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Tomb of Jesus -Discuss.


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You mean there is no possible chance they just had poor aim and based on the randomness of the universe they just missed?


If god protected you why does he let innocent children die?

If god fucking protected you why is my aunt dieing of fucking cacner and wasting away in a unhumain fucking way



If you by any means think god did shit other then watch your wrong. Its just bull shit that people take a random experiance and if its good thank god. Fuck that I anit seen god do shit to save my lil sister who died during birth


I anit seen god do anything to make my uncle who died better. His ex wife cheated and he got aids from it. I anit seen shit to protect my aunt.


So if god protected you why not them? You know why? Because he don't intervien.



God provides hope not intervention. God provides guidance from inside oneself.

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Not sorry for offing those bastards :D I'm still religious, I just haven't been practicing like I should. There's a reason I'm still alive and it's not because I'm that damn good. Ohhh so many bullets/road side IED's/RPG's to dodge by myself.

Remember Scott, he put them on the earth to put those RPG's etc.. there... and to miss while shooting at you....


dude, when all the dust settles, you are just that... dust... you don't matter to this big rock that keeps on spinning around... it just keeps spinning regardless of if we die or not.

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You guys made me dig up my bible for this. You slackers.


God still allows suffering and death because of Adam and Eve choosing the way of Satan. Ever since then we are born sinners. Go read Genesis 3:16-19. God explains to Adam and Eve that they will now experience Death and Sorrow for their actions. Death is not the work of a "unjust" God, it's the consequences of sin.


Also Romans 5:12 says "Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:". This means to me everyone is born a sinner.


It isn't until Revelation 21:4 that it explains there will be a time when Death and Sorrow is taken away forever.

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You guys made me dig up my bible for this. You slackers.


God still allows suffering and death because of Adam and Eve choosing the way of Satan. Ever since then we are born sinners. Go read Genesis 3:16-19. God explains to Adam and Eve that they will now experience Death and Sorrow for their actions. Death is not the work of a "unjust" God, it's the consequences of sin.


Also Romans 5:12 says "Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:". This means to me everyone is born a sinner.


It isn't until Revelation 21:4 that it explains there will be a time when Death and Sorrow is taken away forever.


I'm laughing. No, really. I really am. I'll try to make this quick as it's 'clean the house day'. Real quick, I'd like to thank Thorne for his "Godly intevention" on Pandora and also making me laugh. I'm listening to Pandora right now, too, but no intervening for me. :(


Let me sum those bible quotes up for you.


Many of my family members were prosecuted for crimes they committed. (This is true.) So, I'm at fault too? Even for those crimes committed before I was born?


How would you feel to be punished and know you will spend a lifetime paying for the sins of your father or mother or great grandfather and great grandmother? Utter bullshit. Where's the forgiveness? The understanding? Any LOGIC whatsoever from what is supposed to be a supreme being? Born into sin. :rolleyes: So much for "Love the little children". Should be "Punish the little children". What else you got?

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How would you feel to be punished and know you will spend a lifetime paying for the sins of your father or mother or great grandfather and great grandmother?


It would make me feel more inclined to be a better person. It would force me to try to be better then my grandparents. I take this to heart because replace grandparents in your previous quote with "parents" and that makes a Trowa.


Where's the forgiveness? The understanding? Any LOGIC whatsoever from what is supposed to be a supreme being? Born into sin. :rolleyes: So much for "Love the little children". Should be "Punish the little children". What else you got?


God forgives you if you ask him to. You have to really mean it and detest being a sinner. After this there is no problem.



There is your logic.



God doesn't punish little children. According to my religious teaching if a child dies before they can understand, what God is, and how to accept God into their heart, they go to heaven. After they understand this they have a choice to do it or not. It is free will, something God gave us.


Take that however you want. I am not trying to change your beliefs. I am just explaining what my beliefs mean to me. That is all.

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Here is what i dont get...


God knows all, everything that has happened and everything that will happen. Therefor He already knows where you are ending up, so how is that free will? Your path has already been made



Yes it is made by your actions. Just because God knows what you will eventually do doesn't mean it is his fault.

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[NomexSuit]Science and Faith are NOT mutually exclusive. In fact they support each other.[/NomexSuit]


The choices you make in the future can, theoretically, be known and you still have Free Will. Will you stop at that Red Light? Yes. Does that take away your Free Will? No, you coudl easily drive right through it. But knowing the outcome doesn't change the fact that you made the decision.

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ok, if there is a god, then who created him? Was God's creation the "Big Bang"?


you can't just say, "he has always existed..." at one point, "it" (since God cannot have a gender because it is not needed) did not.... so how did it come about?

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Guest 614Streets
Here is what i dont get...


God knows all, everything that has happened and everything that will happen. Therefor He already knows where you are ending up, so how is that free will? Your path has already been made



Because you yourself choose your path. Holy shit you guys might not ever see what its all about lol. Knowing does not make it any easier. The essence of god cannot control anything.




You mean there is no possible chance they just had poor aim and based on the randomness of the universe they just missed?


If god protected you why does he let innocent children die?

If god fucking protected you why is my aunt dieing of fucking cacner and wasting away in a unhumain fucking way



If you by any means think god did shit other then watch your wrong. Its just bull shit that people take a random experiance and if its good thank god. Fuck that I anit seen god do shit to save my lil sister who died during birth


I anit seen god do anything to make my uncle who died better. His ex wife cheated and he got aids from it. I anit seen shit to protect my aunt.


So if god protected you why not them? You know why? Because he don't intervien.



God provides hope not intervention. God provides guidance from inside oneself.


So god has provided you with hope and guidence from inside yourself yet your so angry with him or the idea that someone who has all that "power" would defy your needs for an everlasting life with no defiance from what you and the world of history has determined to be evil?


What about the evolution of man theory that went on a couple months ago. Won't we as people be better once we discover murder and diesese and all bad things we consider bad are no longer considered too. As if we too are cattle equal for slaughter and slavery. Well?


Im just having fun here folks relax. :)




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