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Economic stimulus package WTF....


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Ok so let me get this straight. Please correct me if im wrong i read it a few times it doesnt make sense. (maybe im just ignorant)


They want to mail us money from 800-1600 dollars to stimulate the economy.


Yet as a country we are vritually broke were is all the random extra money coming from.


Im not complaining ill take free money (technically i already paid for it somewhere)


Can someone put this in "stupid person terms" for me.

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1) They print the money, the federal reserve not to long ago printed billions and injected it in our economy mainly trying to somehow help the stock market / housing / loan issues.


2) Russia and China have bought up tons of our debt


3) I do not really understand it either but I think it is a bad idea. People need to start living within their means, and not accept free money to spend on pointless shit / borrow money for luxuries.

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Fuck giving more taxes back. Lower the price of oil instead asshat.




Force the oil companies to give profits back as dividends, directly to whoever bought gas. Exxon has cash on hand to cover a pretty big 'stimulus package'.


On another note, am I the only one immature enough to laugh whenever a politician says something like 'this is a big stimulus package designed around sustained growth'?

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I was wondering when someone was going to say something. I was going to post it earlier but didnt have time. I'll never claim to be an expert when it comes to economics, hell not even a novice at that. But this just doesnt sound like a smart move for the country. If we're already in trillion's of dollars in debt, how is giving us money to spend going to help anything? I understand its to stimulate the economy, "give joe blow a check for $800 and he goes out and buys a tv, or a satallite radio, or something stupid like that". But what happens afterwards? Now every household in america that has a combined income of UNDER 100k has a shiny new toy, great. Awesome. Now what?


Maybe I'll take it and buy a gun, so when we hit the depression I can defend my house from being looted of all its food and supplies. Sounds like a plan. :)

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Force the oil companies to give profits back as dividends, directly to whoever bought gas. Exxon has cash on hand to cover a pretty big 'stimulus package'.



That is the point they have plenty of money. Lets go back to a dollar a gallon of gas.

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It seems to me it's only a temporary fix to placate the masses. Or...


It's a huge digital tv conspiracy created to run in conjunction with this:


"Later, Congress mandated that February 17, 2009 would be the last day for full-power television stations to broadcast in analog. Broadcast stations in all U.S. markets are currently broadcasting in both analog and digital. After February 17, 2009, full-power television stations will broadcast in digital only."


Now, I won't even begin to get into the true implications of this here, however, this is a round about way to get people to go out and purchase digital and hd tv's.


Conspiracy over. :D

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Ok guys, I wouldn't consider myself and expert, but I have a degree in finance, so here is what I have observed.



Stimulating the economy is EXACTLY like stimulating a clitoris, you've got to know what makes it hot and what makes it cold, what buttons to push and when to push them. The mission that they are trying to accomplish, isn't throwing us back in to a growth spurt, they are merely trying to limit volatility. The up and down stuff is just too much for the typical consumers mind.


There is a general downturn in the overall economy, it's not just housing, it's a multitude of factors. So instead watching the economy OVERREACT, they want to watch it shift SLOWLY without great shifts. The idea is to retract into a recession slowly.....all the while, people get scared that they aren't going to have enough money so they save it...........and one day things start to look better and people say, you know what.....things are looking good, let's buy this and this and this and this.....and then you have an economic upswing.


It's all cyclical and it comes in waves and what the goverment will try to do is throttle that bandwidth.


The stimulus package is only supposed to be 40 billion, while it's not going to cripple us.....it may definitely help, our federal government just needs to quit adding to the deficit, period.


If we could stop the government from spending more than they bring in, THAT would bring more stability to our economy than anything else.

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Bringing this thread back from the dead.




So apparently single people will get 600 (not 800 like previously believed) and couples will receive 1200.


Per the article, we could receive checks as soon as June. So whats everyone going to do with their 600?

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1200 for me.....


So i would have to say my 1 year anniversary is in July guess ill have to take the wife for a small weekend getaway somewhere nice. Now that i have a house and a pretty good sized yard Im buying my lil boy a Motorized Big wheel he will love it. Im thinking Escalade or Jeep Hurricane Or a Corvette C5r. (Without the money this would have still happened this just makes it free)

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So whats everyone going to do with their 600?


$1200 for me, too. Probably pay my stupid taxes... :(


Edit: "Those who earn up to $75,000 individually or up to $150,000 as a couple will be eligible for the payments, said Republican and Democratic sources familiar with the tentative deal."


Nevermind. Guess I won't be getting anything after all.

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1) They print the money, the federal reserve not to long ago printed billions and injected it in our economy mainly trying to somehow help the stock market / housing / loan issues.


2) Russia and China have bought up tons of our debt


3) I do not really understand it either but I think it is a bad idea. People need to start living within their means, and not accept free money to spend on pointless shit / borrow money for luxuries.

spot on!

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It's a huge digital tv conspiracy created to run in conjunction with this:


"Later, Congress mandated that February 17, 2009 would be the last day for full-power television stations to broadcast in analog. Broadcast stations in all U.S. markets are currently broadcasting in both analog and digital. After February 17, 2009, full-power television stations will broadcast in digital only."


Now, I won't even begin to get into the true implications of this here, however, this is a round about way to get people to go out and purchase digital and hd tv's.


Conspiracy over. :D

Not even close. The gov't will be giving vouchers for people to buy set top boxes so they can still use their analog TV's.


And for the last time...THIS DOES NOT IMPACT CABLE. Cable can broadcast analog until the cows come home; this only impacts the cheap bastards with rabbit ears.

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