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Helicopter pilot questions


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Been seeing commercials for Silver State Helicopters http://www.silverstatehelicopters.com Is this type of training for real? I read the site a bit and looks like (in simple explanation) you do their training course, become a trainer for their course, and while teaching you gain the necessary flight time to get hired by some company.


Anyone know anyone that has actually been successful in a course like this?

Also guess the same question can be asked about http://www.beapilot.com



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Good luck getting a job as a helicopter pilot. There are plenty of Army vets out there with thousands of hours competing for jobs flying helicopters. If you really want a career as a pilot, you are better off flying airplanes.


The training is real. You start off with an instructor, log training, take the aircraft on a solo flight, log some more time with an instructor, take the aircraft on a solo flight to a few different airports, then you take a check ride with pilot examiner to receive your certificate. After this it starts all over with more advanced training to become instrument rated and commercially certified.


I'm a flight instructor at Ohio University. I only teach in airplanes and I don't know much about helicopter training. Feel free to PM me if you have any more questions. With flight schools you should never pay for the training up front. Many schools have gone bankrupt and screwed their students out of a LOT of money. Flight training isn't cheap. Plan on spending $10,000 to $80,000 depending on the ratings you go for and where you go. Helicopters usually rent for around $200 an hour.


Go check out your local airport. They might offer helicopter training. The Fairfield County Airport north of Lancaster provides helicopter rental and instruction. Here is their website http://www.fairfieldair.com/

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Not really gonna ever get around to it, but I just like browsing. I've always been way to deep into MS Flightsim and have flown fixed wing a few times with an instructor. I've rode in an old national guard Huey(sp?) Was nice and loud:-)


I just like adding things to my lists of certifications from time to time. Years ago when I had more time I studied all the stuff from ground school to instrument rated. Home schooled from the time I was 10 so I had way to much time on my hands.



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