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video card question


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so i just picked up a video card, and installed it, turn it on.. nothing happens..

im just assuming its because i need a bigger power supply. mine is only a 300 watt and this card needs atleast a 350watt.


would this be true, or should it still show something on the screen??

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another question.. how is this card.. i read some reviews said its a decent card.. not the best, but for what im after.. and for what i paid for it i cant complain.

i was running call of duty 4 on the old card GeForce 6200se 64mb with just a little lag, this new card should be leaps and bounds above that right??

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They are dirt cheap these days.. I got a 600 watt for like 70 a couple years back... i would imagine they cost less now... and yes I would say that it would be power issues...if that doesnt work make sure your BIOS settings didnt change. I had a problem with that once.
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If the video card fans start buzzing really loud when you power it on, chances are you do not have the card connected to the power supply. I'm guessing you don't have any PCI-X Power supply connectors but you can purchase a 4 pin molex to pci-x adapter for like $4-5 from microcenter ect.
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more than likely the x1300 does NOT require an external power connection

and honestly, that card is gonna do squat for gaming, but it will work pretty good for a Media Center PC

for decent mid-level gaming i would say x1650, 2600, 7600, 8600

mid-high level gaming would be x1900, 2900, hd3850, 7900, 8800gt

if you want to game i would say stay away from the entry level cards like the x1300, 2400, the 6200, 7300, 8300 cards


just my 2 pennies

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