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I need to buy a shower and corner sink...but where?


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I'm redoing my ghetto bathroom.


I bought my house from the original owner, built in 1968. This bathroom is a sad addition to the house...it is embarassing. I've finally decided to do something about it.


So far I've gutted it. Wall sanding/patching, new floor, trim, etc...that's the easy part. It is a SMALL bathroom: 6'7" wide, 5' deep. The toilet, due to the drain, is squeezed into one corner.


I want to get a corner sink, and a corner shower. The current shower is the most ghetto $25 setup that I can't even figure out where you would buy such a cheap thing. It sits in a corner; 2 sides next to drywall, 2 sides exposed.


I want one of those triangle-ish designs, save some space. Problem is, they are a bit harder to find, and pricey. Lowes/Home Depot don't have much; Andersons had a few, and so far is my best choice.


I also want a corner sink (again, the triangle-ish look). Andersons is the only one so far that has one, and it was EXPENSIVE ($400...understand I can get a square sink from them that looks decent for $80). This is a tight budget project; I hope to be out of this house within 2 years, so I'm not sinking a bunch of money into it.


Where else can I look? I was pleased that Andersons was far better than Lowes/Home Depot, but I need more options.

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im currently redoing my bathroom and putting in a half bath.

looking at allot of stuff the corner sink and corner shower stuff is more expensive so prepare to pay more for them.

we have a menards by us,not sure if you have one of those by you.

also you might check tile places as they have bases where you can tile up the wall or floor if you want oto do your shower that way and make it look nice.

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Is it possible to knock out the outer wall(s) and build a new one? Or would that not work?


The bathroom and the kitchen is the only 2 rooms you will get money back from when you sell. If the bathroom is very small I suggest making it bigger.

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Is it possible to knock out the outer wall(s) and build a new one? Or would that not work?


The bathroom and the kitchen is the only 2 rooms you will get money back from when you sell. If the bathroom is very small I suggest making it bigger.

Not possible. This is an add-on bathroom; house was only "designed" for on bathroom. Previous owner was a do-it-yourselfer...I've had to undo a number of things the idiot did.


Let's just say I had random car parts seep up out of the back yard for the first 2 years I owned this place. I nearly had an electrical fire from where the moron added skylights, and instead of correctly lengthening an electrical wire so he had clearance, he took whatever small gauge scrap wire laying around and twisted it together. I only new this because the circuit died, traced it to some glowing wires! Luckily this bathroom is the last of his hacked up crap I should need to deal with.

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Well shit you have work cut out for you then. I can't say I have ever been in a bathroom that small. I don't know anything about triangle showers.


Could you maybe forget about having a sink in there so you can have a bigger shower?

Or maybe you could remove the shower all together and install a large one in your basement?

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