are not scared of them. Most people get killed by dogs when they are running from them. If you go toe to toe and stay alert you have a better chance of winning.


Back on topic. Everyone will have their opinions, but you cant ignore the fact that his tactic worked.


The question now, is how would the people of CR handle it if it happened to them tomorrow?


If I had a storm door I would crack open the door with my dog at my side and a gun in my hand. The gun would be out of their line of sight, but it would be loaded and ready to go.... Or I would tell them "I no speaka dah engleesh" through the closed door ;)

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Damn, stories like this make we want to get a gun license.


Don't need a license to own a gun, just to conceal carry. Although its not prominent, open carry of a firearm is legal.


There are no such brandishing charges that can be made, according to the Ohio revised code there are no such violations. Waving the the gun at someone is threatening and one can be charged with such. Holding a gun is no more threatening than carrying it in a holster, especially on ones own property.

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I know for a fact that on at least 2 occasions in Vinton County a man fired at and at least one time hit ATV/dirt bike riders. He has also threatened to shoot my 4x4 club and we ride on a township road (very unimproved) that goes through this guys property. He considers us trespassers even though he's been confronted with deputies and the county engineers have sided with us over the route of the road.

The most that was done to the guy firing the weapon the time he actually hit a rider was 2 or 3 days in the jail and released after the judge heard his case. Nothing more has ever been done and as far as we know he still feels he has a right to shoot us for being on that road. Technically he's in violation of ORC just having a loaded firearm on that road though that would be an extreme technicality since the road is only mud and we can only follow it with snow on by using our GPS's.


Just figured I'd throw that out since we are on the whole guns/laws/property thing again.



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Good job handling the situation. You were 100% right in your case, especially with your family home at that time. Other than someone with ill intentions, who the hell would be knocking on the door @ 9pm, not to mention when you tell them to piss off, they don't leave. Dublin PD shouldn't even be carrying guns either, let alone give a speach about firearm safety :lol:
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I know for a fact that on at least 2 occasions in Vinton County a man fired at and at least one time hit ATV/dirt bike riders. He has also threatened to shoot my 4x4 club and we ride on a township road (very unimproved) that goes through this guys property. He considers us trespassers even though he's been confronted with deputies and the county engineers have sided with us over the route of the road.

The most that was done to the guy firing the weapon the time he actually hit a rider was 2 or 3 days in the jail and released after the judge heard his case. Nothing more has ever been done and as far as we know he still feels he has a right to shoot us for being on that road. Technically he's in violation of ORC just having a loaded firearm on that road though that would be an extreme technicality since the road is only mud and we can only follow it with snow on by using our GPS's.


Just figured I'd throw that out since we are on the whole guns/laws/property thing again.




Was this the guy in the valley where we had to drop down the 90° drop into the creek bed, to get around his fence/gate? That was fun!

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Hippy chiming in late: I like what ya did. Nevermind protecting your family and all that shit, because you weren't. If they wanted in and you dead, you would have been, killers just don't wait. If they wanted in, it would have been with a foot when you unlatched the door. If you wanted them to be protected, you should have never even made a sound. Just move the kids upstairs and turn your lights off. If you want to be nice, shout through the door and ask what they want.

The people bitching about over reacting have never read a story about Home Invasions. Just be a bit more strategic about your actions.


What I like is you telling the fuckers to piss off with cold steel authority. What the fuck were they doing at you place that fucking late at night? Next time, let them get halfway through their sales pitch and then shoot them in the kneecap. These people piss me off... or is that obvious? :)

All after-dark salesmen should be greeted with a large gun and no shirt.

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I know for a fact that on at least 2 occasions in Vinton County a man fired at....

Familiar story. We run into these guy on occasion when we do rallies. They think that they won the road because they have the only house on it. I and some other competitors had a bead drawn on us at the Ohio Winter Rally, and stories of "shots fired" from days gone by are common. One incident in michigan ended up with the armed man in the middle of the road with a shotgun, shorts, and boots. He closed "his" road to traffic, and even had the balls to not respond to the cops orders to drop the weapon.... it didn't end well for him.

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Sounds like you did the right thing, but I would have at least asked them what they wanted and why they were there in the first place. It would bother me if I never found out their intentions.


Maybe they were walking by and noticed you left your dome lights on inside your car, and in an act of kindness they wanted to inform you so your battery won't die, or something of that sort. Doubtful, but you never know.

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