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Hypothetical situation about gas...


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You guys are only looking at the downside! Yeah, 5 bucks is a steep order, but look how many fewer brokedicks and douche nozzles are on the road!!


Thats the spirit.


But, those same brokedicks will be siphoning gas out of anyone's car who isn't in the garage. You'll have to stay up all night with a gun guarding your minivan.

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WHat do people in England and the UK in general do now? gas is what $3 or $4 dollars a liter over ther now. They adapted to it so would we.


public transportation... and it works.


The problem with that over here is, a large state is as big as a country.

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BINGO! If you drive a truck/SUV and want to pick up a small "beater" thats good on gas. Goodluck. Every small 4cyl car will be way over priced and that hunk of 'merican steel sitting in your driveway will be about as worthless as your 13mpg rating.


If gas hit $5 I would have to at least CONSIDER moving close enough to work to ride a bike everyday. Even if it was just in bearable climates you could still ride at least 10 months out of the year and if your close enough to ride its not like your using alot of gas even if you do decide to drive. If gas went up to $5 it would take roughly $60 to fill up my piece. $60 would suck on a weekly basis but on a monthly basis wouldnt be so bad.

dude, I pay 60 dollars every 3 days, I dont' want to hear about your complaining about 60 dollar fill-ups

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Guys, $5/gal isn't unreasonable or unthinkable. Europe pays that now. They have been.


Let's put the money into perspective. Right now I have a Grand Cherokee that gets about 18mpg, and has an 18gal tank. It costs me $54 @ $3/gal to fill the tank. I get roughly 324 miles per tank. I use around a tank of gas each week. So my total fuel cost for the year is $2808.


So, say gas goes up to $5/gal. That would cost me $90 per tank, $4680 per year. That's a difference of only $1872 per year, $156 per month. That really isn't that big of a deal. If you change your driving habits, get a vehicle with better fuel mileage, etc... you can easily drop that in half or more.


$5/gal isn't the end of the economy. If anything, I think we SHOULD pay $5/gal. Have a $2/gal tax that goes directly to public transportation projects (light rails, trains, etc). It would deter people from driving so much, and offer an alternative. I'd take a train to work everyday if we had one. When I go to San Fran and Chicago for work, I don't rent a car. I just take public transportation everywhere. It rocks. If we as a country could get our heads out of our asses about gas prices, we could have public transportation just as good if not better than Europe. It isn't just the big cities that need it.

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dude, I pay 60 dollars every 3 days, I dont' want to hear about your complaining about 60 dollar fill-ups


Sweet jesus. My brother drives an expedition and it costs about that much to fill up. But he works less than 5 miles from home. I could/would never spend that much on gas. 60/week is roughly 240/month, but if your filling up at least twice a week thats like 480/month. Thats crazy.

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Guys, $5/gal isn't unreasonable or unthinkable. Europe pays that now. They have been.


Let's put the money into perspective. Right now I have a Grand Cherokee that gets about 18mpg, and has an 18gal tank. It costs me $54 @ $3/gal to fill the tank. I get roughly 324 miles per tank. I use around a tank of gas each week. So my total fuel cost for the year is $2808.


So, say gas goes up to $5/gal. That would cost me $90 per tank, $4680 per year. That's a difference of only $1872 per year, $156 per month. That really isn't that big of a deal. If you change your driving habits, get a vehicle with better fuel mileage, etc... you can easily drop that in half or more.


$5/gal isn't the end of the economy. If anything, I think we SHOULD pay $5/gal. Have a $2/gal tax that goes directly to public transportation projects (light rails, trains, etc). It would deter people from driving so much, and offer an alternative. I'd take a train to work everyday if we had one. When I go to San Fran and Chicago for work, I don't rent a car. I just take public transportation everywhere. It rocks. If we as a country could get our heads out of our asses about gas prices, we could have public transportation just as good if not better than Europe. It isn't just the big cities that need it.


I agree, $5/gallon isnt the end of the economy but at what price would you consider buying a more fuel efficient car or consider drastic changes to your lifestyle? $7, $8, $10 a gallon?


Most American cities (especially in the midwest) are far too spread out to really reap the benefits of public transportation. Of course it works for places like London, NY, Chicago and San Fran (parts anyway) because they've learned to build up not out. Urban sprawl has spoiled us. I would love to take the train or monorail to work everyday and not have to worry about the making a car payment every month and extra money to maintain a car but its not possible in Columbus unless you live on campus.

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Here's a very interesting chronology of gas prices: http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/international/gas1.html


Cliffs: Gas prices have basically doubled in the last decade, with most countries in Europe paying more than $7/gal.


Steady increase in demand means the price can only go up. The question is simple: do you move to bike/walk range to work and adjust your life, or do you invest in a hybrid/electric/whatever and keep on truckin? I can't even fathom filling up a 15MPG vehicle to drive to work right now, much less when prices are higher.


oh and you guys are saying it wrong. it's POINT FIVE OAAAH.

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