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Going to Divorce Court (Licking County) on the 24th. Any Advice?

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I'm going to be a free man after the 24th of this month. I am scared to death because we have 1 child and Im so affraid that I am going to get the shaft as far as time with my son... The mom (aka bitch) will not agree to my proposed parenting plan (EOWE with me also having him every Monday and Tuesday nights) She wants him EVERY WEEK NIGHT.. but she says that I can see him "a couple of hours after school on Mondays and Weds.!!... Bull Shit!! I'm filing for resentital parenting for school placement purposes.


Anyway.. Im writing this because I am preparing my case (I can not afford an attorney) and wondering what I should expect. Has anyone on here been thru this?? Anyone go thru it in Licking County?? I have Judge Steiner. Any help would be great... Thanks!!

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I went through a divorce, bitch took everything from me, I just thank God we didn't have a child, but I can say if you don't have a lawyer your screwed man.....I feel some of your pain not all because we didn't have a kid, Good luck man, hope you come out on top
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is she a bad parent?


if not, unfortunately, 9 times out of 10, the judge will side with the mother. the couple that my fiance used to nanny for, they had shared custody (SPLIT COMPLETELY DOWN THE MIDDLE.....) the father would have them one week, then the mother would have them the next... ALL WEEK


ya, he's still paying out the ass in child support even though IMO there should be absoltely no child support since all custody is split down the middle.


good luck man... the courts in my opinion are really screwed up.

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After my mother died my father remarried. The lady he marrired opened up credit card accounts in his name and his business name. She ran up 45k in credit cards right before the divorce without my dad knowing. She was buying stuff for her kids. Computers, clothes, jewelry etc. My dad still had to pay her 15k support. That was licking county too.


My advice is to bring lots of KY and grab your ankles.

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I disagree....the system isn't necessarily one sided. Most will side with the mom in favor of money because typically the father makes more and the issue of custody isn't discussed around the best welfare of the child but rather how much the father is going to have to pay. My wife is a divorce lawyer and gets clients from both sides. I see it all the time.


There is no best solution. Divorce is hard on the kids regardless. What I've seen is the best solution is usually a 3 day/4 day custody agreement. All depends on how close the families are though.


Some say keeping the kids on a routine is best. M-F with one evening is typical. EOWE is very typical. It's though because EOWE means you usually have a parent with little knowledge or involvement in the child's life during the week and it ends up as a a kid in their room with headphones on waiting for the routine of M-F to kick back in.


Best thing to do is get a lawyer and work it out with the child's best interest in mind. If you come off as it's not about the kid and all about you not having money, then the judge will pick up on that and you'll be toast.



it really amazes me how one sided the system appears to be
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Get a good lawyer, NOW.


You'll be spending that money one way or another, and probably more in the long run without a lawyer. You can't afford to NOT have a good lawyer.


That said, you are probably fairly screwed this late in the game.



QFMFTx ELeventy Billion

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they really are correct about the lawyer thing, unfortunately


Once this order has been established, you can't simply open it back up for review in a few years when you realize you were screwed or could have done better


You need new circumstances and more $$$/time/energy at that time to review what's going to happen now



Hopefully the facts aren't that complicated. If you're calling her a bitch already - it's probably ugly and nasty...

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Guest LSWON333
Get a good lawyer, NOW.


You'll be spending that money one way or another, and probably more in the long run without a lawyer. You can't afford to NOT have a good lawyer.


That said, you are probably fairly screwed this late in the game.


Ah hell just do what I do and DONT get married!!!

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Luckily not all women are bitches. Though they all are to some degree. :D

pretty much.....one thing i hate is that everything they do makes sense to them and you can't change their mind on that. Do what YOUR heart/brain tells you to do and not what you "think" she wants you to do. Even if you do what she wants, it wont satisfy her cause she will want MORE.

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Guest LSWON333
I have a daughter, I just never got married ;). She hasnt taken me to childsupport because she knows shed get fucked if she did cause im self employed. I only made 25k last year ha ha ha. If she isnt budging on the situation with your boy, you will have a hard time in court especially if you dont have an attorney, but i suppose it really depends on the judge. She might try to bring up any dirt you might have on you in court, so she gets what she wants (your kid) so keep that in mind. That goes both ways though. Tell the judge she is a swinger and she likes to smoke crack, you should get what you want if that flies!lllol jk good luck though
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Guest LSWON333
I have a daughter, I just never got married ;). She hasnt taken me to childsupport because she knows shed get fucked if she did cause im self employed. I only made 25k last year ha ha ha. If she isnt budging on the situation with your boy, you will have a hard time in court especially if you dont have an attorney, but i suppose it really depends on the judge. She might try to bring up any dirt you might have on you in court, so she gets what she wants (your kid) so keep that in mind. That goes both ways though. Tell the judge she is a swinger and she likes to smoke crack, you should get what you want if that flies!lllol jk good luck though


We may as well have been married... I was with her for 7 LONG years.

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I have a daughter, I just never got married ;). She hasnt taken me to childsupport because she knows shed get fucked if she did cause im self employed. I only made 25k last year ha ha ha. If she isnt budging on the situation with your boy, you will have a hard time in court especially if you dont have an attorney, but i suppose it really depends on the judge. She might try to bring up any dirt you might have on you in court, so she gets what she wants (your kid) so keep that in mind. That goes both ways though. Tell the judge she is a swinger and she likes to smoke crack, you should get what you want if that flies!lllol jk good luck though

yeah but seeing your daughter around another man/father type figure has to bug the shit out of you?


and yes being self employed really does have its perks.

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