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Legal advice: stop light malfunction


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I was involved in a pretty bad accident yesterday. I was driving to work through grandview. I went through a traffic light which I swear to god was green. A lady in a crv pulled out, I thought she was turning right so I kept going. She kept going straight and broadsided me, my car is officially totaled. She has witnesses on her side saying her light was green, and I am completely certain that mine was too. The interesting thing is that I have a camera phone picture of the same traffic light last summer where both the red and green were illuminated at the same time, so I know that this light has malfunctioned before. Does anyone know how I can go about fighting this? Is there any record kept of whether or not a light malfunctions? I was cited as having ran a red light which is something that I have never done before in my life.
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So... even IF you ran it.. the other person still hit you basically in a TBone correct?

Tough call, accidents are a PAIN in the ass to deal with really. I dont think I would have cited anyone in that.

You could always contest the ticket, either way if it gets dropped Im sure she will try and sue you anyway for all the damage and the trama you caused her. With the sue happy world we live in your fooked either way really.

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yea, you need to contest that ticket


that's going to be a rather big thorn in your side if it goes to trial


having that picture of the stoplight might help

Hell, i'd sit there for a few hours and see if it happens again (and be ready with a video camera or something)




If you look on the back of it, it'll say something like "mailing in payment for this ticket is an admission of guilt" etc

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all they will tell you is that if the light was not working is that you should have treated it as a 4 way stop it sucks but your probably fucked

If the light wasn't working at all and she T-boned him, it would be her fault, as she hit him.


But the light was working, just green on both sides, which is something you can't tell.


But with the other witness, you are f'ed without some damn solid proof.

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sounds like a job for a video camera and some time to catch it in the act. I would try for similar times of the day as I know some lights change functions/timing based on the time of the day. Note: Sawmill Rd. and 270 exits do.


Side note: They really need to fix Sawmill/270 for when it snows too.



Get all the pics you can to help you out.


If I was you I would go and sit somewhere near that intersection and hope to catch those lights messing up again and then snap a pic..

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