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$299 Playstation 3


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My manager told me a few days ago that he was told at a conference that Sony is discontinuing the 80gb PS3 and dropping the price of the 40gb from $399 down to $299. They're also going to be making a white version (those racists!). With this drop, I can definitely see Microsoft adjusting the 360's selling price accordingly. Just a heads up for anyone looking to get a system soon, or looking for a sub-$400 Blu Ray player. :thumbup:
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that kind of sucks, the 40GB cannot play any PS2 games (but can play PS1). The 80GB can play most with emulation. The real deal would be a used 60Gb, which is what i would get.

If it's that big of a deal, take the $100 you're saving and buy a Playstation 2. ;)



Most people end up not playing older games once they get a next-gen system or they still have a PS2. Sony knows this.

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I heard it was close to being obsolete


I won't argue with that too much, but I'll never buy a blu ray player. In fact I'm close to never buying a Sony product ever with the way they are going about this whole blu ray thing. I never liked Sony, this is just adding to why I don't like them.


Blue Ray wont stick around.


One of them is going to be the HD video format for the next 5-10 years (at least) so which one is it?




Hmm, I just glazed over that, and I've read it before. But I thought it was the article that stated that it doesn't make much sense to go over what would be considered something like 1200p. Which isn't a very big step up from 1080p. So as long as cooler heads prevail and marketing doesn't win, which isn't likely, there will never be anything beyond 1080p. It wouldn't make economical sense to pay a premium for a display with slightly higher resolution. Especially for during the early adoption phase, which without early adopters new technologies never hit the masses. What we will see are things like higher refresh rates and larger color gamits. Which we will see a visual improvement in, assuming the displays can handel it and the content was originally filmed in it. Currently both Blu Ray and HD DVD are at 1080p/24hz (commonly called 1080p/24) and I can only assume at NTSC color gamit. NTSC color gamit, IIRC, is only covers about 1/3 of the human color gamit. FWIW from my shopping not many current displays cover the full NTSC color gamit. We will probably (maybe?) see DVD’s in 1080p/60 and a full human color gamit covered. There’s already a ‘standard’ out there called deep color. Both of which (higher refresh rate and deep color) I would assume are possible, or just about possible, from both Blu Ray and HD DVD. Displays can already do 1080p/60. I think there are a few examples out there, albeit prototype or very expensive, which can do deep color. HDMI (v1.3 I think) is already capable of both of these, although that is a moot point because by the time they (higher refresh rate and deep color) are around everything will be wireless (but maybe still some HDMI wireless?). The biggest thing is everything’s being and been filmed at NTSC color gamit and everything now is being filmed at 1080p/24.


Sorry, went off on a tangent, love talking about this stuff.


gamit=gamut, I can't spell but I'm also not patient enough to go back and change all of them.

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Downloadable content will replace the HD-DVD or Blu-Ray disc. If Apple didn't fuck us for another 2 weeks I would have my Apple TV Take 2, but they delayed the update for HD content. When I get to see a display showing a HD movie, if I am satisfied, I will buy one of those, I will not buy a disc player.
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Despite online reports suggesting otherwise, SCEA says a $299 PS3 is nothing more than wishful thinking.


"We have no plans for any pricing announcements on PS3," a Sony representative told GamePro in an email on Tuesday. "What you are hearing is purely rumor and speculation."


Rumors of a PS3 price drop to $299 surfaced on Monday in connection with the newly confirmed white PS3.


According to multiple (and some hokey) reports, the $299 PS3 news stems from "several posters at SlickDeals.net," something a website administrator later clarified to just one vague and dated reference on an unrelated thread



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Despite online reports suggesting otherwise, SCEA says a $299 PS3 is nothing more than wishful thinking.


"We have no plans for any pricing announcements on PS3," a Sony representative told GamePro in an email on Tuesday. "What you are hearing is purely rumor and speculation."


Rumors of a PS3 price drop to $299 surfaced on Monday in connection with the newly confirmed white PS3.


According to multiple (and some hokey) reports, the $299 PS3 news stems from "several posters at SlickDeals.net," something a website administrator later clarified to just one vague and dated reference on an unrelated thread



I'm going by what I was told, by my manager who has monthly conferences with Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo reps. There were also no original plans to discontinue the 60gb version or taking away backwards computability. Look how that went.

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If it's that big of a deal, take the $100 you're saving and buy a Playstation 2. ;)



Most people end up not playing older games once they get a next-gen system or they still have a PS2. Sony knows this.


im on my 2nd PS2,paid $80 for a refurbished one at game stop.

i still enjoy playing gran turismo 4 or some shooter game on it.


i just can't justify blowing $3-400 on a game system.


in 2 years,the 360 and PS3 then will be $150,then i might buy one.

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