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Dog attacks multiple people.

Dr. Pomade

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funny (well, maybe not funny) story about attacking dogs


i do collections...i called a guy about 2 years ago about a ford account. as soon as he gets on the phone, he goes "i dont have time to deal with this, my wife just got killed by a pack of dogs!". so i kinda let him know i think hes full of shit, without being to offensive about it and saying it that blatantly. well, after a minute, he hangs up.


so i go google "texas", "dogs", and the guys last name. ill be damned if his wife actually got killed 2 days earlier while she was on the mower...the neighbors 5-6 rott/pitt bull mix got out and attacked her as she was getting off the mower. she was like 80, so i doubt she could do much.


i felt like a bit of a dick after i found out he wasnt lying

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Hmm maybe a more intelligent person would've straddled the dog grabbing the loose skin under its mouth on the neck. Then applied a downward pressure asserting dominance. That dog wasn't even in attack mode.
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