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Time Warner secret memo about capping bandwidth


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Don't worry, WOW isn't doing any of this throttling or tier BS.


I thought WOW already offered tiers to their internet service? They did 2 years ago when I bought my house. That is why I went with RR at the time.




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It's in the news. They want to charge people by how much bandwidth they use. Considering how much time I spend on XBOX Live, this could hurt me. Looks like I might be looking for a new cable provider.




Time Warner Links Web Prices With Usage

Thursday January 17, 1:53 pm ET

Time Warner Cable Will Do Trial on Setting High-Speed Internet Charges Based on Usage


NEW YORK (AP) -- Time Warner Cable will experiment with a new pricing structure for high-speed Internet access later this year, charging customers based on how much data they download, a company spokesman said Wednesday.



The company, the second-largest cable provider in the United States, will start a trial in Beaumont, Texas, in which it will sell new Internet customers tiered levels of service based on how much data they download per month, rather than the usual fixed-price packages with unlimited downloads.


Company spokesman Alex Dudley said the trial was aimed at improving the network performance by making it more costly for heavy users of large downloads. Dudley said that a small group of super-heavy users of downloads, around 5 percent of the customer base, can account for up to 50 percent of network capacity.


Dudley said he did not know what the pricing tiers would be nor the download limits. He said the heavy users were likely using the network to download large amounts of video, most likely in high definition.


It was not clear when exactly the trial would begin, but Dudley said it would likely be around the second quarter. The tiered pricing would only affect new customers in Beaumont, not existing ones.


Time Warner Cable is a subsidiary of Time Warner Inc., the world's largest media company.

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My satellite internet provider, WildBlue (South Central Power), tells you how much bandwidth you're allowed per rolling 30 days. I've got the highest package, a whopping 1.5Mbps, and I'm allowed 22 Gigs. If I exceed that, they slow my connection to a crawl (as if it wasn't already). I've only hit it once, because I forgot to turn off my Bit Torrent client while I was gone for like a week. My upload speed sucks balls, but it was on long enough for it to hit my transfer limit.
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Capping bandwidth could bring a screaming slow down to piracy over night. Truth.


It would also bring a screaming slow down to... you guessed it, screaming slow downs! Although my experience with RR has been getting better over the past 2 or 3 years, there is still and always will be the problem of one or two big time 'hogs' trying to take all the bandwidth, especially at peak usage times. I say F them, I don't download 100GBs of anime or porn or ISOz or wtfever it is that those freaks fill their hard drives with, so I for one welcome our new hog-punishing overlords.

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This could affect (and probably has, as I had issues a few weeks ago) with my BitTorrent stuff I do. Hmm... :(


your stoned. Your torrents are not fucked up from anything here. If you read which apparently no one has is its a TRIAL. There are trials of all kinds of things that never goto production.

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I thought WOW already offered tiers to their internet service? They did 2 years ago when I bought my house. That is why I went with RR at the time.





Those tiers are connection speeds, 4mb per sec, 6mb per second, and 6mb per second with a 1mb upload per second.

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I thought WOW already offered tiers to their internet service? They did 2 years ago when I bought my house. That is why I went with RR at the time.




Speed tiers; Warner and Insight have them too. Not everyone needs the fastest connection speed offered; most don't to be honest.

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