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Plowing question.

Johny Utah

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I work for a company plowing snow in the winter. I know some of you guys plow on your own. Just wanted to know how much you would charge for a lot like an Arby's or a Wendys. To plow it, salt it, clear the walks and put down calcuim. Just want to see how much money they are making from me doing it for them. Thanks
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Remember, the company is also paying for the equipment, paying to repair the equipment, paying to fuel the equipment, as well as paying you, paying taxes on you, workers comp, unempoyment insurance, and keeping the lights and phone on in the office.

The lawn shop I mechanic for does snow in the winter, just residential, and he takes in $1200 every time it snows 2"-4", of wich most goes to fuel and labor expenses.

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